To the oldfags here

To the oldfags here.

If you could go back in time to highschool age, what would you've done differently?

Any mistakes you regret making?
Missed opportunities?

Start a fucking youtube channel.

I could have made sure I had more fun and I could have worked harder, but I don't really regret any of it.

Who I was then shaped who I am now. I'm not perfect or anything, but I like who I am and I believe that I'll only improve as I look forward in my life.

That's good, but I'm looking for more personal fuckups etc..
I could also say buy bitcoin but I'm looking for mistakes that happened in your life and that others would know how to evade.

>Try harder to get in good shape and stay that way while I'm still young.
>Try harder to socialise and participate in more group activities.
>Maybe take less shit from teachers.
>Certainly take less shit from other students.
>Even if I don't plan on going on to uni, just try harder in school, anyway.
>Maybe start a hobby I might still be interested in or can do when I'm 30 that isn't videogaming. A sport or musical instrument would be nice.


No regerts mutha fuckas!

I would have grabbed my 12-year-old self by the collar and punched his fucking head while saying, "listen here shitcunt, you'd better go out and slay some fucking pussy with those stellar boy-band looks of yours, because I'm real fuckin sick of being a fuckin autistic 40-year-old virgin ey"

And then slap the crying little shit until he stops fuckin crying


i would have graduated KEK

Are you actually 40?

As of 7 months ago, yes

Okay, I undestand you a bit better now and that's all well and good. But would beating a child senseless really instill confidence in them?



Okay I see where you're coming from. But are you sure you're not just confusing confidence with anger? Because most abuse victims just end up kind of psycho or broken down husks of people.

homework, the one thing I didn't do that I would do because not doing it has landed me into a shit situation

also fuck these so called friends, so much stupid shit happened because I wasn't assertive, wished I just stayed in the library with the nerds and geeks, at least I was happy and myself around them

Turning 30 soon.

Highschool was fun, people in my class were great and we often went out to gigs or just to drink together. Played with a few of them in a band. Got laid too.

Wouldn't wanna change a thing.

Missing out on social cues

>tfw same age as you and look back at a lifetime of baggage and regret

Elaborate please

>hang around the normal kids
>got along with them pretty well, but just a touch too nerdy to really fit in (didn't really like sports, different taste in music, etc)
>hang around the nerdy kids
>got along with them pretty well, too; but just a touch too normal to really fit in (didn't like playing magic: the gathering and watching anime about teenage girls)
What do you even do when this happens?

Accept you'll always be torn between two worlds or find other middle men to call friends

honestly in my opinion,
school was just too narrow of a demographic for us to fit in anywhere and I would rather of suffered those 7 years of junior and high school with people not accepting me and just focused on my school work then be where I am now

Would have asked Denise out.
Would have told Kelly I loved her.
Would have gone into the Navy as a pilot.

Drop out of high school. Get full time job anywhere. Spend every penny on Apple stock in 2003. Wait a few years. Sell stock for 500 bucks a share. Become millionaire. Spend entire decade of 20s banging sluts.

How the fuck do I tell if a girl likes me or not?
How do I act on it?
There's a girl that smiles at me 24/7 every time we make eye Contact but how the fuck do I capitalize?

Hell yeah

Yeah I can do that now at 29, but it's tricky when you're a teen. Your options are fairly limited.
I don't know. If I'm completely honest, looking back now, if I was to go back to that time with the knowledge I have now then I'd probably fit in better with the normal kids. Not that it matters, really; I lost contact with even my really good friends over a long enough period of time. But it might have been more fun and interesting at least.

I'm That more or less neatly sums up the causes for my regret.


Be a dick. Don't be a relentless shithead to her, but just a little bit of a dick. Make light fun of her, be a bit dismissive, that type of shit. If she's still hanging around and trying to wedge herself in your life then there's a good bet she likes you.

The normies.
It'll prep you better for college

>mtg and anime during highschool is pure waste

Didn't go onto tertiary studies. So I guess from that standpoint it wouldn't have made a difference, anyway.

I did shit in high school because I couldn't give a fuck about learning about shit I'm not interested. So I guess I could have not been such a fuck up because I don't think I realized at the time just how easy the work was. Also I dated *the* slut in 9th grade because she gave me attention and drained my 15 year old cock like it needed to be but she also cheated on me countless times and gave me massive trust issues with women to the point where it fucks with every relationship I pursue. So I could have not dated her. Ye, could have done without that
