That vast majority of Muslims are wonderful, moral, peaceful people

That vast majority of Muslims are wonderful, moral, peaceful people.

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I agree, friends
It is a shame that the terrorist give muslims such a bad name

Who should stay in their wonderful, moral, peaceful countries.

fuck off

Then why don't they speak out about the atrocities the extremists are making. They're enabling the extremists and therefore immoral.

I want her to tear out one of my testicles from my sack and hold it like that strawberry while this cute Muslimah tells me to watch as she eats it

I am happy to inform you that they actually do speak out against terrorism

>That vast majority of Muslims are wonderful, moral, peaceful people.
I agree.

Now what is a 2% of 2 billion?

> most pedophiles are peaceful, moral people
> it´s a shame that offending pedophiles are giving the rest of them a bad name


Now show them speaking out in EU.

>apologists for Islam posting under European flags

memes are really true

I want European sources, not fake news.

but this is actually true
most pedophiles never fuck children

damn, you are hard to please

>guns -> dis is the brise ob freedumb xDDDdd
>muslims -> muh 9/11 tought me everithing bout dem muzzies

Nice proxy Muhammad.

That's one small group of people. From one incident. There should be more outrage in the Muslim community.

Take for example the issue with catholic priests molesting children. Many catholics have left the church because of that. And have become highly critical themselves. But I rarely hear Muslims criticising the extremists, or islam in general. Unless there was just a terrorist attack and they immediately jump up and defend islam.
However I am understanding of those in strict Islamic countties, take Saudi Arabia for example, who don't speak out. They could be killed for doing so. But in the west we have this thing called freedom of speech. Muslims should look into that sort of thing.


>the eternal german
that doesn´t mean they´re good people, they want to fuck children ffs

Go choke on a fucking dick you fucking subhuman mudslime.

most muslim women are really really pretty

oh God, why was i born in such a shithole and not as a rich muslim man in a beatiful muslim country?

There are probably more muslims in western countries specifically speaking out against saudi influence than wh*tes, not just per capita but like more actual people

There are not enough Muslims in the west criticising islam and the extremists. Speaking out about Saudi influence isn't enough. It's the same as many Jews being critical of Israel.

The peaceful majority is irrelevant

I don't think it makes them good or bad . They didn't chose to like children . Instead of people wanting death to all pedos it should be encouraged for them to seek help so to lower cases of pedos harming children

Here in the US yes idk about europe

Consider how much westerners hold themselves accountable.
How much shit happens in the third world the west is to blame for, but nobody cares?
Syria is a proxy war between Russia and USA to a degree, Libya had European involvement. We're allied with the SA which bombs Yemen for the lulz.
But that's just politics, nothing personal, well that's probably how muzzies see it - you bomb ISIS they bomb back, what's it to do with me?

U mad?

Go end your life you filthy loud obnoxious subhuman.

>How much shit happens in the third world the west is to blame for
None, take responsibility for themselves.

I've worked with and met many Muslim STEM students in my studies as a pre-Med undergraduate in NJ, and they were all pretty cool.

>.t invented modern Islamic terrorism

To an extent you're right. The west is partially responsible for all this. However, their responsibility lies in creating the right setting for these sorts of extremist groups to rise. The rest that follows is simply a result of Islam. Islam is not a religion of peace. Since the founding of Islam after the death of Muhammed, Abu bakar and all that followed him simply spread islam by the sword. It has always been a violent religion.

Now onto your other point. Yes, the west has fucked up and destabilized many Islamic countries, but that does not make them solely responsible for extremism. For example, the west (more so the United States) did the exact same thing in many south american/central American countries back in the 70s and 80s. But we do not see extremist terrorist groups in those instances. This is evidence proving that it's not entirely the wests fault for extremist Muslim groups.

Zionism and Wahhabism are both terroristic ideologies that could not exist without US material and strategic succor.

>the US creates religious extremists by not allowing them quarter in our country

No, the West sustains them by providing economic and military support to Saudi Arabia and Israel, and toppling any sovereign powers that threaten the geopolitical interests of US client states

>are wonderful, moral, peaceful people.
Smelly, loud, aggressive, savage, stupid, ignorant. Those are the words i use when describing muslims shits and their trashbag wives.

the west created economic instability in the middle east, overthrew a number of democratically elected leaders, and then replaced them with sponsored autocrats who committed atrocities

its really no surprise that created a very volatile anti-western sentiment
and then a logical extension of that sentiment is to revert to the most extreme version of the remaining identifier the people have

the issue is absolutely not what is in the quran, there are similarly fucked up rules and laws in the bible and the torah
interpretation of religious text is determined by the present culture and way of life, not the other way around
you can look at any modern place with religious values and see this

Zionism and Islamic theocracy have existed since before the United States was conceived.

So its impossible to say the US is responsible for their existence.

>he mad


Why does the Quran encourage killing so much?
Especially those of a heathen or heretical religion

there are varying levels of zionism and islamic theocracy

its a pretty small leap to make to say that US foreign policy is partially responsible for the radicalization of islamic extremists to violent anti-american ends

im pretty sure ISIS and al qaeda have said as much themselves

I agree with you in many aspects. But we must remember that Islam is unlike the other Abrahamic religion in many ways. The Quran provides a way of life and a socio political rule book. Islam is more than a religion. And the default setting of Islam is war. We must remember that what we are seeing with isis is nothing new. Within the first 20 years of the founding of Islam they were doing the exact same thing.

