Trump is a neo-liberal shill

Trump is a neo-liberal shill.

The thing Sup Forumstards and Stormfags love about Trump is that he's arrogant, mocking, triumphalist, and obnoxious. He's currently on a tour of only those states which voted for him, where he's giving speeches seemingly designed to make people who already hate him, hate him more. Meanwhile, he's not only not "draining the swamp," he's filling it full of alligators.

My theory is that Trump is an attempt by the neo-liberal elite to immunize the US against populism. These are not stupid people. They don't make mistakes. They saw the rise of populism and decided the best way to handle it was to put someone in office who is so completely loathsome, incompetent, and unlikeable that the country will recoil in horror and back away from populist sentiment.

Contrary to popular opinion by the delusional neckbeards in Sup Forums, most people are not sociopaths. They don't revel in hatred and intolerance, and they find triumphalist mocking to be tacky and unpleasant. Trump has deliberately recruited the loudest, stupidest, most hateful elements of US society so that people will forever associate populism with bigotry -- and assure neo-liberal rule for the foreseeable future.

And y'all are playing right into their hands.

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I had considered that very same idea, but then I also noticed how hard they are currently trying to get him out of office. Examples being for one that Jill stein cunt getting a couple mil in a day or so for the recount and when that faid the CIA makes up some shit about Russian hackers when we all know it was Sup Forums that hacked the election

Then why did they run Hillary against him? She's possibly the only candidate they could have chosen who could inspire more loathing than Trump. Bernie would have beat Trump easily, and the polling showed it. Instead, they chose to shoot themselves in the foot for the purpose of putting someone wholly unelectable in office.

Listen buddy, you really dont know whats going on. So let me fill in the blanks, and btw you need to stop the hate. We are not racist, bigot or any other stupid word- First of all, the man is 70 yrs old and was on 7 rallys in one day. Hillary would have done 1 once a month. Yes, he is filling the cabinet with powerful peeps they need alligators to eat the bottom feeders and get rid of all the evil globalists. Its a good plan, hillary and obamao is trying to overthrow the election- THATS FUCKING STUPID. Jill stein started more recounts, they will do a complete fraud and put hillary that nazy CUNT in office. People will not like this, the world will not like this. They will be prosecuted! Stop hating. We just want prosperety for ALL!! You need to wake up and see what is happening, OBAMAO AND HILLARY ARE THE EVIL ONES.

See, you're exactly the kind of poorly-educated, Dunning-Kruger mouth-breather they're relying on to help drum up hatred for populism. By the end of four years, people are going to think people with double-digit IQs like you are what "populism" means, and the neo-liberals will sweep the board -- again.

I love populism, i support it because many countries need it now. I dont even live in america, the neo liberals = DNC. So i dont know whats going on my friend, so much weird spinning. The trump train is populism, better get your sorry ass onboard you bot.

You're a fucking moron and apparently incapable of reading comprehension greater than SEE SPOT RUN, RUN SPOT RUN.

Wow you got a lot of hate in your heart, you need to see somebody! Peace and love from denmark

Why does everything have to be a fucking conspiracy? No one controls every aspect of the entire world.


That's not a thing.

>waking up a sizeable fraction of the white people and then letting them down is a "good thing"


fuck. you're smart.

You're an imbecile. And why Trump won.

Who are the "neo-liberal" elite? Trump is a champion of neoliberalism. He wants to be reagan on steroids and reagan was a neoliberal wet dream

Shouldn't you be in bed, sport?

I love our day and age where we can bitch like the pussys we are on anonymous forum bored about politics when most of us are so autistic we can't even make valid ideas on how to make a sandwhich. Thank goodness the majority of America isn't a Sup Forums fag.


I'm 48 years old, I'm a published author, I've hosted two radio shows, and I've run for public office. But thanks for demonstrating the sort of obnoxious, sneering triumphalism to which I was referring, which is going to buffalo the US people away from populism for a generation.

Everyone outside of the US knows this and has prepared for it accordingly.

Except here in the US. I keep telling this to people and they just look at me like I'm stupid. Then I remember that legally our media can present completely bias falsehoods as fact with no repercussions and I begin to understand. It's dead obvious though. He backed out on everything he promised and is completely going rogue with no rational thought process. He's clearly not in it to better his country; he just wants media attention while the liberal party gets to carefully plan their next moves and rally up enough of the larger part of the millennial group to vote next election. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't think 4-8 years of this guy shitcan us that badly. But, it's going to make enough of a stink that people are going to start coming out and voting in droves to help save what little dignity we have left.

