New fluffy thread previous:>>715240839

New fluffy thread previous:



I tried, I failed

i don't like the concept of conciously evil fluffies. sorry.

OMG this is a disgrace, everybody that likes to make any other thing suffer is truly a horrible person, all of you are psycopaths that should be sent to prison! This is very illegal and if you don't stop this kind of behaviour I will call the cops and send all of you to prison! So stop it and say sorry!

oh, pity. i guess it will have to vanish from the face of the earth now.

so you want us to go into jail for looking at fake creatures
that never can exist
getting abused
you have to be put in jail


When did i say that

Nice job, you have potential, my dude
Thanks for taking the request and doing it so quickly!

I'm going to take requests and fail miserably so, taking requests

just make a happy fluffly babbeh playing with balls or some shit, while an anvil falls from the sky

a fluffy getting special hugs by a hungery horny snake

the non-autistic road to take when you don't like something is to ignore it, not to jump to the front with an apology that you don't like something

Continuation to pic related, and the muwwah and babies are captured, and the babies are killed in front of the mother



a tv show about fluffy mares that have to eat other mare's foals, and the first one have their foals back


a brightly yellow fluffy with white mane and tail got hit to the left side of its face and lost its eye together with most of soft tissue in the whole area. the would is mostly healed, hard tissues are exposed. there used to be a nice picture of a nigger in rekt thread with such condition.




Not bad! Also, I colorized the picture you drew in the last thread. The way I do it is open the picture in Gimp, trace the lines on another layer, and add the colors on a layer between the sketch and the lines. I used the bezier curves/path tool for the lines to get the lines that straight.

Ok, here ya go

Hugbox idea: Fluffy asking its owner when the sketties are ready, and the owner telling it that "a watched kettle never boils".

The fluffy then covers its eyes with its hooves to help the sketties boil faster, while the owner sighs at it.

thanks dude
turned out better than i expected
maybe you ain't really an autist

>happy fluffly babbeh playing with balls

Like this?

A baby is bestest baby when it's the same color as mother right?


or a smartie I think. I'm not too good on the cannon though.






The whole baby hierarchy thing is a hellgremlin invention for people who want to hate fluffies without feeling remorse. I heavily recommend not using one.











Some other site besides
Lately it kinda sucks...





Sadly, it's the only fluffy site that all content goes to. There are other boorus too, but no one uses them.

Then there's also some fluffy content on Derpibooru, which you can find by setting filters to Show Everything and searching for "fluffy pony".







i dont get the black fingerpaint...if its to imply he painted the fluffy BLUE then...ahh nvm...

I think he painted a black nose onto a blue fluffy

This is the fluffy I'd love to read a story about! Just imagine what kind of pain nuts like that would be to an animal as accident prone as fluffies are? Even coming down a staircase ought to be worth a short story in itself!

More fluffy on fluffy rape


Sorry I tried but I can't

Rape is good ONLY if neither fluffy enjoys it.







He put a dib of black paint on the fluffy's nose and glued red shoes to its back hooves. The owner was pretty much trying to make the fluffy look like Sonic the Hedgehog.


Could you post the whole story?


As long as the fluffies are raping eachother

Why do you guys like this?


That was the only one I have.


What is that black thing in pannel 4?

Walmart already does this with plants.


It's cathartic. Had to have the same conversation with my gf once.

Follow the thread and you'll see the appeal yourself.





It's part of a "sorry stick" and the artist drew it "in use" so it may be kind of difficult to determine what it is from it being kind of blurry.


Anyone who fall for THIS is a retard


i would love to see a snake goeing rampage on a fluffy



Sorry stick with motion blur?