Back to your point: yes, the west is partially responsible. But we can see many other countries destabilized by the west, with no extremism and beheadings. Read my previous comment. We can take it a step further with British imperialism. Wherever they went they did the exact same thing that's happening today, only they executed it a little better than you Americans did. And where do we see the exact same extremism arise? In the Muslim world of course. Muslims in India, Muslims in Egypt, in the 1800s committed terrorist attacks against the British. But the Hindus didn't do that. The sihks didn't do that. The bhuddists didn't do that. We see the same matters where the Muslim world sticks out with a sore thumb. So again, is the blame to be placed entirely on the west? Do you really think islam is completely innocent?

Their existence? No, of course not. However the US is indeed largely responsible for the prominence of both ideologies from the mid twentieth to the twenty first century.

>there are varying levels of zionism and islamic theocracy
That has no bearing on this discussion at all. Both Zionism and Islamic theocracy existed long before the creation of the US.

Its simply impossible to attribute the US as the cause to either ones rise or decent because they've been in existence for thousands of years.

>the US is indeed largely responsible for the prominence of both ideologies from the mid twentieth to the twenty first century.
Or, maybe both ideologies have been prominent for thousands of years.

And now the US has come along.

I really believe that Islam is the right religion for the West

it does have a bearing on the discussion because those two things arent inherently immoral, they're only immoral when taken to extremist or violent ends
there are peaceful forms of zionism and there can be generally peaceful and democratic forms of islamic theocracy

and thats what were talking about here, how the drive for violence was created and how it can be prevented

>thousands of years

Islam is not thousands of years old pal. Try one thousand and some. Anyway, denying the US role in KSA's promulgation of Wahhabist fundamentalism, or denying our frequent funding and support of fundamentalist militants as ad hoc proxies, is ahistorical.

>it does have a bearing on the discussion because those two things arent inherently immoral
No one said anything about morality.

The US isn't responsible for Zionism or radical Islam.

>or denying our frequent funding
How much does peace cost?

They are funding a mainstream ideology thats been practiced for thousands of years. Its not even in the US place to restrict their beliefs.

t. merkel

You can't admit that we've bankrolled Wahhabist partisans in Syria who behead alawites, Shia and yazidis for our own strategic purposes and also maintain that the US bears no responsibility for sectarian radicalism in the Middle East. It's a non sequitur.

the US is largely responsible for the forms of radical islam that are committing terrorist attacks currently

those things have happened in the past and had different causes then, but the US caused the current situation
i dont know why youre talking about zionism in the first place because radical zionism is confined mostly to 1 country that isnt terrorizing the west

there were a number of violent attacks in the fight for indian and chinese independence
they were less focused through a religious lens because unlike the people of the middle east they had other forms of identity to relate with
id also like to point out that hinduism and buddhism arent abrahamic religions, dont really fit my original example, and share a different view on violence from christianity and islam

You have to go back Achmed

why do people in europe pretend to care about muslims

It's not all Europeans, it's Western Europeans. They have been infiltrated by people with metal in their surnames, especially in academia. These people then elevated those that believed the bullshit they were spewing to high places in society.

Western europe only. Eastern europe is based as fuck and we accept no musulman.

i wouldnt mind if they actually tried to help the country of syria instead of just wanted to look good on facebook huging some rich fuck that could leave

It isn't about helping, it's about propping up the welfare states they have created. (((Propaganda))) and feminism have caused birth rates in the West to drop heavily, if they don't want to collapse economically in the future they need people.

They are too stupid to realize that these people won't build their societies, only morph them into their own

True shit senpai

I don't care, I want them all to leave. I meet a lot of ordinary, muslim people in my job and despite their politeness and mundanity I want them gone.

Because it's all entertaining. It's security theater. Someone like Abdeslam or Tsarnaev come out and they're the next big TV star.

Why don't you join Nordfront desu

Too busy to be active

b-but saving the white race????????

>eastern europe
>based as fuck

What the fuck is your problem, a literal shill with a polish proxy?

The problem is literally every fucking eastern european country aside from yours is utter shit and you're hardly even eastern you nordic fuck.

I wouldn't count Estonia as nordic but ok.
What do you mean by eastern europe not being based though?

It is shithole, tf do you mean its not

compared to Christianity, islam, at its start, dealt a lot with statesmanship, laws, how to treat conquered people, etc since the guy who started went into a massive war and ruled over kingdoms. That meant, like any conqueror, he made sure to stamp out any dissident.

Of course christianity was used the same way but its founder, didn't really set out rules on how you should conquer, how you should engage in war, etc.

I herd some spics got beat up on some eastern european shithole because they thought they where muslims. Found it funny.

I agree praise Allah


>ctrl +f skitlles
>no results

step up

Amamazing chebs

muslims must be peaceful by inbred standards

inbreds are known to get agitated quicker, so it's amazing how muslims are known to keep a cool head


I don't care, fuck off mudshit

>so it's amazing how muslims are known to keep a cool head

Yeah, the women.

>canadian Sup Forumsellectuals

So were most Nazis.

Daily reminder that Islam is the problem, not muslims.


What retard did that math? Thousands of people in Europe have been killed in the last few years because of Islamic immigration.

SEA Muslims are but that's about it.


You forgot to mention inbred, which tends to lead to low intelligence and being more prone to violence

austria getting mad at germany? :o

careful man they might annex you again

Wouldn't mind touching those boobs

>tfw no Iranian chess-master girlfriend

all I want is a MENA wife, they are so often ridiculously attractive

I wholeheartedly disagree


heart disease
heart attack

That's Sopiko Guramishvili. She's Georgian, not Iranian.

You probably got confused because the Women's World Chess Championship is currently ongoing in Iran.

oh, my bad. thanks for the correction

the sentiment still stands

Also subjective
3 for 3.

The sorts of things you could see in the Pew survey on global Muslim population could turn my hair white, were I not so jaded in seeing Islam as a net negative for human civilization.


I know that user. I love muslims I honestly do.

Very kind people, excessive hospitality too.