If this isn't a shill I don't know what is. I mean, they guy is friends with Clinton. He's ensuring that the next election is basically handed over to the blue side regardless of if they get their shit together or not. The red part has officially hit edgy meme kid status and won't recover for a while.

>inb4 shitty spelling makes point invalid

"76% for Shillary winning" is all i heard. (not US)

I might respect and consider your opinion (even though it's blatantly wrong) if you didn't start off with overt name-calling.

You've got a theory, but here's why it fails. Under all those buzzwords you tried to use, there's no real substance.

You neglect to include business owners in the demographic of populace and constantly demonize them (me as a small business owner myself) instead of understanding what the government has been and IS doing at the end of this 8 years.

YOU see the populist movement as "sticking it to the man" getting your increase in minimum wage and other benefits, whereas I see the populist movement to include business owners and employees together fighting the government in unison.

I'm not saying employees and employers always work for the other's best interest but IN THIS INSTANCE WE NEED TO. The populace is fed up with having more and more jobs lost, hours cut, and full-time going to part-time. I am tired of it as a business owner.

This is not an instance of "the rich getting richer" and "the big bad business owner", it's literally the government (specifically obama's policies) causing this


by stating your exact age and your two radio show jobs, they can narrow you down more easily. just looking out for ya, mate.

Have you noticed that people who recognize this (like you) tend to be intelligent, literate, and capable of stringing a sentence together? It was genius strategy, really, to harness the power of stupidity -- the people who lack the ability to see they're being used, even while it's happening.

Hello Mr British pretending to be Australian.

Nice copypasta, and to whoever you wrote this originally.... You're an idiot.

Don't worry about it. I out myself here all the time. I'm frequently in the media, so it doesn't worry me.


I know Sup Forums is not the bastion of debate and intellectual thought 99.999% of the time, but stick with me for a minute.

With all things considered, there should be an equal balance between worker, business owner, and government. For things to function at optimal and best outcomes for everyone there has to be a balance. What has happened over the past 8 years is that balance has been thrown completely out of whack by Obama's policies. Imagine 3 oranges stacked one on top of the other with the worker at the bottom, business owners in middle, government on top. The government has been pressing down for 8 constant years, squeezing small business owners and that, naturally, results in a worst scenario for the worker beneath.

Grade: D

Is our regulatory environment better? No.

Again, the Heritage Foundation reports: “In its first six years the Obama Administration has imposed 194 major regulations on the private sector. That figure is more than twice the number imposed by the Bush Administration in its first six years.” There’s no question that the regulatory environment has increased and for those businesses operating in financial services, energy and environmental industries it seems that new regulations appear almost daily.

When I get 20 new regulations on my desk that I have to fit the bill for every month because Obama made 5 new agencies that basically do nothing, I have to cut costs somewhere. My profit margins don't change, my production doesn't change. Where else do I cut costs? From my own pay (I have done this) and from the pay of my employees. This is why more and more people are finding part-time work instead of full-time work.


If you're going to be retarded or attempt to bait people, try something a bit shorter and to the point.



Dubs of truth. How can somebody or a group of people predict things such as an election by ~100 million fuckin people. As a matter of fact, I was 100% sure Hillary was going to win in a landslide given how the media portrayed Trump but I guess I was gullible. You can't predict shit like that. There's way too many factors, from every news article to every word said by anybody to every incident happening.

Here, not only for the crackpot theories, but for the sharp corners around your house.

because it was never about the party's choice, it was HER choice. She wanted to be president even when she knew that she was hated. By the time she noticed that she had a reasonable chance of losing, she tried to manipulate the media to show 'landslides' and 'unprecedented victory' over Trump and still LOST.

maybe because a populist that says tax the rich more to provide for the poor and middle class is exactly the kind of populist they don't want.

They'd rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie.

I have. And what I've also noticed is that people fail to remember that Trump ran in 2008 and 2012 under both green and blue party, and got weirdly far both times. But it wasn't until now that he gained momentum, and that's because he started saying pre-written red party buzzword lines and gaining traction among lower class, under educated americans. Unfortunately, they make up most of the red party and half the general population outside of densely populated cities.

