Would this actually work?

Would this actually work?

Trying to affect the earth's orbit with our current technology would be like trying to move a boulder by blowing on it

If you did any one of these 3 things it would end life on earth as we know it. Earth is positioned in just the right location with just the right amount of spin to provide the life it does. The moon while having low gravity does effect things here on earth. You change any portion of this equation even for a moment and you change life on this planet on a global scale that isn't for the good. Thus making your anti global warming scenario pointless.

Global warming is not really an effect of the Earth's distance from the Sun, rather the effects of our atmospheric composition trapping heat. It would be best to fix that first I think.

This is just incorrect. The earth is in an eliptical orbit. Widening the orbit won't actually force the earth to be further away from the sun than its current range for more than a few minutes right at the apoapais of the orbit. If you don't understand why you're retarded.

Gotta pump moar Ozone into the atmosphere!

But were the sun a few thousand feet further away, it would just heat the earth ever so slightly less. If we lowered the global average by even 1°C it would be massive

attaching a string to a spinning ball, what could go wrong

>made from world stongest metal, diamond
My fucking sides

Lowering CO2 and Methane levels in the atmosphere would take far less energy and currently unavailable technology than moving a 6E+24kg sphere. It just isn't feasible in the foreseeable future.

not enough resources on this planet for the rockets necessary to do that.

but in theory? why not.

>suddenly stopping earth's rotation
It would literally tear the planet apart

>slowly stopping earth's rotation
have fun cooking one half and freezing the other

>moving the moon, the thing that regulates the tides, earth's rotation, and (I think) has an effect on earth's orbit

only thing you could move with this crap are my sides

if there is no air in space how rockets can move ? someone pls explain me


how the fuck do you think we got people to the moon and back fucking magic

As dumb as this is, there are actually physicist looking into using gravitational "bumping" as a way to possibly move planets.

Makes as much sense as 'Global Warming' itself.

Oh sorry, it's been renamed 'Climate Change' for convenience.

k lol.

Stopping earth's rotation, even if we were capable of doing it, would fuck everything up on a massive scale much worse than global warming could. And trying to pull Earth with rockets would just end up ripping out chunks from the crust. And if, for some miraculous reason, that DIDN'T happen, you would be unable to produce any thrust, similar to trying to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.

Oh, and even if those WERE solvable problems, we could actually burn all the fuel we can make and still not make a noticeable change to the orbit.

i know it works but how ?

Newton's third law. By blasting away mass at high velocity the spacecraft/planet/whatever receive a push in the opposite direction.

Rocket shoots burning fuel out backward, causes rocket to move forward. Once the rocket clears the armosphere and enters space, there is no air resistance to slow down the rocket and it will keep moving in a straight path without using anymore fuel, unless it needs to speed up, slow down, or turn.

A similar effect is achieved when you and your friend sit in rolly chairs next to each other and you try to push him away. If your masses are similar, you will somewhat push him away and also somewhat push yourself away.

newton was a faggot.


even if he was he wouldn't fuck you loser

Holy fuck just realizes I got two quads in a row lol.

Rockets typically carry liquid oxygen with them, at least ones expecting to have to fire their main engines once in space.

A brilliant one

Why is there no trollface in this troll science pic?


Nothing anywhere has the amount of thrust to ever move the planet
We barely have the tech to have enough power to get OFF the planet
Attaching 62 mile cables to rockets barely able to get off the planet would just break the rockets and anything attached
Even if you managed to move the planet even slightly, the effects would be catastrophic
Because you know, literally every aspect of this planet happened by extremely specific coincidence

And also extremely detrimental and world ending
A world scale sudden 1 degree drop alone would destroy ALOT of things
The planet is fragile and so are the things in it

how the fuck you know that 1 degree drop would destrou ALOT of things? are you a fucking scientist`?