Muslim drives truck drives into German market

Muslim drives truck drives into German market.

Russian ambassador murdered

Other urls found in this thread:


drives truck drives


Plane crash in russia

Nowhere does it say "muslim" you piece of shit.

If he used a gun instead of a car, more than one person would have been killed

dombo. De NOS is een van de weinige zenders die dit heeft uitgezonden. Daarom is het wereldwijd in het formaat van de NOS uitgezonden

well the person that would mention his race or religion would face more jailtime than the actual terrorist.
obviously a mudslime

Yeah sure. It's probably a jew yelling mazal tov.


kek. that is lindsey ellis, a.k.a. the nostalgia chick

>Muslim drives truck drives

Say what you want but it was muslim and islam.
Wipe that fucking religion and kill all muslims. Only way to end this.

one love/people, unaited under islam

Who gives a fuck about Russia morron?!
Sandniggers at it again, watch the 4th Reich rising!!!!

Did they get the driver because the truck was from gdansk/Danzig in poland


When it's confirmed as Muslims, will you apologise?


reeeee, speakee da langage mucho?

Sandnigger detected
your ps are weak arsehole

...aaaaaand it's a muslim

lool you really can't be having an honest thought in your head that it's most likely not a muslim

stop lying to yourself because you've been told it'd be "racist" to assume so

damn this day just keeps getting better

Nah bro', it's a lost sheep.... you know the story....

9/10 times it's a muslim. when will you morons stop making up excuses?

good morning


>mfw I ordered a Koran today and am probably on a watchlist now.

Fuck the Ruskof ambassador though, serves Putin right!
He wants to suck the muzzies off, shit's coming right his way! Fucking KNUT!!!!

Eggs and bacon Sup Forumsro?

Islam is the religion of peace. Allah blesses us with his knowledge and out faith in him and Muhammad, peace be upon him, brings us closer to the truth every day. If this was a Muslim he was not a true brother of the faith.

muslim detected

Merry crim/b/ro

Dubs, this Sup Forumsro speaks the truth!!!! The prophet is back!!!
Submit now Sup Forums !!!!!

fuck off

>No true scottsman fallacy intensifies


spotted the terrorist

Duplicate tread OP

Ooooooh the sandniggers are upset about crimbo coming up soon....
If you're sponging off any European country, time to go home.... Merry Xmas

Fuck you and your thread faggot!

Please brothers, Islam means you no harm we truly believe in live and let live. Anyone who would do what's in the OP article is doing so for his own reasons. You would not say all Christians are terrorists because some of them are against abortion or some of them have bombed clinics, neither would you say all Muslims are terrorists because a few lost their way. Allah loves you all

No fuck you, cunt, creating duplicates and are the cancer of this board

>You would not say all Christians are terrorists
Actually I would. All religious people need to be purged from this earth, or at least the west. Checkmate sandnigger try a different default response.

A suspicious person was arrested near#Breitscheidplatz. Whether it is the driver of the truck, is currently under consideration.
— PolizeiBerlinEinsatz (@PolizeiBerlin_E)December 19, 2016

Allah doesn't love me. It is explained in your Quran that he blinded my eyes and heart on purpose, and I will go in hell, and he is very happy about that.
At least it is at the very beginning, I didn't have to read the rest of bullshit.
Anyway fuck him.

report is outdated. its 9 confirmed dead and about 50 more injured by now

Yo Sup Forumsro , bombing abortion clinics is WRONG, Xstians are stupid as fuck, most of them are 'muricans anyway, and MOST IMPORTANTLY RELIGIONS AND POLITICS ARE CRAP!
Watch the news.....

i wonder whos behind this post

Hello new fag, I think you got it wrong :)

We wish you a merry Xmas
We wish you a merry Xmas
We wish you a merry Xmas
The question is , who drove the truck through the crowd and KILLED 9 PEOPLE SO FAR?

How many abortion clinics have been bombed in the last, oh, twenty years?

Someone has gotta make a truck version of this

actually our police just said that 9 died and 50 are hurt