My theory is that the blue party realized they're in a sinking ship, but refuse to actually give up on it. I think what the better plan to do would be completely gut and revamp the blue house, but that just won't work because moving big name money families out of the active party members will make the money sad. So instead, we're nose diving into the ground with the red party as hard as we can to show everyone what happens when you let your patriotism driven ego vote. It's basically shaming us into voting blue by making us where a dunce cap for the better part of a decade.

It is actually, you've just never heard it used.

A neoliberal is an American centrist politician who bends over backwards for business. Like Bill Clinton who helped deregulate Wall Street giving us the 2009 real estate collapse


This guy gets it. Same with '30s Germany: appoint Hitler so the Bolshevists can't get in office

i had my doubts on him


>With all things considered, there should be an equal balance between business owner, foreign business owners


Trump does not give a shit about workers. If you think cutting taxes (which amounts to trickle-down economics) is good for the working classes you are absolutely deluded.


Obama has told you this is better for YOU, the worker but unless you're got some kush government job you don't benefit anymore than a sick kid when a nickel from every dollar in a charity goes to them. The majority of the money is pumped up to the government, more agencies created (we have an agency that studies how to eat bugs correctly, really?) and neither you, the worker, or I, the business owner, see nothing from it at all.

Now, both of our "groups" can agree that the government may do good things (but has a massive amount of corruption) but workers trust them to keep doing this in their own best interests? Trump has said time and time again that his goal is to pull out a lot of the genuinely unnecessary regulations which is exactly what we need to benefit both of our groups in the long run.

As a business owner, let's say I keep getting buried in regulations and costs over and over I HAVE to fire more people to maintain margins even if I don't want to. That directly hurts the middle/lower class. Eventually two things are going to happen. I'm going to run out of employees and then I'll close my doors along with millions of other businesses because I just can't stay profitable enough to live/eat/pay for my kids.

But you might say "No big deal" the government could run that business better anyway. Only they can't and they won't. Natural market forces are what drives us to the massive success the US has gained over the last 100 years. You know what drives innovation? The potential reward at the end. You think Steve Jobs would have created an ipad (or had investors willing to risk their capital to help him) if there was no potential for massive rewards at the end? No.


>Super substantive response incoming

How hard is it to operate a small business? Is it more technical or more interpersonal? Does it depend on the business? I'm taking a business class and super curious as to how people manage to run businesses. Seems so hard given there's so much risk involved; from the initial capital investment requirement to the continuous maintenance demanded.

you got a source for that pic? I want to see more of this guy's presentation! I'm in the mood for some cringe

Yes he is but. But still better than Hillary who wanted to start third world war. Now it's your problem. I prefer an US Civil war the third world war. Deal with it. If you guys were intelligent you would have voted for Jill. But 2party System cucks your democracy

>When I get 20 new regulations on my desk that I have to fit the bill for every month because Obama

Uh huh... name 3 of these regulations. I'll hold breath.

The reason Obama's first six had more regulation than Bush's is because they began trying to re-regulate the financial sector after it crashed the economy.

You Amerifats are pathetic

> "I have been saying for the last thousand years there is only one party in the United States, the Property Party, which essentially is corporate America, and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt -- until recently -- and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties." -- Gore Vidal

A lot of people have realized what's going on, but the deliberate sabotage of the educational system combined with the hijacking of public discourse by the likes of Rupert Murdoch means only the loudest and most arrogant voices get heard.

Chomsky has been warning people for 30+ years about what's happening -- quietly, without bombast, in very mild language -- and has been largely ignored simply people the loudest voices denounce him as crazy.

When will you obtuse buttplugs realize that trying to stir up an opponent by brandishing imagery they identify with because you yourself find it offensive is the most embarrassing and counter-productive strategy possible?

None of my business though.

Thanks for the cool pic OP.


Do you know what DRIVES people to take huge risks that cost them everything such as starting up a new business or inventing a new product? The potential reward at the end. Once government takes over, that reward evaporates. Innovation crawls to a halt. Investment dries up because (without the potential for exponential return on their money) who wants to risk losing the capital they invest? Obama has tried to absolutely smother the things that drive our economy. I've seen it, I've dealt with it for the past 8 years.

I'm paying a 170%~ higher rate for my employee's healthcare under the ACA which "trickles down" to them in plans that give them LESS coverage than the private providers I was dealing with before.

That's nearly DOUBLE the cost for less coverage for my workers and what do I do? I HAVE to cut my pay, I have to cut my employees pay and I HAVE to fire people or close my doors. How does that not directly hurt the working class?

