France wants to elect Obama

How long until he pulls out a French birth certificate to illegally run in another election?

>"We were thinking about French politics and saying that we were fed up with the fact that we all the time had to vote against someone," he says, "and how it would be cool to be able to vote for someone we admire. We came up with Obama."

>"I think the whole world would love to have him as president," he says.

France is fucking meme country

tbf obama was a bro

Obama was such a shit president. I wouldn't wish that on our greatest ally.

For Heaven's sake, the ones that sorted this placard can't even speak French.
>Oui on le peut*

You wanna bet it was made by, ahem, immigrants?

we wuz prezidentz n sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

Jeez France, haven't you already imported enough worthless niggers?

Do you have to be a natural born citizen in order to be the president of France?

>Meme country
>Because some retarded college student spent 2€ making some poster
We aren't the one who elected him.

You'll have to take our black angels from our cold, dead, cum encrusted hands.

> Obama was a bad president
Hmmm... really makes me think

le lil whip girl

i am thinking about installing twitter just to follow trump

If You want we give you François Hollande.

History will judge Obama as a pretty good president, all memes aside.

Not even joking.

Everyone knows this but saying it out loud triggers the Sup Forumstards.

I think the only countries that require this are the US and a few Central American banana states.

Because he was moderate in a sense. It's just that he didn't go full fascist and had left-leaning tendencies that ""people"" here hate him.

And with him being a nig DESU.

oh wait, you're a fucking mobile mongrel?

>Forced people without insurance to pay a fine
>Says is going to stop the war but continues it anyway
>Ruins race relations to a new low
>Operation Fast and Furious
>Tried add more gun control

He was a shitty president.


Also putting gay pride colors on the White House.

Absolutely and I don't even like the guy myself. He shouldn't be, but he will be because of the imbeciles that preceded and proceeded him.

In terms of foreign policy he was incredibly weak.

Come on, I am pretty sure this is a fake account.

I was wondering when something like this would happen.
Why wouldn't a former leader attempt to run for public office somewhere else?
I don't know much about the laws of other countries, but I'm sure some don't require being born there.