Ask a german MD-11F pilot anything

Ask a german MD-11F pilot anything.

Pic related

Ever consider diving into a mountain?

Ever get your dick sucked while you were flying the plane?

Ever plough one of the stewardesses? Like really smash her from behind while the copilot watched?

We didn't have flight attendants or passengers. So i didn't get a head during flight

Im a Cargo Pilot.

Sorry, forget to say that.

Do you really feel the third engine ?

When are you going to bomb london? It desperately needs it.

What model of plane do you fly?

what country do you fly for?

You could just fly low and open the cargo doors.


Physically not, but we have to consider it at our fuel and take off calculations. And of course the ground crew must be careful during loading

how safe is flying from an insight's perspective?

im a nervous flyer, i know the numbers, im just an idiot when it comes to flying.

Ever went to HAM?

If so, are they chill or not so chill?

Whats the Pilots/Crew gossip about HAM?

Whats the biggest in flight maintenance fault you jave encountered?

Worked a few KC-10s myself.

How big is your dick?

how often do you bounce land in those things? and are you ever going to be a good enough pilot to fly proper jets?

Boeing MD-11
Germany, Lufthansa Cargo

Have German men really started peeing sitting down so there's no piss splashes when females need to have a whazzle or drop a gorilla finger ?

Lack of blow jobs in the cabin

How much do you hate hotel clerks?

Maintenance here.

Pretty safe, usually a series of things need to go wrong and pile up. RARELY does anythimg ever lands with faults that could down a plane. I have caught thousanda of planes.

I don't have a question, i just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you

> drop a gorilla finger ?

Fuckin kek

Are you a member of the Mile High Club ?

Havé ever touched dicks with thé co-pilot?

Never had a bounce landing, it's dangerous.
We had special bounce training sessions in the simulator to prevent it

what's the procedure when it starts to bounce? I heard the MD-11 was prone to bouncing under some conditions

Once being on autopilot, we tried golden shower on each other

How many niggers has your wife fucked while you're at work ?

how much do you earn?
do you like your job?
which are the best places you have been to?

ever found a stowaway on board ?

Not niggers, but a few Syrians as much as I know meine frau had

If ever things goes very wrong, you're still probably okay. An aircraft can lose a lot of her system before it becomes dangerous.

Do you personally know Klaus from American Dad?

Truly an enrich country, hope you get a chance yo see the new caliph.

Roundabout 75k per year.

Yes I like my job. The salary is ok, and you see much places in the world

My favorite destination is LAX and Hong Kong

> aircraft
> her system
> her
Faggotten detektün

sound great, i thought about becoming a pilot, what are the requirements to become one?

How many times have you been tempted to plough the place straight into a mountain? Or into a city?

12 yr old hopeful faggot detected

a pilot's license

nope, not 12, the rest may be true. Saying that you sound like someome that failed at life, am i right?

11 then?
And no, I am pretty happy with my life user.

ok, i know that much, i meant like a specific degree in something, or maybe a psycological health test, stuff like that

it says "Cargo" right on the frikken OP photo, don't apologize because btards are stupid

I really can't say how you have to be or what the requirements are.
At Lufthansa Flight school you had to be lucky at the assessment, that's it. You don't have to be superman but if the jury didn't like you, you're fucked up

tell that yourself, wannabe

Shit's expensive as fuk to do privately. Check the local air force if you feel the hotshot or the local aero clubs. Where I'm from classes are free until the age of 21 - regular plane, ultralight, glider or parachuting. Gotta pass a test which is easy as balls if you pay the slightest attention to what they explain and understand a bit of physics. That being said I truly hope you make it.

thanks, have a nice day

Do you know that when you fly your wife gets fucked by sandnigger fugees ?

Fliegst du immer mit der gleichen Maschine oder bekommst du für jeden Flug eine neue?
Wie viel Aufenthalt hast du in einer fremden Stadt?
Hast du mal darüber nachgedacht, Menschen rum zu fliegen?

hey, thank you a lot, which country are you from? as op is, im a germanfag, so probably a lot to pay, if i did it privately

When you say it in foreign it sounds even more tardish

have you ever thrown a jew into a jet engine?

