ITT: We take bets on what religion of peace is at fault this time

ITT: We take bets on what religion of peace is at fault this time.

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>this time

go multiculturalism!



ofc it is some muslims.

but try to imagine living in the US, then all of the sudden Saudi Arabia draws new borders to your country, and places the mexicans to, rule the government.

and to top it off, why not just put Iran in the middle of this new country of yours.
and then bomb the shit out of it.

and then drain your country for oil who they then sold off to other countries, keeping your people poor and undeducated, which in turn drove the majority of your population towards religion since you no longer have a national identity.

would you guys lay there taking it in the ass?

or would you not care who you killed, as long as it was some of those dirty muslims who put you in this situation in the first place?

go read up on what happened after the fall of the ottoman empire.

This is 100% Islam.

I love tolerance, isnt it great?


Must have been those damn Jews again

Oh wow must be religion of peace day.

> Triggered..
> .. We are a religion of peace!

(Please don't be Muslim.. Don't.. Be.. Muslim)

Kek, where can I get a free palestine?

Just a few.....(hundred thousand).....bad apples, I swear!!!

Enlighten me. How am i wrong?

or is keeping track on the history of how things escalated wrong?

or maybe im an idiot for thinking that Sup Forums can have a rational discussion?

>Please don't be Muslim

kek, you kidding?

I can already hear it:
"We must not draw early conclusions and during such hard times, we must stand together with the muslims for christmas' sake."

> kek.. That comic.


wow, the sandniggers sure are busy today

Update: 9 dead, many wounded according to bz-berlin.

Yeah, it's that last one, idiot.

bz-berlin and the Berlin Police dpt.*


fuck me today.

Dont you think its strange that on the same day that the head JEW bitch of the IMF gets found guilty and is given NO SENTANCE the media is covering terrorist plots to distract you


my money on buddhist
>mfw i don't have any

Living near Berlin. So excited.

All trains and subways will be much more accessible.

All those brave SJW heroes will stay at home crying themselves to bed while shitposting on Facebook how horrible the world has become.

Love it.

Atleast i'm in good company.


The truck has a license plate from poland ... So you never know where this is going :P

Obviously Hinduism.

Well, to Poland, of course. They steal everything.

no. because you give to much credit to the public.

people get more upset about reading about a fjew guys who killed some other fjew people, than reading about real world issues.

need a little red pill?

We jews warrened you about them, and you didn't listen - why didn't you listen'or

Thou shalt not have any gods besides, you know, the hundreds of multi-armed, animal-headed ones of Hinduism. Is that cool with you?


OK where are you?
>Pls be london

>Enlighten me. How am i wrong?
All of it. But I'm not gonna bother telling you what's wrong because it's quite telling the way you viewed world history that you pretty much drank the entire Kool Aid liberal pitcher.

>protip: it's Muslims' fault they are where they are right now, no matter how much you want to try to blame Jews and whitey.

Allahu Akbar.



They just said on German telly: "Die Situation ist unter Kontrolle"

so calm the fuck down.

wtf happened here????

you got red pilled.

German bro, gotta ask...

Da fuck happened to your country? I get it, WWII you dun goofed and shit, but WTF you doing with this giga-cuck shit you're playing?

I was in Dresden last week and the towelheads were holding and anti-German rally just outside of the Christmas market intimidating people and now I read that this happened in Berlin. Why am I not at all surprised?

some mexican dude who posted himself degrading his maid for money

Welp, they're sure as shit not going to be Shinto.


tbh though he placed the rolling pin in his own ass

Here is a history lesson. betting you cant imagine what would happen if the roles were reversed.

the middle east used to be alot more secular then it is now. and something pushed the progression the other way around. this is all historical accurate information. So please dont believe this is biased.

So one of the casualties of WW1 was the Ottoman Empire, which was essentially carved up into different regions, some of which were administered by the French, some by the British, and then there was Turkey.

Over the next 60 or so years (and this is obviously an INCREDIBLY abridged history,) you had a number of major events.