Somehow Obama, or teachers, or professors have tried to convince you that this stuff's good for you but it's clearly directly hurting wages, healthcare, retirement plans FOR WORKERS.

Now, once I, a business owner am out of the way bc I've had to close my doors it's not hypothetically you (the worker) dealing directly with the government. What buffer do you have? Negotiating power? How do think you'll ever be able to disagree with anything the government decides to do to you then? They'll take more of YOUR money. They'll produce inferior products. They'll tax YOU more. There's no business owners to fit the bill for the constant barrage of bureaucracy.

They start taking more and more from you? What can you do about it? It's one single entity that controls literally ALL of the capital now and you're just a worker. You just revolt? Tear down your government? That's the end game of literally every communist/socialist society thus far in history. Cuba...Venezuela...USSR..

>not crazy
you know he shoves eels up his ass?


No proper argument. Just insults? Somethings sketchy here...

I agree with you completely but good luck trying to convince these retards about it. These are simple Marxist/socialist principles, the elites (upper class) will continue to use identity politics and whatever other issues as a means of dividing the lower classes and have them continually argue among themselves, all so they can keep going to the fucking bank. George Carlin had it right. Americans are dumb.


I understand it's easy to constantly say "damn the man" and "look at this greedy motherfucker over here" and focus on how he has more than me or less than me.

Our fight needs to be workers AND business owners AGAINST the government, NOT workers and government against BUSINESSES. Yes, the government is there to protect the people, it always has been. But when the balance between the three of us gets knocked out a whack (which has happened over the past 8 years between taxes and regulations) it's like dropping a wrench into a transmission when the car just needed an oil change.

I'm not name-calling, talking shit, calling anyone stupid but, as someone who owns and runs a business, it's impossible for me to understand how you think this guy has helped the worker over the past 8 years when the things he's put into play have hurt you over and over again.

I'm pro-Trump, and before someone tries to call me a hillbilly or uneducated or a bigot, I don't think the guy's some great white messiah. What I DO know is that he's a businessman like myself and not a politician. His cabinet choices are successful BUSINESSMEN not politicians who get paid to talk and benefit from our work as workers and business owners. He knows the regulations, he knows the taxes better than anyone at the IRS more than likely.

Put the buzzwords and shit aside for two seconds and consider the fact that he may drastically change things for the good. Have you asked yourself why the elites with actual power in the government are so afraid of this guy? Could it be because he genuinely wants to change things for workers, business owners, and everyone BUT politicians?

Give the guy a chance. Have an open mind and listen to his economic plans before you shoot him down for something like building a wall or talking shit to people overseas who don't give 1 fuck about us anyway.

You're a 1%er afraid that the 0.01%ers are going to do to you what you've been doing to the 99%. Stuff a sock in it Ayn.

you will be speaking Russian in no time. Russians are the enemy that helped rig the election and yet you still remain in denial. A true idiot of trump and putin. I hope the US goes to war and only trump supporters go. Never would I risk my life or fight for trump and putin go right on ahead inbred.

Im confused. If they are all in on it, what are they in on it for? Total and complete power? But whats the point? What do you do with all this money and power? Why do these people lie and cause problems on purpose? What is the cause of this distraction and manipulation? What is their ultimate goal? To the world? To sabotage the human race? Am i in fucking 1984?

Im canadian so idk what youre talking about. Youre just being very aggressive for no reason. It makes it hard to have proper discussions.

Could you fucking imagine if Clinton asked for Russian supporter to help the election? fuck, you idiots wouldn't ever stop crying about it but since it's trump.. mmm its ok right? stupid fuck wads.

>Have you asked yourself why the elites with actual power in the government are so afraid of this guy
He literally just nominated ExxonMobil's CEO as foreign secretary. Can we drop the "elites are scared of Trump" meme please?

They're what are called hungry ghosts. They're hollow inside, being creatures of pure appetite. They're starving and can think of nothing but consumption -- and yet every mouthful they eat only makes them hungrier. The sad thing about hungry ghosts is that they're blind. They see nothing, experience nothing. They live solely to consume, even though that consumption only drives them to greater consumption.

They are to be pitied. They must be fought and destroyed, if possible, but they are still to be pitied.

I'm a 1%. Care to explain how doctors, dentists and lawyers earning a few hundred thousand dollars a year are oppressing you?

