Continuation of a Game of Sup Forumsros

Continuation of a Game of Sup Forumsros

MUPDATE: Turn 19
Open Houses: None
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Event: Fall is Here - Everyone receives a +1 S bonus for all Siege rolls

Baratheon > Surround Dragonstone, cede DS T to Targaryen

>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag, Lord of Storm's End and Summerhall, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Tully

Siege the Golden Tooth

(1/3) WDNS

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

Remove arryn and stark
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

Siege The Twins
>Shrug Arryn, King of the Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in original borders.

Push everyone out of the fucking Westerlands.
>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>NAP: Arryn

surround DS, spill Lannister for RR
>Cregan Stark, King in the North, Lord of Winterfell, Protector of the Realm
>Ally: Arryn
>Bonus: WiC (0/1)
>KitN +1T everywhere; +2T in Stark lands

Push towards Crakehall to surround

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)


MUPDATE: Turn 20
Open Houses: None
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Event: Swip Swap - All simple gets are reversed i.e. 1=0, 2=9, 3=8 etc. (Includes sieges)

Baratheon > Siege King's Landing, use OitF bonus into Arryn

>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag, Lord of Storm's End and Summerhall, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Tully
>Bonus: OitF (1/3)


Surround the Golden Tooth

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

Push everyone out of the Westerlands.
>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>NAP: Arryn

1 spill

Drive back the Targaryens and the Baratheons.

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

siege DS
>Cregan Stark, King in the North, Lord of Winterfell, Protector of the Realm
>Ally: Arryn
>Bonus: WiC (0/1)
>KitN +1T everywhere; +2T in Stark lands

Remove Starks and Arryns
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

Spill into the Reach.
>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>NAP: Arryn

Surround Crakehall and the Golden Tooth, activate Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken for next turn.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

My armies have stormed King's Landing, Prince Rodrick. With the resources of the Reach perhaps I should make myself King and recognise you as an independent monarch. Agreed?

>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag, Lord of Storm's End and Summerhall, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Tully

>tfw 4d pali but it doesn't count for shit because event

Manisk does the pali take land from me because the event?

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

From you? No. You gained 3 Ts which was just enough to do everything you wanted to.

Sounds good to me, you have my full support.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

MUPDATE: Turn 21
Open Houses: Tully
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Checked, and thanks for the reply.

Siege the Golden Tooth

(0/3) WDNS

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

Siege Crakehall

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (0/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Then with the support of House Martell I proclaim myself King of Westeros. May all those who oppose my reign be ground into dust.

Baratheon > Arryn

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Tully
>Bonus: KoW: +1

I propose an alliance.

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

4 spills. Stark blocks (I know but you have to say it)

Kill the targaryens.
>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

Push out the Martells.
>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>NAP: Arryn

Redirect to Lannister actually

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Tully
>Bonus: KoW: +1

I accept, King Arryn.
>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>Ally: Arryn

Attack the Starks and Arryns

>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

attack everyone i border equally in this order: targ, lannister, GJ
>Cregan Stark, King in the North, Lord of Winterfell, Protector of the Realm
>Ally: Arryn
>Bonus: WiC (0/1)
>KitN +1T everywhere; +2T in Stark lands

- UUU'd
MUPDATE: Turn 22
Open Houses: Tully
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Baratheon > Siege Crakehall, cede to Martell

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Tully
>Bonus: KoW: +1

Siege Crakehall

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Siege the Golden Tooth

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

As High As Honor
Attack The Baratheons and Targaryens.

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

Don't you still want Crakehall?

Also can I have the Shield Islands?

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

No spills (since you rolled a 1) but you already sieged Golden Tooth last turn

Defend against the Starks and Arryns
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

Push everyone out of the Westerlands.
>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>Ally: Arryn

Looks like you already have it Lady Kraken.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

3 spills

You may keep it. King's Landing is more than enough, provided the Seven let me keep it. Of course, you may have the western Reach as a token of goodwill.

OOC: Cede my 3 most western Reach T's to Martell

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Tully
>Bonus: KoW: +1

You are down to one stronghold and are no longer a king.

Submit to the Iron Throne and be shown mercy.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Oh, didn't think a 5 was enough, even with the added bonuses

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

GT like BG, MC and PP is only 6+ from its weak-side

We have had our differences in the past. But we can all agree the false kings of the Vale and North are scum. I will recognize neither as king. But to you my lords im willing to assist taking down those tyrants. The dragon recognizes your strength. I offer a NAP to all of you in exchange of keeping my lands untouched and i will assist you in the war against the false kings.
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

Thanks m8, I will support you forever.

