What's the actual difference between a "one liner" and a "quip"?

What's the actual difference between a "one liner" and a "quip"?

who cares

Answering this question is this board's ultimate purpose.

Don't think there is any difference.

one liners are cool, funny, open and honest banter like arnold pinning someone to a wall and saying "stick around" or killing someone on a plane and saying to the air hostess "excuse my friend, he's dead tired"

quips are unfunny and cringey try hard shit like in iron man 2 when fury walks over to tony who's sitting in the big donut on top of the donut shop and says - "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut." UGH

a quip is a comeback.
a one-liner can be a comeback but doesn't necessarily have to be. it's just a short joke.

Quips are low caliber, more sporadic than one liners. A good quipper makes up for the low hit/damage aspect with higher volume.

One liners deliver more punch, more weight. They are generally more tailored to the specific situation. They require more craft, more focus than a quip but a well executed one liner does a hell of a lot more damage than a quip.

this place smells like CUNT...I think

Sorry nigga, but that ain't a quip. That's a riposte.

What happens when Arnold only speaks in one liners, like in Batman and Robin? And he says a bunch of them?

>one liner
Takes place right before or right after some action

Takes place during some action

Are you just guessing?

This is wrong.


it takes away the tension

like, if you have time to crack jokes while fighting a supervillain or his minions you're probably not in any kind of danger

>ironman being overwhelmed by ultronbots in AOU
>"where is black widow? she better not be playing hide the zucchini!"


>john matrix impales bennet with a tube, the man is clearly not a threat anymore
>"hey bennet, let off some steam"

this thread makes me realize that quips vs one liners is a meme just like kino vs cinema.

That's like saying what's the difference between a car and an automobile

Trenchant insight

Makes sense

Quips are like little ineffective jabs to keep the opponent at bay and on their toes during a boxing match.

One liners are like a KO upercut delivered at the perfect moment.

I think it's more like beaner vs mexican. bot mean the same thing, but one of them is meant to devaluate

Just an observation

I'll need to do more research before I present my theory for peer review

plus quips mostly have recent pop-culture references, while one-liners are mostly puns

another example

>ironman and spiderman fighting against antman in CW
>"hey guise have you seen that super old movie The Empire Strikes Back?"
>"hold old is this guy?"
>"don't know, didn't carbon date him"


>arnold about to fire a missile with a terrorist on it in a harrier
>"you're fired!"

one liners are cheesy but they don't ruin the quality of action scenes, unlike Marvel's obsession with quips

Apostrophe = Kino
Witty Comeback = Cinema
One Liner = Movie
Quip = Flick

What's the difference between a riposte and a rejoinder?

Pretty sure they're both synonymous with 'retort'. If there is a difference it's that riposte is the one most restrictively used to mean a clever/witty insult. Retort and rejoinder aren't necessarily clever or insulting, although that's the most common connotation.

What about an aside?
Woody Allen used to put these in his movies (ex: my mother ladies and gentlemen)

A Quip is addressed to another character in conversation.

A One liner is the character speaking aloud to him/herself, for the benefit of the audience.

Look, someone must have a usage guide? So we can settle this once and for all.

Hey isn't that Samantha's fruity uncle from Bewitched?

fuck that guy for trying to make people think this is normal behavior
only the most neurotic jews do this and even then it's not funny

>Paul Lynde

Oh my goodness...he was plowing major league pussy back in the day