Why haven't you done your duty by taking a refugee into your home?

Why haven't you done your duty by taking a refugee into your home?


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Cus I'm racist

Everyone suffers, everyone dies, and it's happened to about 100 billion humans over the course of our history. I'm smart enough not to get caught up in bullshit morality and guilt.

I suppose you mindless sheep believe everything Drumpf says?

Because they're subhuman.
If they ever try to bring refugees to my city I'll become racist batman.

Because I'm not a liberal cuck

You may now proceed to kill yourself you liberal fucktard.

Why haven't you completely given everything you own to a refugee? Have you moved out of your home so they can have more room? Are you driving them to work if they need it? Are you buying them groceries? Are you taking time away from your life to focus on educating them? Have you made absolute sure to check your privilege at least every 10 minutes?

Because I don't think fleeing your country when things get rough is the right thing to do. Ergo, all of these refugees are pussies who are unwilling to fight to make where they come from better. I have no respect for them.

wow lot of bigotry and hatred in this thread no wonder society is so divided

The difference between invading and being invaded.

Man, conservatives will literally believe anything as long as they agree with it.

Just stay in your safe space, you pussy. Are you making sure to wear your sound proof earmuffs?

Would you be saying the same thing if you were In their shoes? What would you do as an individual to correct a failing country?
Slippery slope fallacy. Shut up cunt.
Suffering is a mountain to be climbed, not something to be avoided. If everyone ran from tough times no one or nothing would grow.

>taking a refugee into your home?

Because if those men had stayed in their home country and FOUGHT, they'd be the third largest military in the world.
No, really. Look it up. 5 million refugees vs how many ISIS members? 31,000?

Because i don't want to have someone whose religion tells them to beat and decapitate me living in my house

the amount of rape and sexual assault in Germany has skyrocketed because of these fuckers. and the cunt German Prime minister protects these sand monkeys and says they help society. also we got our own homeless veterans.

Because the house I live in is condemed and not even I should be living here

>What would you do as an individual to correct a failing country?

How about not going to other countries and trying to impose my religion and doing the same shit that ruined my country?

Tfw you disagree with xenophobic conservative retards and they get triggered and start calling you a libtard cuck that wants to give everything you own to a refugee who escaped a country as a direct result of your country's failed foreign policy.

According to who? Shitty alternative media that's ran by conspiracy dipshits who are literally retarded.

I agree, but that description doesn't fit every refuge, so now your using a straw man fallacy. Try again retard.

Live next door to some refugees. Still haven't been raped, converted, or beheaded. It's almost as if they're just regular people like me that want to live in peace and not live in a war zone. Strange.

>Calls someone he disagrees with xenophobic conservative retard
>Complains about people who disagree with him calling him libtard cuck
>No one called him that ITT

Irony much?

My "duty"? Fuck you smoking cuck?

Because I don't want my wife and daughter to be raped in the middle of the night.
Because I don't want to have to supply them with dozens of jars of Nutella every day to keep them from burning down my house.
Because I don't want to be stabbed.
Because I don't want every square inch of my house covered in prayer mats.
Because I rather enjoy eating pork.
Because I don't want to be prevented from talking about Islamic terrorism in my own house.
Because I don't want all of my possessions being repurposed into bombs.
Because I don't want to be beheaded because I don't follow the teachings of a schizophrenic paedophile who's been dead for thousands of years.

Just leave this problem to us.

Go be triggered on infowars plz

>not realising our global society is one of capitalism and competition
>not realising everything nice you ever had was created by some smart cunt stepping on the backs of hundreds
>standing up for the hundred kneeling and not trying to be a smart cunt

You took the words right out of my mouth, liberal cuck.

send em back, charge arabs

shut up jew

or produced by normal people, with help of well paid assistants

Fairy point. But while there exist those who don't want to rape and kill everyone there are also extremist groups that enter with the immigrants

Dat ad hominum.

when hitler came to power, germany was 1/4 male/female ratio due to male flight after WWI. i got that from a printed book when i was doing a weird term paper trying to make "the lottery" by shirley jackson a metaphor for WWII. (the fascists got stoned to death from all sides because their "swastika"--an ancient "good luck" symbol made them the "winner")

commies should be deported

>afraid of scary brown refugees because they will stab, rape, behead, convert, and take away pork.
>probably thinks it's ok for refugees to stay in a war zone to eventually be stabbed, raped, and beheaded.
>probably believes they are so much more civilized.

>falling for that delusion
Think about every big brands that focus on innovation, and think of the name that follows that brand. For example, Steve jobs. How much credit did the guys that found that perfect touch screen technology get?

Because I still need to bury the last 3 I "took in"

And? There are extremists already in your country.

