Who was behind Indiana Jones?

Who was behind Indiana Jones?

Who kept funding all his trips and operations? There was clearly an entity of some kind behind all of it

Big Museum Inc.

Marcus, museums, previous sellings of great findings... it was not that difficult, OP

The Illuminati.


The University he worked at.

the jews of course they're behind everything even the holocaust

It's an unsolvable mystery OP

This. They mention in the first film that Marcus is his source of income and that what he brings back he sells to pay for the next outing.

What I want to know is how he can continue teaching when he's out killing Nazis and shit.

well killing nazis doesn't invalidate your teaching licence apparently

It's a pretty good excuse but when I pay my tuition I want my teacher to be in class, not out killing Hitler.

Probably has a just as qualified teacher to cover for him when he's on expeditions.

Didn't he start killing nazis before WW2?

How did he afford that then? The american government must have been aware of that


God, my dear user. God.

He's a professor

You know universities pay professors for research in addition to teaching, right? Like do you think modern archaeology professors have to go to foreign countries on their own dime?

Well in the first movie the opening scene with the idol, that trip was funded by Marcus. His expedition to find the ark before the Nazis was funded by the government. The temple of doom one idk. The last crusade he was funded by the guy who ended up being the bad guy. He was used as a patsy to find dr jones Sr and find the Grail.


Because he's Indiana Fucking Jones
In all seriousness he probably has one of his T.A.'s that he bangs do it

if your a good professor you dont spend much time actually teaching outside of irregular seminars. The top dog big dick professor in my department of study at my university only gives a handful of lectures a semester on top of a few workshops, outside of that he just does research.

He's a paid treasure hunter. He and Marcus talk about it in Raiders, and Belloq is doing the same thing. Marcus is his agent, and he gets hired to go out and find items for private collectors. He's able to get away with it because he probably has tenure and can get a TA to cover for him (I have a professor that constantly leaves to do shit and gets away with it). It's also stated in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull that he did work for the CIA.

All of this is completely believable by the way. In the early twentieth century, it was pretty common for academic archaeologists to moonlight as treasure hunters to help pay for their research, and a number of archaeologists were hired by the government as spies around WWII. I've heard a lot of people complain about how unrealistic the character is as an archaeologist, but he's way more accurate as a character of his era than most people realize.