>Trump is a neo-liberal shill.

yes. hes a billionaire.

>My theory is that Trump is an attempt by the neo-liberal elite to immunize the US against populism. These are not stupid people. They don't make mistakes. They saw the rise of populism and decided the best way to handle it was to put someone in office who is so completely loathsome, incompetent, and unlikeable that the country will recoil in horror and back away from populist sentiment.

yes but its they voted him in.

Accelarationism is the only real answer. Trump will fuck shit up, then the left (no, not fucking liberal but actual leftists) may take hold. Both neoliberals and especially trump are capitalists. They are both winning whomever wins (rep or dem) as they both defend capitalism/state.

My theory is that Hillary thought she was owed the job for years of loyal service.
I fucking knew Trump was gonna win, and convinced myself he had no chance in hell. Wish I had put a hundred dollars on it.
Dems shot themselves in the foot on this one.

I also really don't think that the jobs are coming back. All of the protectionist policy in the world doesn't change the fact that American workers have just gotten a lot more efficient at their jobs with technology and automation, and there are less jobs and lower wages as a result.

You are deluded if you think doctors, dentists and lawyers make up the 1%

But there are so many. How do we stop them? How do we convince them that their way is not the right way? Can they not be convinced? Its all so sad. Im so happy im not like them. I seek success, but success in fufuilment. But yet i need money in order to be fufilled..? We live in a very complex world. I hope we can steer it in a new direction. A better one for everyone. Rather than just a very small percent

These people are supposed to help us. Yet money clouds their judgement. They dont care for you. Just your money. Its very very sad

more likely the other way around

nice dubs

sorry it took a minute to answer I just wanted to get that full micro/macroeconomic theory out before people started with the nonsense.

Hard? Startup is obviously the hardest. I worked sales for years before I started my business (transport). I think it depends completely on the sector you go into. Some lean heavily on interpersonal relationships more than technicality, others are the complete opposite.

If your business is selling ipads the technicality is through the roof compared to selling turkeys for Thanksgiving, interpersonal is basically 0. Build the product put it in a box, your logistics gets it to the store, you profit. Turkeys require an immense amount of interpersonal skills by comparison. Far more networking, far more customer relation, people have to TRUST that the meat you're selling them will not only a) not kill them and b) after it doesn't kill them, it tastes better than the other owner's turkeys.

In the logistics sector I have to constantly keep up network relations. I have to constantly make sure the people that work directly for me are happy, things are good at home with their families, etc. otherwise production is going to falter. That directly affects me and if I catch wind of a problem I'm not the asshole who just fires somebody I'll do everything I can to help them.

On the flipside I drive my team hard because I have to keep up interpersonal relations with clients. When you go in a hotel, for instance, you as a consumer don't really give a two shits what's up with the owner or the workers. You're paying, we provide, period. I have the same philosophy with my clients. I constantly have to juggle the needs of my employees with those of my clients and I guess I'd in my sector it's a 50/50 split. I still have to keep up, in the time i'm not doing the other stuff, with new technology/machines/etc coming out that will increase productivity. A lot of times I'm doing research at home after hours.

By income and net worth a lot are in the 1%. It takes about I think 400- 500k or something to be considered a 1%er. And there are plenty of doctors especially specialists like surgeons who pull that in. So what's your fucking problem you god damn victim?

You think ALL of them went into it for money? Besides the fact that is not true, what the fuck do you think they can do? It is what their society is like, it's what their system produces. What are they supposed to do? Work for free?

Trump only care for one thing and one thing only: Trump.
Sadly this is a massive improvement over what Hillary offered.

wipe your pussy and grow the fuck up. move to colorado, marry your gay best friend and get over it. I've never heard a class of people "whine" soo much about being opressed.
news fucking flash... its been going on for hundreds of years; and if you think you are going to live the rest of your life without being opressed by leaders domestic or abroad, please kill yourself now, save the 7billion of the rest of us you sensitivity.

>Oh boy look at this crazy theory,i,a Sup Forumstard just came up with!
>i'm so smart!

Nothing about my post implied fear.

I laid out basic, proven micro/ macroeconomic theory and was encouraging you to think for once instead of just jumping on this neo-socialist "businesses are the greedy devils" bandwagon that seems to be so popular with young people right now.

I'm NOT the 1%, far from it and you're only perpetuating a false stereotype and proving how ignorant you are. Projecting stereotypes on to me won't make anything I said any less true.

