So what are you stupid fucks doing for New Year's Resolutions? I'm getting in shape and learning Russian

So what are you stupid fucks doing for New Year's Resolutions? I'm getting in shape and learning Russian.

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Quitting smoking getting in shape daily hygienic routine

I'm going to loose the 60 lbs I gained from keeping last year's resolution of quitting smoking.

gain weight try to eat more regularly and stop smoking so my lung doesn't collapse again

Preparing for the new tax rules.

Any good anal stretching exercises to help us all out this year?

What are you guys talking about man? I thought Trump was good with the tax thing.

Unless you're hedge fund fucks.

Been doing my new years resolution before new years cause im not a dumb cuck that waits to fail. Also, not falling the trap of thinking we have time. Have not drank a drip of liquor in 4 months, quit cigs, lost about 30 lbs, been drawing everyday. The reason none of you will succeed this upcoming year cause you didnt start your resolutions 5 minutes ago.

Similar to this. I live my life in such a manner that I am consistently reassessing and improving. Resolutions are social memes: all talk no action.


and yet you both turn to dust in the end
just like us

You're going to die in 76 days.

I'm getting back into fighting shape. Had a minor surgery last year, but recovery took longer than I thought it would. I've been a lazy fuck till a month ago. I don't think that will be my resolution though. I think saving for a new ride will be it.

Ya but my dust had more fun then your dust while it mattered.

I hope so.

did you stick it in?

i've stuck it in

Getting that much closer to killing myself


Kill the self that hates yourself.

You want to escape the pain, that is the part of you that loves yourself. Ask God for the Grace of Faith. He will give it to you.


Are you asking if ive had sex? Lol. Dude which hole are you talking about? 1 chick or 2? Come on now. Hows highschool?

How High School is it to post a picture of some hot chick and say you banged her? Nobody cares.

A pussy ain't got no face.

sure you are... I'm doing fucking nothing!

>different way of saying hed fuck a dude.