Winning post

You know that when you hear the words "terrain, terrain".. you push the yoke forward?

Wir haben jedesmal eine andere Maschine, weil die Flieger meist nach ca 2 Std Beladung wieder rausgehen.

Aufenthalt kommt immer darauf an, minimum sind aber 24 Std. Es kann aber auch bis zu 3 Tage dauern, bis es einen Rückflug gibt.

Ich würde auch Pax'e fliegen, bin aber zur Cargo gewechselt da ich hier Langstrecke fliege und es mir so Privat besser passt.

HEY! In English! You lost the war.

If the allies had lost, damn sure we'd all be speaking german right now.

you are you fucknugget

IF lol always if if if if if

If germany had won
ho ho ho ho
merry xmas
etc etc

Romania. It's actually quite cool that in a land of poorfags one can get into flying. I went to flight school myself, but failed the test like an idiot (half an hour of sleep in 48 hours) . At some point all i wanted to do was fly cropdusting in beat up old AN-2s in the countryside.

Ever flown any other planes? Does the Third engine help with anything in particular?
Just a plen nerd autismo question.

75k€ netto?
Weil, als popeliger Elektroniker bekomm ich ja schon 55 brutto.

Weißt du wenn du fliegst wie hoch der Wert der Fracht ist?
Weißt du wie hoch der Wert des Flugzeuges ist?
Schon mal darüber nachgedacht dich damit Ab zusetzten und ein neues Leben zu beginnen?
Als Pilot verdient man bestimmt ein Arsch voll Geld, oder?
Machst du manchmal riskante Manöver, nur so für den Nervenkitzel?

Fucking kek

Könnt Ihr das Flugzeug irgendwie während des Fluges öffnen? Also mal son Fenster öffnen oder so?

i think if you just take them, everyone has so many opportunitys, nice to read from someone actually doing it, congrats

kann man nicht, aber ja
75k im Jahr, geht wohl.
nein, das wird alles gelogt, die firma reißt dir den arsch auf wenn du nen looping machst. also: spritkosten und so.

nein, die frachttüren gehen nur von außen auf.
kabinentür könnte man, will man aber nicht.


ITT: bus drivers thinking they are "something"

Nah I never got to fly a plane, but i must have spent millions of hours in IL-2 Sturmovik then and since then. Microsoft Flight Simulator is still a good way to practice basic aviation skills (like the terminology, the controls, etc.)

Says the jealous fat dumb NEET virgin basement dweller

Eine noch: Fühlst du dich so richtig als Pilot, Held der Lüfte... so das Bild was in Filmen gerne gezeigt wird oder fühlst du dich eher als besserer Fernfahrer?

>Dis nigga played a flight simulator and now thinks he's an actual pilot



Are you a douche?
How old are you
Is flying really that hard to learn and do?, once you get the hang of it, its like driving a bus with autopilot.

Hey OP. As a cargo pilot, do they make you to fly under more dangerous conditions, e.g. fly right through turbulence than passenger flights?

Dude are you on something ? I never said i was an actual pilot.

Was verdient man da so? Wollte ich schon immer mal wissen. Geht das pro Flug oder regulaer als Monatsgehalt?

Würdest du jemandem empfehlen Pilot zu werden?

Gibt es ne Altersgrenze, ab welcher man's sich in die Haare schmieren kann, überhaupt daran zu denken noch Pilot werden zu wollen?

>Dis nigga

It was all jokes fam

seems like op has left

komm zurück OP

Are you scared of beards on your plane?

when your copilot gets up to take a wizz and says "you have the plane", what happens if you say nothing?

the the passenger-related employees go on strike for better wages, do cargo guys join in or is it more like everyone for himself?

Kann man denn einen Looping machen?
Woher kommst du eigentlich?
>inb4 Frankfurt