You can't call business owners the "divisive-greedy-devil" when I literally just laid out reasons why WE should work together to balance out the government's overreach. You just look like a child with no logical rebuttal to what I said honestly.

They can't be convinced, reasoned with, or persuaded. They can only be stopped, and only by force. Don't worry, they will be. The collective strength of humanity is slow to act, but grinds very, very small. They've started to threaten the very existence of humanity, and I do not envy them. When they've aroused the anger of the collective unconscious, they will be devoured. There will be oceans of blood and horror before it's over, but humanity is very, very good at survival.

To the people who want to start small businesses:

I suggest you invest stock in other small businesses instead. It seems way to hard to get off the ground right now. Youd get swallowed up right away by a corperation. We need to help eachother. Because the government will not help us. It just consumes and grows. It can be stopped, but we need to get this "sucess through money" out of our heads. With helping other people, you gain sucess because you get help back. Help other small businesses so they can help you back. Its all we can do at this point. I almost wish banks and interest and loans didnt exist because in the end, they just screw you over. They (the government and banks and corperations) just see you as a number a number in their pocket. Its very sad. But we can stop it

You were 100% sure because media told you.
You made your prediction based on false information and you dont even recognize it when reflecting the situation.
You really dont seem to be the brightest candle on the cake and you still assume that since you couldnt predict the results nobody could do that... even if he had a lot more information, more personal and equipment then you. Even if they have ways to influence the outcome it still is universal law that "You can't predict shit like that."... i really dont think you thought that through.
Ppl like you are suprised when seeing what a street-magician can do, but you believe that nobody is pulling tricks on a big scale... i really dont understand this. I'm not an idiot who believes in lizardmen or something, but when you see what happened during the us-elections you cant sit there with a serious face and pretend that not all kind of groups and ppl tried to influence american voters in all kinds of ways.

I don't think he's even have enough spine to be gay.
He probably would faint when seeing a cock not his own, this assuming he even look at his own cock without fainting.

Well, elites in any society tend to be resistant to giving up their power. It's very rare that the transition is done peacefully.
Ideally, we transition into a mostly post scarcity society, or we could go full armed uprising.

according to Plato, there are three types of people. those that love money, honor, or knowledge.

for those that seek other things rather than knowledge/truth/wisdom/virtue (all the same things to varying degrees according to the ancients), they will find it unfulfilling.

Trump seeks honor through legacy, external validation, approval, influence, power. The same with Putin. Money, once sufficiently had, merely becomes a form of access to the very thing they desire, which is honor/status.

consider: does anyone love money, the actual currency itself? no. it's a stand-in, for the things that it can buy, not an end unto itself.

Yes. Because they will get help in return. The dentist helps the doctor and the doctor helps the dentist and the lawyer helps them both and the dentist helps them both and the doctor helps them all because everyone's helping eachother. Its how its been for thousands of years. Until today. Where money screwed us. They made us think we need these things but we dont. We need eachother. Its hard to conceive but its the truth

Giving because you know you'll receive. The true meaning of christmas

If you're not American fuck off. Go collect maple leaves or some shit.

Go back to europe fuck wad.

I really wish it didnt have to be that way. A revolution in a first world country. Truely amazing.

However at the same time Capitalism doesn't take into account human well being. Quite frankly it would be content with standing on a stack of bodies if it meant getting the highest bidder. Lets take a look at China, horrible work conditions, no worker rights, shit wages. As a result we get super cheap products. So what I am trying to get at is should we subject our people to the same work conditions and wages just so we can compete? It simply comes down to how much human integrity you'll willing to sacrifices in order to to keep a decent economy


its not going to be in the next 4 years i promise you that.

It would be ridiculous to assert all 1%'ers oppress the 99% and nobody with half a brain would suggest that: it is the concentration of power in this wage bracket which worries left-leaning economists.

>the government are so afraid of this guy
>Nothing about my post implied fear.

You are providing us with a series of well articulated assertions and anecdotes, and a lot of general points nobody would really disagree with (of course the USA needs tax reform, for example - your tax code is obnoxious).

Differences in opinion can be boiled down to this: do you trust the government or industry to take better care of your workers?

There is naturally a long and complex argument to be made both ways. There are of course examples of businesses doing it well and governments doing it badly, but only one of these bodies explicitly exists to manage the population (the vast majority of which are the working classes).

