You are now a Spanish border guard

You are now a Spanish border guard.
Towards the end of a hard day of siesta and staring at the fence you see this.

What is your course of action?

Note: You are completely unarmed and forbidden from doing anything but phoning for help. The people who will come to help you are also unarmed, but may or may not look scary.

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Just your average day on the Portuguese/Spanish border.

>Portuguese/Spanish border.
Funny, you wish you had us bordering you

Open the gates, fill 50 buses and send them straight North to the Scandinavian border...

These people are harmless, just looking for a better life, away from the shitholes they are born in. They are not terrorists either. They have probably been through hell and they are doing anyone with common sense and will power would do.

What pisses me off is not the migrants, but the northern countries' arrogance when talking about migration when the have no f*****ing clue what it means.

This, best neighbour ever, no complaints.

>These people are harmless

>tfw no border with Portugal
Agreed, they're bros. Not saying Spain doesn't feel good, though.


Try to meme strict border controls into reality.

Holy shit they look like cockroaches on a wall.

Nobody crossed the Ceuta/Melilla borders when the Spanish Legion was guarding it. It was impenetrable and anyone who dared was properly beaten up and send back to the other side of the fence, africans only arrived with "pateras" by then. Then Zapatero came...

t. Mohammed al-Iisbania

Also Europe, remember when the swedes and northern europeans got mad at us because we used fucking rubber bullets to stop this?

What are we supposed to do then?

I don't understand why Europeans are not allowed to defend their borders properly..

It doesn't even matter if they are Mother Theresa of Calcutta, it is not an argument about wether they are good or bad people, it is irrelevant in the end, we simply can't accept them all, we need to have a border, we can't integrate the hundreds of millions that would come here without a proper border (to stay here or to move further into Europe), we have millions of people unemployed in Spain, where will this people get a job? Will they not create more social dumping? If they don't get a job what will they live off? Will they leech the public welfare or live a life of crime after they can't find a job? And Europe isn't doing much better and is already dealing with their migrants crisis, the far-right is growing because of this and not without reason. What do you want, no borders? Do you leave the door of your hose open? You guys are fucking delusional, it really gets on my nerves when you appeal so much to emotion and empathy but not to basic common sense, you guys are driving all of Europe to the butcher house with your feelgood bleeding heart bullshit.

>tell them in a stern voice that it's against the law
>"you have to go back"
>crisis averted
>sit back and relax

It's so simple, you dumbasses.

Imho this should be a shoot on sight if they try to climb the fences. These people only terrorize the citizens of these cities.

The people that pass these legislations are the ones that have never lived on a border so they are just jacking off on their ivory tower.


Give the migrants free plane tickets to northern Europe

Oh, but they already do that :^>

>tfw I wanna be a humanist and let in as many people as possible but I also know that the noe liberal class use immigrant labour to drive down wages and sow division in society that misdirets attention from the capitalist classes that are constantly screwing over the world


how many man you eat today?