The British and French gave up their holds on the Muslim world, leaving behind states with boundaries that they drew. The problem with this was that the boundaries drawn didn't make any sense. You had Alawites and Sunnis living under one roof. Sunnis and Shias, Turks and Kurds, Kurds and Arabs, etc. The borders simply didn't correspond to any sort of nation state. These societies were still very much tribal, so this matters a lot to these people. A Sunni doesn't want to be ruled by an Alawite, a Kurd doesn't want to be ruled by a Turk, etc.

This is part of the reason why you keep seeing these "secular/moderate" dictators like Gadaffi, Hussein, the Assads, etc. These people consolidate power and base their legitimacy upon the need for an authoritarian arm to rule over the warring tribes. These authoritarians then cut off any source of peaceful legitimate opposition (although a lot of the opposition wasn't peaceful to begin with) which caused it to move underground, into the mosques. One of the best examples of this is Iran in the 70s-- the Shah's authoritarian grip made any sort of political dissidence impossible, so organized religion quickly became the only outlet for opposition against authoritarian rule. This of course led to the 1979 Islamic uprising.

it was a hilarious thread while it lasted.

How is it Muslims only pick fights with countrys known for genocide?


i can see the fun in her eyes. was it arhived?


While I hate Islam like any other normal person this was done by a polish truck driver.

Part 2

I'm going to be brief here because this is a really emotionally charged topic for alot of people, but... the formation of Israel and the failure of Arab leaders to "deal with it" in 49, 67, 73, was and remains easily one of the biggest reasons behind and one of the biggest outlets for distrust of authority, peddling of conspiracy theories, and the rising of a feeling of a need for a pan-Arab or (when that failed) pan-Muslim identity.

During both the first and second World Wars, the allies quickly discovered how much they needed oil to fight, and were willing to do pretty much anything necessary to ensure the safety of their oil supply from the well to their engines. This is a large part of the reason why the US has been a backer of the Sauds, why the French, British, and Israelis fought Egyptians in 1956, why the US/UK overthrew Mossadegh in 53, and overall why regional security is so important to the US.

Part 3

This has led a lot of Arabs/Muslims to feel that they are not in control of their own destinies and that it is the American/British/Israeli puppet masters that are pulling the strings, which has brought more and more people into extremism.

On top of that, Oil wealth causes massive inequality because some people get the profits, while others simply don't. This is evident all over the world in energy producing countries, but even in countries that use oil revenues for welfare, there is both massive inequality, and almost more importantly,
the oil revenues prevent the necessary economic structures that would create an actual functional economy from forming.

This keeps youths poor and disenfranchised, without much of a hope of a future, which orients them toward extremism.

Oil wealth has buoyed the House of Saud which took control of Saudi Arabia in the 30s into a regional powerhouse, and one of the driving forces in global Islam. The House of Saud is rooted in Wahhabism, (the Sauds and the Wahhabis aligned in the 1700s,)
an extremist/literalist interpretation of Islam that promotes religious violence against anyone who isn't a hardline Islamist.
Osama Bin Laden is probably the world's most famous Wahhabi warrior.
The Sauds have used their oil money to promote Wahhabism around the world, most notably in the 1979-1989 resistance against the Soviets in Afghanistan, where the Sauds spent billions of dollars to both arm the rebels and to build Wahhabi madhrasahs (religious schools) in Pakistan,
where many would-be terrorists ended up being radicalized. While it isn't clear whether Bin Laden attended one of these schools, he was definitely a recipient of Saudi money while he was in Afghanistan, building a network of religious fighters that would eventually form the beginnings of al-Qaeda.

i'm not german, but i don't see how they are cucked. They managed to rules the whole continental europe through UE, and their elite is white, and they have to import cheap worker from abroad to do all the shitty job that the german don't do because they are Herrenvolk who have access to free education and free healthcare.


What was it a pic of?

Religion has nothing to do with it, people capable of doing things like this do them regardless

so tell me, what part of the history lesson is wrong?

or are you gonna tell me that those historical facts have a "liberal bias"

Dump all please

The usual shit.
>fake feminists
>everyone is a brave hero

until something bad happens...