Personally I do not believe corporations are in any way obliged to treat their workers in any other way than what is regulated (and why would they, if the motive for production is capital). Regulation is thus an absolute necessity.

You're absolutely right that the USA needs tax reform, but the discussion should be about what KINDS. Slashing taxes will not help the working class.

For the flip side of what you're saying, consider Philip Green in the UK

If this wasn't written by a fucking Russian or just a dumb fuck I don't know what else will convince you dumb fucks that you are being manipulated by the worst shit on the planet. I came to this shit hole of a deplorable site when it wasn't full of fucking Republican Trumpets. Sup Forums used to hate everything. . . now it's suddenly pro-fucking-fascist Republican? Dude. . . the skinheads of my day are way fucking smarter than the shitheads pretenders who don't even have an Ed Norton to look up to.

Just stop working. Just start helping eachother. We work to put money in their pockets. Anyways so why not say screw it? This is kind of an in depth topic that needs way more research. Figuring out how people would live without money. Very plausable. We did it for thousands of years. We are just insanely materialistic and vain. It would mean we would have to give away most of our stuff. Trade knowledge, time, and skill. Food and water, shelter. We would have many people living in one home rsther than one or two. People would pack vehicles full of people rather than just one. What an interesting world it would be, without money

I'm the long-winded d-bag small business owner with the 5 posts or something.

Did you catch the part where I went over this?

The vast majority of people may have good intentions but it's not the "everybody needs a hug" intentions that these nu-socialist/commie kids are trying to sell you. You HAVE to have that carrot at the end of the stick. You HAVE to have that potential for immense profit for the vast majority of innovation, creativity, etc to even exist.

How many doctors do you think would spend 10 years going to school, amass incredible debt, and forego a good chunk of their young social life for studies simply for intrinsic good? Let's say 50%. That's fair.

Let's say 50% would do it for intrinsic, the other 50% do it for the potential for reward (money) after they graduate. Now the government steps in and says doctors are only ALLOWED to make 70k a year instead of...300k? Now half of your potential doctors who were just in it for the money drop out and never graduate. NOW you have half the doctors you would have potentially had. Do you really think your medical care would be better rather than worse? Do you really think that will increase YOUR standard of living as a patient? It won't. It never will. And this is the lie the far left socialism is trying to sell you.

Just think about that for a minute.

We're neibours. We share a similar economy and have very close trade. So i am just as involved. Canada is having its problems too but what happens in america affects us too. Stop being ignorant. Turn that frontal lobe on or leave the conversation

i mean come on...

his name was robert paulson

Even the neo-cons are appalled by Trump. The entire Bush clan may jump ship to the Democrats to avoid decimation after Trump ruins the brand for a generation -- and I remind you that Prescott Bush was an actual fucking Nazi.

China is a communist country. You basically made my point I explained only in a more concise manner. Horrible conditions, no workers rights, shit wages. This is what happens when you reject capitalism and give government control over your means of productions instead of individual business owners who, at the very least, will have MORE empathy for the worker than a bloated government entity that doesn't even know them on a personal basis.

Does your butt hurt?


OP, you're really delusional. Trump will make America great again. I don't know if you're mad that nasty women won't be able to kill unborn children as much as before or if you're just a cock breathing faggot who's sad that you won't be able to force churches to marry you any longer. But I'm pretty sure you're really fucking stupid.

Tell me, how is Trump a neo liberal agent when he's been acting more presidential, these couple of months, than Barry has for 8 years. How is he a liberal agent if he's genuinely interested in Americas well being.

You seem to see yourself as something else than a neo liberal (going from your post) but at the same time you parrot everything the neo liberal mainstream media has been parroting for more than a year now. Lies upon lies. You are the definition of at neo liberal. Just as the Bernie Sanders supporters, who began their movement despising the MSM and them ended up parroting their shit as well when Bernie lost and turned out to be a sell out communist failure. You people have no morals and no cognitive consistency. OP you're a fucking faggot.

Yeah, a corporation is pretty much only beholden to its stockholders and the profit margin, can't really blame em for that either.
In theory, a democratically elected government is answerable to the people to some degree. Government derives from the consent of the governed and all that.

I also really do think that a lot of the problem is that american workers just don't have much bargaining power in just about every axis.

Isn't China communist in name only at this point? From what I have been lead to understand, its a pure unregulated corrupt capitalist shitshow over there.