Anyone interested?

Anyone interested?

50 dollar bills lol fag

What do I do



why don't you give one of those 50s to someone to clean your fingernails you scrub

clearly you sell water softener equipment or bottled water. shitty life bro

I knew that was coming lmfao. I deliver 5 gallon jugs to the better half of central illinois. I have to earn my money, sorry I don't have metrosexual hands

I love it actually, women stare with lust, men with jealousy. I am my own boss except for the monthly meeting. 60k a year at 26 isn't bad.

What do you do for a living?

P.S. I also like to take braggy pictures of my money before I use it to pay most of my rent..

> being so retared as to ask a question that got asked already, and answered.

way to go, me.

I like where your coming from.
Pro Tip: Channel that energy from arm muscle to brain muscle. I bet you have the foundation for being a successful B2B sales without lifting shit. Not that lifting is bad but it limits your earning potential.

Go forth and conquer

Send me Bitcoin fucking asshole

You make $30/hour delivering water bottles?

Ya , fuckers get people on contract. worse than the cable company. we just ditched ours and buy wholesale ourselves.

Drive a water truck from customer to customer delivering 5 gallon jugs of water. Some days up to 80 stops, 240 bottles, and 300 miles of driving

No contracts here. If you don't want it or don't pay your bill i'll pick the equipment up and we'll turn you into collections. We don't have time to try and squeeze money out of dirt bags with contracts.

Hey op big whoop

Well thats a lot better than our experience. The bitch with a contract is even with bad service i cant ditch you. Not raggin on you op.

With my bonus incentives and promotionals figured in that's just what is recordable. I also get about 10,000 a year in Xmas tips. That may sound like a lot but it's not considering I have 2 thousand customers and offer excellent service. Being an awesome people person helps that too

Grats, fam. You're doing OK. Now learn to invest. I'm buying a quadplex next year to make a side income off of.

I didn't mean to seem defensive, that's just a common misconception I hear everyday when i attempt to solicit after I finish my route. I take great pride in what I do, and if I didn't go beyond and above your expectations let me know what I can do to make it so next time.

Good to see a fellow winner

hey fuckers.
money weed pussy.