Post your desktop

Post your desktop

nice negress you faggot nigger

Nigger detected

Got anymore of this sexy nigress pics OP?

I don't know what to change the wallpaper to

I too want your desktop image.

Post it!

Just got off work. The background changes based off the time and the weather.

Clearer image



Post your image

How did you get Drastic to work? I get trials and the ones that crash when you go into settings

Only way I've found was to just buy it :(
It's a good ass program though



That's a delicious tonge


Fuck off spic. This thread isn't for you Pablo. Now go mow my lawn puta


Im not mexican, and ur mom is my puta

What is your folder pack? I wants it.

> "Post your desktop"
> Posts phone launcher screenshot
> so do all the replies
> mfw

Im just using action launcher 3 with unlocked plus features, and the icon pack is 'lines free'

Wallpaper changes every 15min

Sure you just have beans peak language on your phone for fun. Fucj off Juan. Tell your mom to clean my fucking house better

bait harder bruh.

I have a shitty outdated tablet and I can't think of a wallpaper so I just used a random image
>roast me


Da imagery


5/10 app locations not symmetrical
What launcher?

Google Now launcher.
I'm going for that lopsided aesthetic tho.