Cede all my land north of Crakehall to Greyjoy.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Baratheon spills.
Suck my dick Sand Cunt.
Enjoy being the Stag's Fuckhole.

>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>Ally: Arryn

MUPDATE: Turn 23
Open Houses: Tully
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Agreed, recent events have shown our cooperation to be mutually beneficial. Consider yourself a friend of the royal House of Baratheon.

Baratheon > Arryn

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Targaryen
>Bonus: KoW: +1

Martell > Lannister

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Siege CR.
Use Hear Me Roar to autosiege Crakehall if possible.

>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>Ally: Arryn

Did you take into account my house bonus? Not complaining just making sure.

Attack the Baratheons.

2 spills. Stark blocks

forgot sig

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

My alliance dance card is full but you are no enemy of Dorne.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Into Lanni

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Targaryen
>Bonus: KoW: +1

Yes but then Targ attacked you

Ok, thanks.

Attack the Arryns once again. Head towards the Vale
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

Land north of Moat Caillin
Activate this thread's We Do Not Sow

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

OoC: be honest, your only goal is to have a game that never ends, right?

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Stark attacked me, so, why wouldn't I attack him?

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

You should probably name Targ as Hand.

Also help me kill Lannister guys.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

MUPDATE: Turn 24
Open Houses: Tully
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Siege Moat Cailin
2/3 WDNS

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

For your dutiful service I name you Hand of the King on my Small Council.

Baratheon > Surround CR

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Targaryen
>Bonus: KoW: +1

Reclaim the Westerlands.

>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>Ally: Arryn

Well while you attack him Lannister fucks you in the butt. Attacking Stark around Riverrun and taking Lannis last stronghold eliminates an enemy from the map.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Kill the Targariens.

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

Out from Crakehall > Lannister surround CR

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Surround River Run
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

Fair enough, I will send my best warriors to aid you in this

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

Stark > Greyjoy
>King Sean, the Shadow of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and King in the North
>Winter is Coming (1/1)

Great, just remember that once the Westerlands falls their land is yours.

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Thank you your grace. I will serve you and recognize you as the one true king.
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone, Hand of the King
>NAP: Baratheon

MUPDATE: Turn 25
Open Houses: Tully
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Event: Seven Hells - Anyone that rolls the same as OP will fail in their siege attempt or lose -5 Ts based on their actions

Siege CR

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Targaryen
>Bonus: KoW: +1

Keep attacking Targariens.

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

Push everyone out of the Kingdom of the Rock.

>King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>King of the Rock (+1 Everywhere, +2 Westerlands)
>Ally: Arryn

Dragon RR
Attack lannistet
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone

Siege CR

>Lady Dalia Greyjoy
>Lady Reaper of Pyke
>Ally: Martell

Stark > Greyjoy
>King Sean, the Shadow of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and King in the North
>Winter is Coming (1/1)
>IK: +2 Ts in the North / +1 T elsewhere



Attack them to their stronghold.

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.

Out from Crakehall > Lannister, surround CR

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (1/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

3 spills

too late :^(

Surround Lannister fortresses if possible
Otherwise, north of Moat Caillin

MUPDATE: Turn 26
Open Houses: Tully
Open Schisms: Bolton, Crakehall, Harlaw, Mallister, Redwyne, Royce, Swann and Yronwood

Push out from RR
>Lyoto Targaryen, The Dragon of Dragonstone, Hand of the King
>NAP: Baratheon

Baratheon > Arryn

Begin the conquest of the Vale!

>Storm King Steffon Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
>Allies: Martell
>NAP: Targaryen
>Bonus: KoW: +1

Siege CR

>Rodrick Martell: the Silver Serpent, King of Sand and Soil, Prince of Dorne and the Reach, Shield of the South, King of the Rhoynar, Defender of the Faith, Flower-Stomper,
>Allies: Baratheon, Greyjoy,
>Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (0/1), Bountiful Harvest, King of Sand and Soil (+1 t everywhere, +2 in Dorne)

Keep attacking Targariens. Focus on their stronghold. If spills attack them on the West.

>Shrug Arryn, King of Mountain and Vale, Protector of Runestone, Keeper of the Bloody Gate, Rightful owner of King's Landing.
>Allies: Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell
>NAP: King Tybalt Lannister, First of His Name
>Bonus: +1 T everywhere, +2 in Vale.