Trump promises major increase in defense spending, modernization of the US nuclear arsenal


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surely there's a point of diminishing returns on intimidation when it comes to nuclear weapons. They already have a shitload of them and they're fucking nukes so they're pretty destructive as it is.

Not sure what having more / bigger ones accomplishes.

Our nuclear arsenal is hella outdated and deteriorated, man. Nothing's been modernized since Reagan was president.

yeah but i mean what does refurbishing them really achieve as long as they work?

And out of what arse does he intend to pull out the money needed for it?

>increase military spending to ludicrous levels while cutting taxes
This chump really is bush 2.0.

More nukes... just what this world really needs.
Bravo America!

Equipment that old is probably not very reliable or dependable. It would be like if you bought an 83 Crown Victoria with rusted fenders and expected to use it as your daily transportation.

>More nukes... just what this world really needs.
Wait, isn't that pretty much Russia's answer to everything?

Nobody would listen. People think nukes are evil boogeyman.

Old nukes would be shot down with modern rockets. Anti-nukes are cheaper than nukes so they are developing faster.

It's re-managing resources.

>Doesn't realize MAD has saved more human lives than all the medicine, humanitarian aid and feel goods in history

Nukes are pretty good tbqh, we should at least double our arsenal to be honest.

That was kind of the point. You know all the Kremlinbot spammers who were posting memes about US nukes using 8" floppy disks? Yeah.

so israel will be getting an "aid" increase?

as expected

mozel tov greatest ally

He's right in the sense that Europe doesn't have to go to war every 20 years like we did pre-1945. War has pretty much been outsourced to shitholes in the Middle East or wherever.

I have a feeling that one of those old Falling apart ones would detonate

Reagan also had to deal with an outdated nuclear arsenal dominated by deteriorating 20 year old Titan IIs that caused a couple of memorable accidents, notably the 1980 Arkansas silo explosion, meanwhile the Soviet arsenal was bristling with modern stuff.

>publicly announcing the building of nukes

what the fuck m8 now there is going to be an arms race
everyone should just be doing that shit on the down low

there's only 2 reasons to build nukes

1. you intend to use them

2. you want everyone to be scared of you

one of these requires subtlety, the other requires advertising

Disarmament and non proliferation is best. It's not even a partisan issue.

why not be really vague so stronger countries could be unsure?
I like the unknown number of nuclear submarines approach

They won't detonate because nuclear fission is pretty difficult to actually cause.

the guy is outright retarded

>what is trident

Can we have also some nukes? You know for the "Germans".

What a flaming fucking retard he is to assume that increasing the number of nukes we own would do anything. Out of over seven thousand fucking nukes we own Russia beats our arsenal by about six hundred, so he wants to spend the expensive tax dollars he wants to make scarce with cuts on more fucking nukes? This manchild has a fucking twelve year old's idea of how to play president.

>mfw my countrymen elected a literal peanut-brain oompa-loompa to """lead""" us

That aside. We have Minuteman missiles from the 1960s with 1980s support equipment.

And number 3, buy gratitude among the industry and corporates by handing them over billions of ameritards public moneys.


Don't you know how many jobs are created by defense contracto...oh right, what would a Spaniard know about employment?

Make Fallout world a reality

>Comparing it to daily transportation
Buddy, nukes shouldn't be used AT ALL. They're basically a war deterrent tool. Thanks to nukes WWIII hasn't happened.

Decommission them then, land based ICBM are obsolete given SSBNs.

>that aside

they're the most important aspect of your nuclear arsenal by far.

>we need jobs...
>let's spend government money in one of the sectors known to be most inefficient in creating jobs per dollar!

I'm shaking my head, senpai.

Lots ofc and that's a bonus. Keeping a plebeian clientele of dumbos and hicks happy via subsidizing them jobs to produce unnecessary shit with public funds is a political trick as old as Emperor Nero's harp.

In democratic countries though that's called embezzlement and it's a crime.

I know, I know. That money would be better spent on free gender reassignment surgeries for every American.

Pay no heed to that Kremlinbot with a Spain proxy.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

It's no different than in the 1960s when SJWs said the space program was a waste of money that should be spent instead on giving health care to illegal immigrants or something to that effect.

It's probably the CCP bot with a Spain proxy. He's been a persistent troll as of late.

Great, not like we already spend a fifth of the national budget on it

oh wait

Peace through strength.

Obama started the modernization way before the election.

1 Trillion in 30 years investment for the modernization of the US arsenal.

It's not about having more.
it's about modernizing the bombs.

The programs will aso include advancements in tactical nuclear weapons. Smaller nuclear devices that can actually be used to destroy big targets while not destroying entire cities or creating nuclear winter.

We aren't just building nuclear bombs.
The modernization program includes submarines, surface vessels, bombers, new missiles, etc.

Why build more is the question? Disarmament was bilateral even during the most hostile administrations on both sides. Why reverse this trend?

>33 billion per year for nukes
>19 billion a year to NASA
hmm really makes you think

I'm sure ISIS cares very much about disarmament.

We aren't building new bombs at all. We're modernizing what we already have. Most of it involves infrastructure necessary to maintain a deterrent.

We're talking about nuclear arms you idiot. Having more nukes means more money being spent on guarding them and a higher chance one of them could get lost or stolen.

>more nukes
For the 1000th time, we aren't building more nukes.

When Drumpf supporters are confronted with logic they follow the suit of their leader and resort to epic reddit randomness, as you can see here.

>now there is going to be an arms race
Oh god do americans really believe russians have money to start competing with you? This isn't the 1960's you doofus. They can barely keep what they have running. A war in goddamn syria (next door) and 1 trip with old smokey already put them in the red.

There's also China, Iran, North Korea, and IS.

And yet, you still have a draft army in case they decide to invade you.

Are you seriously comparing infantry and nuclear weapons expenditure? Breath out of your mouth for yes and drool for no.

Nukes are 20th century as fuck, just like serial killers. He should focus more on stuff like this