Need help parenting a 17 year old girl. She lives with my parents, they are both 60...

Need help parenting a 17 year old girl. She lives with my parents, they are both 60, and i feel like she doesn't to anything they say. Her and my mom always get in fights. My dad doesn't seem to care though. Last week she told them she will be in the movies, and then ended up being dropped off at the house by some guy. I feel like i need to step in.
I pay for her phone bill, so i can take that way. Just need some general advice on this situation. She keeps saying how im not her mom and not her dad, that i should step away, and its getting really annoying. I'm 25 never had to parent anybody

Need some serious responses

will require pics to determine best course of action

When I was 17 I spent pretty much the entire year studying for college etc. So I don't really know the best course of action. Maybe its attention seeking? Try talking to her? Futile I know.

Tell her you are concerned and tell her you are here to help. Then ask her to tell you what's wrong and then if she tells you then you have to actually be a good listener. Don't judge her, don't interrupt her. Ask her how you an help.

Whats your relation with her? Sister?

Rape her and tell her if she ever acts up again you'll do it again and again.

She is my niece, its not really attention seeking, its more like a teenager being a teenager. She says she'll be home at 10-11, then when that time comes, she says she never said that, what she meant was no later than 11

earlier than 11*

I'm afraid there's really nothing to do.
They're either decent people by that age or they're not.
It's very rare that anyone makes radical changes.

Let me guess, your sister got knocked up by a nigger and now you're gonna be the cuck who raises her.

Threaten to stop paying for her phone bill. If she continues to act up, then stop paying for it.

I think this too. I was thinking of an exercise. Get a Patsy to sit down with your niece and ask the patsy to ask her what she wants to actually tell you/ her parents etc. This will give you a good understanding. Have the patsy ask probing questions if required.

Oh wait that's literally the entire concept of a psychologist. Kek

I am going to use a camel spider theme to give you some tips and provide feedback for you, ok? consider these spiders a soft trip.

The first thing you need to do is find a way to go through her phone. It might seem like a dick move to you, but I think that is the logical first step.

Then (if you find anything) confront her and tell her that she is banned from going out of the house for a week and no phone. If she resists or breaks out without your consent, up the ante and put a tracking app on the phone.

>using the word patsy
I think you mean confederate.

Anyway, yeah, this a decent way to do it, but first you need to know someone close to her that will turncoat.

Frankly, I think it's a waste of time.
Best case, she's a moron who doesn't even know she's hurting those around her, worst case she knows but doesn't give a shit.

Get an app that lets you read her texts as well as track her physical location. Go through her room, see if she has any weed/hard drugs stashed in there, drug paraphenalia, sex toys, etc.

I doubt that. Girls are usually very emotionally intelligent.
Maybe she feels the need to assert her independence

If she has had free reign for as long as OP says I doubt that is the case.

What are some other things 17 yo care about?
Social status?
Drugs & alcohol
Idk I'm not a girl

Pretty much the same things as guys, but with more emphasis on the social aspect of life (and with different gender roles, obviously).

i dont see the problem here? shes a teenager and can be kicked out when she turns 18 so her grandparents can die in peace

Sorry dude, but I don't think there is anything you can do to fix her currently. The only thing that can possibly get her out of her slut personality is if she experiences some kind of trauma, and that won't happen unless by accident in her future. She wants to destroy herself, so I highly doubt she'll listen to you even if you voice your opinion.

If you stepped in a lot sooner, then yeah, you could've made an impression. But 17 is just too fucking late.