Math test in pre-calc at noon tomorrow...

Math test in pre-calc at noon tomorrow. Have insomnia and ran out of trazodone so I definitely won't be abe to fall asleep for a few hours unless I take tylenol pm's which I'm guessing would make me drowsy. So here's the question, should I stay up and start studying in a few hours taking my script for Adderall to stay awake or take Tylenol pm wake up in 5 hours take Adderall and start studying. Thanks for the help fam. Pic is chubby old fwb from this year :)

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Is Trazedone the new go-to medication for us Addy users who have sleep problems?

Personally, I'd take anything that will give you 5-6 good hours so that your brain will replenish its seratonin and dopamine levels. Then get up, double up on your addy script and study like crazy.

Not really, started taking it a few years prior to my addy script. Thanks for the advice though!

Got more pics of the girl?


It's Jessi Slaughter


Take a couple hours to learn up on your trig functions... it will save you later in life if you ever take calculus


fuck trazadone man. shit almost killed me 4 years ago.

Cheat sheet so far


Pre Calc isn't hard though, took it my Junior year in H.S. Not Asian either. Weed smoking spic, former gang member from Modesto, CA. Don't cram, just take your morning easy, have time to be prepared, not worrying about being late, and maybe a quick study refresher to get you in the right mindset. You'll do fine OP

How so? I recently complained to my doctor about my sleep issues and this is what he prescribed. I've only used it twice and its extremely powerful, knocks me out within an hour, I'd probably sleep through a train wreck and unless I get at least 8 hours, I wake up so groggy it's almost like I got no sleep at all.

weird doesn't make me groggy at all

still can't fall asleep after two tylenol PM

How much study have you done, are you cramming or refreshing?

If it's just refreshing, take the sleep allowing you're going to be able to wake up after 5hrs. Take a shower and take your Adderall to clear your head.

If you're going to cram, study until you start feeling drowsy and then start abusing your adderall.

I don't envy you man, I did an all nighter before all of my nursing exams and I know how much it sucks. Good luck

I've gotten higher than an 80 on all my previous tests so I guess I would consider it refreshing.

Just don't make a habit out of abusing your Adderall. I used to OD on dexamthetamine to see me through and getting out of the habit is a bitch. I still think about dex when I have to study for work

Jessi thread


If u need Addy to take a pretty Calc test don't bother with college

lol nasty