What's a good way to kill yourself from home with house hold items /b?

What's a good way to kill yourself from home with house hold items /b?

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if you want to go out with a bang, mix nail polish remover and hair bleach.

have fun drinking. you will vomit ;)

Just any knife will do...
Or a window

Just use a knife

propane bottle and a match

you do not drink it. it makes acetone peroxide

You can always drown yourself.

Can literally do it in 2 inches of water.

How do you keep yourself under the water?

rope or belt


There is no easily accessible, reliable, non-traumatic form of suicide. A bullet to the right part of the brain is close, but it's easy to just lobotomize yourself instead, leaving you mutilated, retarded and hospitalized afterward. You've fucked up everything else you've touched before this point, so don't expect a suicide attempt to be any different.

Enjoy your shitty life.

Exit bag. The only uncommon parts you need are easy to get.

with the acetone peroxide you can blow your self up, which i guess would be quick.

Step one.

Step two.


How effective is this? I take it you just drift into a sleep and never wake?

>i guess would be quick
Sure, it would either be quick, or being blown into pieces wouldn't kill you immediately and you'd suffer a slow, agonizing death.

I guess this is a matter of perspective, but I consider a gun a household item. Shoot yourself.

that would suck. imagine the paramedics that find you still clinging to life.
>can you give me a hand?

Unless you have an old car then trying to kill yourself by exhaust will not work. The Monoxide level in new car exhaust is so low it would take a day or more just to fill the cabin of the car to a lethal level.

>just drift into a sleep and never wake
Either you don't wake up, or you do. It's possible to fuck it up in various ways. Worst case scenario your car runs out of gas and you wake up or are discovered later with permanent brain damage.

The hanging method will work.
You don't even need to be off the floor, as long as your ass is.
Just choke yourself until about 20-30 sec after that panic moment when you'd usually gasp for air and you won't have enough strength to get yourself back up anyway.
Used to be a webm of it.

Take your brand new car to a shop, tell them to remove the catalytic converter, if you cannot do it yourself, get home, unplug the thermostat so the engine will run on a rich mixture. Enjoy.

Something like 60% of surviving suicide jumpers reported that they were horrified and regretted their decision on the way down. I imagine choking to death would be even less fun.

This. It would take some real fucking nerve to do this without actually hanging from something to prevent you from stopping what was happening. The kind of nerve a faggot who asks about suicide on Sup Forums doesn't have, tbh.

Unless you now a shady shop which there are few close to me then they will not remove the convertor unless it is to replace it with a new one. There are laws regarding convertors now and any legit garage knows and follows them. Besides it is not as easy to die this way as you think. Knowing a person who failed this way and was rescued at the right time, he says it is like chocking or drowning. You still wake up gasping for air and it is that moment you decide if you want to wimp out and open the door or endure the pain and let it happen. Besides if you try to take the easy way out you will just come back to a harder life next time. There is no easy way out.

Open the gas valve and go to sleep.
Sweet dreams OP.

>Besides if you try to take the easy way out you will just come back to a harder life next time.
I've seen you post on here at least one other time. Fuck off with your pseudo-spiritual reincarnation faggotry. This is total bullshit that has nothing to do with anything.

>they were horrified and regretted their decision
They were horrified they had survived but didn't want to be institutionalized for the rest of their miserable, shitty life.
Que attempt no 2.

sharpie in pooper

find a number nine and take two of them

the sensation of chocking is only caused by CO2, not other gasses. any way, CO is a poison, not an asphyxiate

>on the way down
Reading comprehension is important.

I think he is right. I the dude survives i mean.
My mate just tried and now his best mate thinks he is a dick.
>How to lose friends and alienate people 101.


Underrated post

Extra kek: captcha was railroad crossing signs

Co cause your blood not to be able to absorb oxygen. Your body responds to such an event in the same way it would if it was drowning or suffocating. It will begin to gasp for air and try to get air in to the lungs. yes it is a poison but it is the way it acts on the body that can cause suffering for those not prepared.

Nigger just use inert gas asphyxia, totally painless and easy


not that user, but they obviously weren't talking to someone about it on their way down.

>totally painless

two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda

Oh, well that's totally different then.
Silly me.

i see what you mean, but a look on the internet agrees with me.


Do some research, it's well documented.
It's this fyi

IF it kills you then how would you know it is painless? Did a dead person tell you this? Seriously use a little common sense.. Of course people will say it is painless as those that would know otherwise are survivors and now want others to experience what they suffered.

that is a good point. is it possible that people may have observed animals being gassed?

If they're killing themselves I don't think they give a shit about losing friends and alienating people

>it's well documented
Documented by interviewing successful suicides?

Just don't do dumbass

We know things are painless because we understand what pain is, what causes it and how the body responds to it. A firsthand account is not needed.

If you plan to suicide then please do. Anyone who wants to kill themselves is worthless. They should be dead and allow those of us who are strong enough to deal with life to have their resources. Suicide pussies are just a waste of air and space. Kill yourselves as soon as possible so we strong can move on.

Checked. And I agree. Euthanasia should be free and painless for anyone who doesn't have debt or dependants.

I have seen animals gassed and it looks like they are in pain to me. That last few gasp for air when their eyes tear up and you know their lungs feel like they are on fire.

Yeah I'm sure you're a real badass...

what gas? i am not trying to split hairs but that is important

Here comes the edge man

12g slug to the dome. Blows half your head of instadead

Just thought I might muscle in on your convo here as mine and 's is somwhat related.
I've read storys of people who have fell into heavy industrial machines and been mangled to the verge of death.
Then they are saved just in time and they report feeling a huge euphoria like never before.
We are designed to die.
Our bodies have already prepared for it and will release enough adrenaline to make death as painless as possible.
You get similar feelings when you get knocked out. When you come round you feel like you are on a merry-go-round and you feel pretty happy until 1-2 sec later when you realize what just happened.

I have seen it done with helium, nitrogen, argon, neon, and hydrogen. Even pure oxygen. It was for a study in the effects of various noble gasses on the body when inhaled in concentration.

i thought we established inert gasses are a painless death?

I am saying they are not. Your body responds to them the same way it would to drowning which is not painless. If it was painless it would not be used by ISIS as a torture and killing method.

But wait what if OP is your mom?

They do if they accidentally survive.
Or when they're just attention seekers that don't realize that been a pussy bitch is going to have the polar opposite effect.

also this is interesting. it makes sense from a evolutionary point of view.


trips just called out dubs

says other wise here.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_bag

why not a 2 gauge?

time for the ks 23.

So try it out and let us know if it is painless or not... Oh wait.

eat until you die, OP.
I’ll have two number 9s,
a number 9 large,
a number 6 with extra dip,
a number 7,
two number 45s, one with cheese,
and a large soda.

Damn picture capchas, that ends my posting.

lets not get hostile.just out of interest, were do you work?