>deportation for differing opinions
I don't like fascism

>Someone points out the flaws on his argument
>"Go be triggered on infowars plz"

Gtfo faggot. If you can't reason and take what others think into account you shouldn't participate on the conversation

>isn't afraid of being murdered or raped simply because they don't agree with someone else's ideas
>implying they're being attacked (they're not)
>normal humans don't assault people for believing in a different religion

you gotta remember the "refugees" are actually the former rich people of the country the left (lets not count African migrants that's different) it would be like war breaking out in detroit and farmington hills getting the fuck out to Canada and everyone in metro Detroit getting left to die

>not understanding that humans are naturally selfish due to wanting to spread their own genes, and not others
>not realising that everyone's own self interest is most important, whether it be physical safety or feeling morally self-righteous (like you)

Ok, so if there were one thousand M&Ms in a bowl, and five hundred would kill you, would you take a handful and eat them?

I pay taxes for that shit. Don't mind helping some refugees, but gold digging faggots can go home.

>believing that a war where tens of thousands of people dying is the price of progress.
>believes that because bad shit happens and will continue to happen is an excuse to be ok with innocent people dying.

It's similar to standing by doing nothing and watching someone drown or be when there's something you could have done to help them.

This makes you a sociopath mate.

you have to go back

[citation needed] on those 50/50 stat's mate

can i easily obtain a syrian wife?

u wanna help that mudslims
well just only allows entry of women and lil children -& there is still a risk doing this-
muslim men they have to return to defend their sand territory
its that hard to understand

Except they do. It's part of the rules of their religion
Attack and kill the infidels and everyone who doesn't believe the same as them

Says the war hawk that believes that war and denying people sanctuary is appropriate and anybody that disagrees is a liberal cuck. Please seek help, sociopathic behavior is a serious problem.

>murdering people because of a disagreement
That sounds a lot more like a psychopath than a normal human being.

What are you gonna do? Cry about a few thousands die from bombs and ak's when literally billions have died from starvation over the course of our time? You going to save us all, hero?

War is just human stupidity and squabbling, but yeah, it is the cost of progress. This is the most peaceful era of earth since recorded history and you faggot are still complaining.

What's the problem with sociopaths ?

u know what will happen if they continue to allow more of those mudslims right

I'm a Muslim. Never felt a desire to do what you mentioned. Never saw my Muslim friends to do what you mentioned. Family in Lebanon has never talked to me about doing what you mentioned. I'm actually a nurse so I help save quite a few "infidel" lives. Maybe stop spending so much time on infowars and start talking and learning from real people that are in your life.

50% may be exaggerated, but the point still stands. In fact, by letting these people immigrate, you're not only gambling with your life, but the lives of everyone who lives in the same country as you.

>Never said that sanctuary should be denied
>Never called anyone a liberal cuck
>calls me a sociopath
>Making things up to try to win an argument on the internet

Are you even trying to make it look like you're not trolling?

The issue is mostly that the religion you follow teaches you to do this, not that you do/don't do it. The core ideals of Islam are wholly incompatible with the foundation of Western democracies. For example:
1. Women are treated primarily as property.
2. Non-believers are to be executed.
3. Islam is not to be criticized.
I could go on, but I believe you get the point.

Then I hope, for your sake, that those with the resources to help you if you and your family find yourselves in a war zone don't share the same sociopathic philosophy as yourself.

Altruism is a far more significant trait of humanity than selfishness and greed. People like you are the problem, not the solution.

You also gamble your kids life when you send them off to school, of drop your eyes when they are in a parking lot. Why don't you roll yourself in bubble wrap?

The probabilities aren't the same. You're implying that people are just as likely to be raped or murdered in a school as in a back alley at night.

Except if America (or any first-world country) was to become a warzone, countries accepting refugees wouldn't see a dramatic increase in the rate of rapes and murders as a result.

jsut give kid a glock 21 tell him shoot any uppity jews n other minorities that act stupid

Just wait a second, mate. If I am in a wartorn country suffering, I would not wish for help. Any obstacle placed in your way is a path to strength.

You wanna talk about altruism? That blurs the lines! Would a global kulling be altruistic, because it ensures a lack of suffering? What about minimising the population to 100 instantly so those people get %100 of the resources, and the whole population can live in luxury? What about forcing people to get their tubes tied to stop the next generations from suffering?

(Additional points to )

You're also ignoring the fact that you're gambling with the lives of complete strangers. You don't have the right to do that.

