Does super liking ever work?

Does super liking ever work?

One girl super liked me few hours ago yet I haven't gotten a reply back. Every time I use this I never get a good convo.

Must be autistic when it comes to talking

Talking? You mean you don't just receive booty calls? You doin super likes wrong.

from what I've been told/heard about tinder, unless you buy premium or been on it since it came out, you have to like your way through abandoned accounts and bots before you reach anything good.

tinder is past its prime.

Yes but not on girls with too high or too low self esteem.

hm well this is all I got in life if I ever wanna meet a girl so sucks :/

piggybacking on this
single for the first time in 4 years
tinder came up while I was off the market
what tips do anons have for maximum hook up success
live in a college town in Cali, walking distance from bars, not ugly but student budget for booze

honestly only dude I know actively using it just goes on a lot of coffee dates

It doesn't help your conversation it only makes it visible that you liked her so you have a better chance of matching, you fucking Twit.

Learn to fucking communicate.

I used to like everyone but then I was told that supposedly doesn't make the best girls come up if you keep liking average?

>Learn to fucking communicate.
I can't that's the problem

btw: I am unemployed and I live with my parents.

Is there hope for me or not?

>inb4 kill yourself

Coffee dates are the first step then you invite them over the second meet up, it's a process but I've never not fucked someone that I've met on there in real life and it was always by the second meet up if not the first. Only 2 of the 6 were the first time..

huh like they tailor to your preferences?

>staying with my folks at the moment because my apartment is flooded/being renovated

Neither can I, but you just learn, my Dude. My faggot ass googled Tinder tips and read a couple articles and figured out a good pattern, after a couple times of matching and talking I got it down. Tinder is nothing but a sham, an act you need to learn to put on. You both know you're just going to fuck but you at least have to try and pretend to give a shit to get that far. It's all about practice, Man. You'll get it down, I did and it's actually great.

Yeah, there's hope. I went to this other girl's apt like three times before she ever saw mine just for no particular reason. Obvi got laid, and by that point idk if she would have cared if I lived with my parents. i played her clit like Risk

so it learns a bit from how you swipe, gotcha
well yeah but what I'm getting at is it never escalates, seems like most folks still on it are lukewarm/not as horny out here

honestly hoping to match with a friend or acquaintance and get some fuk, popping up on Tinder is easier than fielding questions about why my ex dumped me

Mmmmmmm, you just suck.
I'm sorry.

I wish I knew you so I could help you learn the art of Tinder. RIP.

if you are strapped for cash, to make yourself seem less like a cuck, you can rent an apartment for dirt cheap [like 62 dollars for the night] off of AirBnB. I live with my parents too, just because its cheaper then living on my own. + most girls you meet on tinder live with their parents too... and they are super bitches if they talk down to you for doing the thing they are exactly doing.

fair assessment of someone who doesn't even have a profile yet, thanks for the help

another question: if I was in a new place for a weekend, would I see results from the new location? Like if I was in town for a festival, could I arrange to meet chicks in the area?

I always accidentally super like fatties by accident

lmao yall just ugly. i get at least 3-4 matches a day. never even have a reason to use super like

Nah, my area is filled with white trash, and mira miras. and fat black girls. [IE; shit] I have never been ranked below a 7.5 my average is about a 8.5. Ugly isn't it. I'm just brash and have no fucking filter.

Super liking only serves to make you look desperate.

Get some good pics, decently dressed and groomed. Nothing too nerdy, redneck, douchey or drunk.

Have a decent lebgth bio without being a novel, admit your likes but don't harp on about anything in particular.

When you get a conversation, do morr than just say "hey." I usually go with asking how their week is going, or their olans for the weekend, but also helps to incorporate something from their bio or job/study.

Don't take yourself too seriously, because she wont. Don't be too flippant because that makes you seem like a loser. Don't compliment her all the time, because again, desperate, but pick your moments to bring up something about her looks or what she does and shine a positive light in it. If she disagrees, don't insist, be playful with expressing that's just your opinion.

And whatever you do, dont force a conversation. Again, just desperate, and she knows that if you're going to get anywhere, good chemistry just flows.

Don't feel like you're a beta cuck if it's not flowing. That's bullshit, some of us just have more flexible and compatible personalities, and that's equal luck and practice.

not this guy but a pro-tip.

stay away from the clearly rich/college trust fund types.

total fucking bitches. like guarantee bitch.

great for a fuck tho, or a string of them

dubs and solid advice
this guy fucks