>i can't into reading comprehension.

Go away faggot, trying to fap to ugly mexican housemaid here

When the fuck are the new crusades starting? This is bullshit.

Second that

How long into that rally were they beaten with beer bottles by mighty Saxon skinheads?

Somebody said that Shakeel Ahmad Bhat (islamic rage boy) was jewish.

huehue "mah safe space"

have fun in your echo chamber.

It's Germany, the driver is drunk as fuck

looking at the 20th century you can see people slaughtering each other for many reasons but you can't ignore it when their belief systems allow or even approve of it.

islam allows the slaughter of infidels
communist and fascism requires that dissidents be silenced

people are shitheads. there's no way around it, but when their ideologies push them to violence, then you have to deal with those ideologies also and not let them spread.

fuck off. not your army.

Always muslim refugees

the people meekly walked around them and kept their children close.

>They managed to rules the whole continental europe through UE
But they finance most of it as well. Basically Germany works hard to finance everyone else (Spain, Greece, etc) Pretty cuckish to me.

>their elite is white
Most cucks are white. That's why you see so many blacked porn.

>free education and free healthcare.
I don't think you know what that word means.

All the while, they keep importing thousands upon thousands of Muslims who freely rape their women, disregard German law, and when German people actually try to stand up for their right not to get molested, their government is basically telling them, YOU ASKED FOR IT, YOU RACIST.

Pretty cuckish to me.

i'm also wondering the answer to this question if someone wants to enlighten us both

as a non retard i'd like this think it only makes sense that we shouldnt have fucked shit up in the middle east

>no matter how much you want to blame the muslims, the jews had it coming to them

Its already knows to be Muslim and there is more to come because in Islam happines is banned and you need to kill everyone who is happy



good lord kid, take it easy


need the sauce right here

Fair point, although I think the problem lies more in an influx of agitated rufugees from less developed/educated countries just showing up in a more developed country that people and the media actually care about. Is it possible shit like this was going on for some time now, but we only care because its happening in Germany rather than Whogivesafuckistan

just had to copy paste.

even if only 1 person reads this and starts to question the "muslims hate our freedom" thought of logic, then my job is done.

They don't finance everyone else. They are the one with all the money because they managed to impose their economic politics to everyone else, ruining other country. They managed to have a strong currency for exporting their production, and to use eastern/central europe workforce as slaves.

And for the shitty work that they can't outsource to poland, czech, romania, etc... they have to import wage slave.

Of course in some rare occasion some of these slaves rebels. But Germany isn't an insecure place. The muslim are kept at their place : poor worker who don't get that much benefit from the federal state. Until recently Germany didn't even have a minimum wage.

Of course they have to show a tolerant and leftist face to the world, so other won't rebel. But they are the one making the calls, and getting the money while the rest of Europe has to beg them from scraps.

have you ever lived surrounded by arabs ?

>they managed to impose their economic politics to everyone else
Gee I wonder how that happened...

The one who contributes the most to the pot gets to dictate the rules.


ur gay

berlin cops are instructed not to report attacks on women attacked in moozie areas to the press so as not to 'fear monger',,nacht waffen alle vertrauen berliner

it's the other way around ; they contributes because they are rich and they are rich because they managed to dictate their policies

Maybe it was the Buddhists... ya know... just fer a change?

The truck has polish licence plates......

I feel sorry for Germany. They probably took in a bunch of syrian refugees to make up for WW2, now they got a rapewave and major terrorist attacks.
Inb4 new Hitler

Actually, it's been happening a lot since the mid 1970's. Look at pictures of Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq in the 1960's, they were becoming more liberal all the time. People were fed up with the west's coddling of Isreal, next the US placed an extremist in power in Iranm The USSR invaded Afghanistan and the US helped fund the rebels like Osama bin Laden (Vietnam 1.5) next thing you know, you have nutjobs in Iraq and Iran and seriously fucked Islamic zealots with billions of dollars of oil money.

Im sure it's those extreme buddhists at it again right?


The trucks from Poland tend to do...