Not really as there are far more passages and teachings that push peace than violence. Are there violent passages? Sure. An overwhelming % of the Muslim population does not believe the teachings in the Quran itself as literal. The main issue are teachings called "Hadith" which are accepted as supplemental teachings. The problem is there are so many that exist within each sect of Islam that literally anything could be misconstrued by a sociopath who wanted to push their own agenda like Bin Laden or etc. I'm not saying my religion is perfect but to say every Muslim is taught to kill non Muslims is laughable. If it were true you'd all be in trouble.

>Shitty alternative media
who was right about the elections?
it wasn't CNN, MSM, Fox or any of the other shithole sites
>conspiracy theories
that have been confirmed legit by wiki leaks
>inb4 they aren't real
then why is the government after assange

That wasn't what I was implying, what I was implying was that risks are a fact of life, and to boil such a huge topic down to the potential risks for yourself is retarded. Not only because you can't fathom the outcome, but also that you can take extra measures to minimise those risks.

Again, the issue is not the fact that people believe it, but the fact that it is taught in the first place. Even ignoring all of the violent passages, in countries where Islam is the majority, women are treated as third-class citizens. They are unable to own property, unable to leave their home without a male present with them, and are told exactly how to dress when outside of the house with no regard to their feelings.

Religion is bullshit anyways, so there's no problem if you want to reform it. Like we have done several times with christianity.

>implying they don't have their own vote, their own say, and they don't need you looking out for them.

If 10,000 snakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn’t want to bite me, I knew they were good... Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that that thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I just close the door and stay safe?

so what u think about this
this happens a lot in your muslim countries and you know it.
or you're going to deny this fact
if u do this in US u go to jail 4 life, while in your muslim countries ppl think you are only a good husband in his duty or some say she deserved it

Risks are a fact of life, yes. And not accepting refugees where a fair amount of them are radical muslims is a legitimate way to reduce the risk factor presented to you, your family, your friends, and your neighbors.

Like the media hasn't missed on elections before. The election was extremely close to call. Shillary even got more votes. Don't like either of them, but alt right media is proper shit.

Assage is wanted because he leaked classified documents. There doesn't have to be a conspiracy for that.. There also was these rape allegations.

That happens is Pakistan, India, saudia arabia. That's pretty much it. Muslim countries have had more female heads of state than America and any European country. Kys fag

Look at all the damage done by them.

Gonna need a source on this claim.

If you are that paranoid, maybe just duct tape everyone you know to your body so nothing can happen to them? At least if you did that, your judgements and potentially bias views towards people wouldn't direct affect their quality of life.

I wonder if your child or grandchild will have a fear of being bombed or shot one day, and they will have no where to go.

>citing cnn
Wew lad

lol you're dumb. Way to oversimplify a complex issue like war and refugees down to snakes in a fucking hallway you fucking retard.

While not perfect, Indonesia (the biggest muslim country I think) does have womans rights. Politicians are female, woman are working, they don't have to wear hijabs, and so on.

Indonesia has also had a female president/leader, like several other muslim countries.

>At playschool
>Teacher divides up lego
>we all get into little friend groups and start building
>soon everyone is having fun, trading bricks and complementing each other's creations
>Suddenly a group of kids start fighting over their lego pile
>It gets out of hand and they end up kicking their buildings to pieces
>Suddenly they all want to come over and join your friends group
>One of them mentions that he can't wait to kick your lego to shit, not sure which one said it
>you're not sure what to do
>Not ALL of them want to kick your lego to shit

facts. we take in mostly women and children

Good analogy, but we are not talking about playing, we are talking about people. People that, if the dice roll was different, could be you mother, sister, brother, child, etc.

Regardless, it's one guy. They got him. Good. You know how many white Christian extremists have killed people in the states? Better ban all the white Christians then, right? You think having that many people come into a country and there wouldn't be a single fuck up? I'm Muslim but I'm not unrealistic. Sure, develop a better process, to ban an entire group of people? That's insane. Also, yeah, I do believe Europe is getting shafted because Arab states have done shit fir the refugees and are letting Europe foot the bill. That I disagree with.

It a quote. Because good people exist in a group doesn't mean they will protect you.
In your terms, they can go fuck off and die. Lololol

says who? cnn? msnbc?


Yeah, which is why I'd prefer the people that kicked their lego to shit didn't come any where near my lego, child, sisters, brothers or mother

If you haven't figured out the globalist plan yet, there's no point even bothering with you.

Consider yourself left behind.

cnn=proven fak newz

I don't know from which country are you from, but most of refugees are young men, often from more stabile countries with no wars.

>lots of kids playing with Lego in the wrong group that don't rage and kick shit
>don't feel sorry for them at all

Using psychic abilities to understand my opinion after I say four words. Wew lad.

For got to do the green arrow thinggy (>)

P.s. I'm being a newfag on purpose