Ask an Catholic- raised, long time Atheist anything

Ask an Catholic- raised, long time Atheist anything.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Wanna live out what life I have left. How about yourself?

why do you have to justify your butt preferences with the denial of anything holy?

I dont have to. But if I did, I guess it wouldnt be so bad?

Why have you not seen a psychiatrist for your latent mental illness?

I see no need for it.

Why are you so gay

Im straight as they come.

>catholic raised

I'm so sorry

It's okay, I broke away from it as soon as I possibly could. They got my foreskin tho :(

can you show us your nipples?

I couldddddd

Same here user. I feel you man.

I think most people think cut penises are more attractive anyway, I'm a cut fag but not for religious reasons

DiDid you leave? What made you believe Catholicism is bullshit?

do you think that being an atheist is an achievement?


Why is op such a flaming faggot who through his self entitlement thinks people actually care about him?

catholics don't cut off the foreskin fucktard

no they don't, guys just say that to feel better about be cut faggots

I read the Bible and learned about the scummy shit that has plagued that Catholic Church for all of history.
More of an achievement than being an idiot believer, thats for sure

its sole purpose

Idk. Great question though

They do, it just isnt instilled like it is in Judaism. Protestants, however, are mostly uncut

What made you want to be an atheist? Why not just stop being religious and be done with it than try and fight against religiontards.

Because religiontards are annoying as all fuck and waste their lives praying to the sky and hoping that "God's plan" will lead them in the right direction. Fuck all of them

Yeah religion fucked up the world pretty good. If you're into heavy metal there's a good song about that called "holy war" by thou art is murder. The music video is very touching

The basic idea of religion, that is, scaring barbaric basic human beings into good, moral ones, isnt so bad of an idea. But the fact that people still believe this shit today?? Ridiculous.

True but the wars in the middle east and diffrent religions fucked up how we communicate across the world, Jewish slaves in Egypt iin the bible days, Hitler, 911, suicide bombers, even most domestic terists, Catholics killing abortion doctor.. Its all about different beliefs of a false god. Its sad

Hence why I despise religion. Muslims are probably the most cancerous thing that could ever be. So fucking orthodox. So stupid. I have so much respect for Muslims who leave the religion.

:( don't be rude

One day science will prove all religions wrong

No nips for you!

Heres hoping.

Hopefully in our lifetime so we can experience a better world

We have a chance. But, I can guarantee that all the evidence in the world wouldnt be enough to get some religious idiots to believe the truth.

Yeah it probobly won't fix it completely. The opiate of the masses
