Post the person who redpilled you

Post the person who redpilled you

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How is freshman year going so far?

Chomsky is a based GOD.

The people you learn about in freshman year are probably the most important to learn about, that's why they come first. There's a reason.



Fuck humanities education. They are laughable marxist fanboys, even Chomsky acknowledges it. If I procrastinated on a paper, or didn't know what to right about, I just spew Marx references and Marxist jargon and I always get at least a B minus.

My master's thesis could be 14 pages of poorly written erotica of Marx raping Milton Friedman in the ass and no one would have it within them to give me an F, I might even get a C if I draw pictures




Out of touch ppl r the best

This guy did, a few of his oligarchy documentary's and globalism stuff. However I dont support his push for marxism nonsense. He supported Hillary which made me lose even more respect for him.









Mark Twain.
Robert Crumb.

supporting hillary in the wake of Trump and actually endorsing/liking her are two different things

I haven't been Red pilled. I haven't been Blue pilled either. I was purple pilled. By myself.

here you go

Fuckin this

And yet it's right-wing ideology that's correlated with low intelligence, lack of education, and living in a fantasy dreamworld.

I was red pilled by Hitler... but I still have a democratic point of view. I don't care about your feelings, fact is fact.





yep, that's why you're posting this on your soviet computer running a soviet CPU communicating over a global computer network invented by the soviets

o wait


Sure you could

satan ofc


check out this communist paradise bruh

sign me the fuck up


>The rich control the means of production.
>I know, lets give the state control of the means of production, and the police, and the military.

Cause there's nothing more redpilled than complete and total trust in the state to run everything right OP?

I used to study English at an expensive private school.

I'm speaking from experience when I say Humanities programs are garbage, and the Professors that teach it are usually charlatans that turn half of the people that matriculate into their programs into obnoxious cunts with superiority complexes.

Not what the thread is about. But you dont know what you are talking about anyhow.


>lets give the state control of the means of production

But that's not what socialists want to do. Of course, leave it to capitalists to be unable to imagine an economic system without a ruling class.

I don't get it

oh yeah, so this somehow negates the fact that the USSR was an impoverished hell hole that didn't invent anything of significance

nice argument

I like how this guy swings between saying ridiculous shit, thought worthy shit and very correct shit.


I personally like McKenna because he offers a different view on what western society deems a debilitating illness, that I "suffer" from, and contextualizes it in a border context of different cultures in which it was seen as something very positive. It helped me much in accepting my fate, and accepting myself.
