Looking for ALL the anti-feminist shit you've got, so I can user email it to my fem theories teacher...

Looking for ALL the anti-feminist shit you've got, so I can user email it to my fem theories teacher. I'll start with what I have.

Quick story on why:

Me. Femanon. Hate feminists.

I just finished a feminist theory class (required humanity credit) in which I was asked to stop sharing my opinion, multiple times.

I even got a zero on a paper, in which I followed all of the guidelines and requirements, but defended men in modern society.

Give me your fucking worst.




>in which I was asked to stop sharing my opinion, multiple times.

100% you have autism.


Hey, try this thread:

You must be right, because I am 100% not sure how that sentence gives me autism...

On multiple occasions, I made comments in the defense of men and, rather than fueling collegiate discussion, I wasted to stop sharing my opinion.


Most people are murdered by an acquaintance. Random murders by strangers are pretty rare. That's what makes serial killers so hard to catch. Police usually interview friends and family of the murder victim and can get some pretty good clues as to who did a murder. But if somebody is killed by a total stranger out of nowhere the police have nowhere to start the investigation.

Oh, perfect. Thanks.

speak out in class, maybe you made it a joke, nobody laughed or were serious and nobody agreed/cared, either way you should shut the fuck up after the first time.

>mad enough to post about it online


long but good read on why allowing women to vote and work is and was a bad idea.

Anyone have feminist fail stories? Butches that cry rape and get shut down by the cops, that sort of thing?



It wasn't something that happened on the same day. It was just throughout the semester. I would be like, "I don't feel that constitutes as sexual harassment," or, "Maybe women should get higher-paying degrees," and then, rather than discussing, I was blatantly told I was being argumentative and asked to stop.

I'm really confused as to how attempting to participate in class, having a different opinion, and not caving to feminazi ideals makes me an autist.

But, given that one of us clearly has a mental retardarion, it seems unlikely that I will ever understand what you're going for here...

All the anti feminist shit posted on Sup Forums is factually incorrect at best. You're just going to make yourself look like even more of a retarded autist.

I'm not looking to be correct right now. I'm looking to be funny. Also, most of the feminist propoganda is equally incorrect, as it s primarily based on outdated statistics and emotions..

If you want some anti feminist stuff you should try Sup Forums.

That's racist.

Migtow much?

The best story would be if someone lied about a rape under oath and the was successful convicted of perjury. God that would be fantastic #maketestimonieslegallybindingagain

>in which I was asked to stop sharing my opinion, multiple times.

Maybe you were being an insufferable prick? I don't like SJWs and feminazis any more than the next guy, but chances are really high that you're just an asshole, kind of like 'that guy' who keeps defending atheism even though no-one's asking him to.

And what was the point of mentioning that?
Was it just to get some extra attention, was it?
It was you piece of shit.

>sage goes in all fields

please post paper

>long but good read on why allowing women to vote and work is and was a bad idea.
Thanks for summarizing. Now I don't even have to click on that image. You saved me time and frustration, on what would undoubtedly have been a poorly thought out argument.

Thanks, user.


I could be you're just a shitty writer.

Link it on Google Drive.

You may want to check the numbers before you put it into a paper

Lol "it's equally incorrect" it not a valid argument.

Lets say you got to a doctor and ask antibiotics for your cold. He decides to do some bloodletting. Both therapies are equally wrong.

This is the most simplistic bullshit I've read on here in a long time. How the hell did you read this and find it in any way convincing?