Hey Sup Forums gimme some god tier anime to watch. No obvious shit

Hey Sup Forums gimme some god tier anime to watch. No obvious shit.

anime is for losers kill yourself


Breaking Bad, the God-Tier american live action TV show that is better than any shit anime.

Other than that, Monster is really good.

I wish i had the balls tbh

I think all the god-tier stuff is obvious like Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

This week I stumbled upon two anime that seem passable.

Gate- High fantasy/military anime. A gate opens connecting our world (Japan) to a fantasy realm with elves and dragons and their own politics. We invade after they fail to invade us.

Divine Gate- Kind of similar worldbuilding. I've only seen a couple episodes but this anime reeks of art. It's on the forefront of combining hand-drawn backgrounds and animation with rigged cg models.
Story might turn out to be bland by the time I'm done.
It feels a lot like Blue Exorcist maybe Blood Blockade Battlefront.

These aren't related to each other OR steins gate it just seems to be a cosmetic theme.

Euphoria, good shit.

Rate gate outta 10

Breaking bad is overrated kys. But imma give monster a try thanks bb



Well it's about an Otaku in the special forces who gets to live out his dream of meeting fantasy-realm girls. Practically it's not going to be a 10/10.
Overall it's like an 8.5 (if I hate the story by the end of 24 episodes it could go down to a 5 or 6).

The story seems original to me because it makes frequent ties to real-world Japanese social issues (which is one of the things I REALLY like about DRRR). What does it mean to be a tony island nation that competes globally against giant countries like China, Russia, and the US?
If you hate Game of Thrones you'll probably hate Gate because it's like 30%+ politics. And then like 10-20% combat and 10% super light fan service.

Its story isn't as good as Fullmetal Alchemist. Hardly anything is. It's not as visually immersive as Tokyo Ghoul. But it's probably better than whatever the best serialized anime is. I like it significantly better than Attack on Titan.

tl;dr better than a generic 8

Das preti gewd

there is taht new ani,e 'simpsons'

try it

Familai Gai



Phatabbott lee

Lazy-o wa kimi no Towno is a good one. A lot of fanservice, and stephani-chan is one of the hottest lolis in existence.

Imma give it a shot thanks m8

Cory no desu in the House-o

one of my favourites


If u like futuramason u should definitely check out Ricko to Morty

Oh yes daddy. Thats exactly the type i was looking for

>pats back,moves slightly sidewayz - backwards, per se

>approaches awkardly,bows,gets fedora out,stands up firmly,put it back on,smiles waves,tips fedora.

But srsly Jojo's bizzare adventure is funny, manly and just a fuckin sick shonen series. Wayy better community as well, best memes. Also, girls are hot as fuck.

Boku no piko
pretty epic with a hint of romance, but mostly action.

Kämpfer tho. That shit is like some tame trap shit. Not really gay tbf. Idk. Fully bang that shit in your browser rn.

ending will leave you with the feeling that you cant start a new anime for some time because it will never be that good



>bring the violas.BBW crying

>dat harpoon dawgs

>u bettaah brin dem harpoons,fam


Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Horror anime that takes place in a rural village with a history of secrets and demonic spiriting away.