20 bucks to the first person to put her full frontal nude on her sisters timeline! I have both

20 bucks to the first person to put her full frontal nude on her sisters timeline! I have both

ok so post them please :)

Send them and I'll do it

Post the images and the link to the account you want them sent to

Has to be on her sisters timeline

What's her sisters timeline? Send a link to it


You are kinda shitty at this, what is the link to her timeline dicklord?

Her sisters

facebook dot com slash michelle dot carrigan dot 92

He just posted it!

Hers is private that's why I said her sisters

I don't see it on her timeline?

No I said he posted her sisters profile!

Which is what he was asking for to be posted on

Whose doing this for 20?

dude. stop.
There are now 3 threads with this shit.

Last warning.

Not seeing it on her timeline

Nobody posted it on her sisters timeline

Edgelord cuck. Try me


Guessing op got scared

So do it

Do it!

Can't post to timeline, but someone posted on her photo..

Why not just pst the nude?

Very good question, i am not the one who posted..

That's messed up

Indeed, and it's 50 minutes ago it was posted and still not removed yet