What do you think about muslims?

What do you think about muslims?

Religion people bad...

Calm down Achmend

Don't want to be part of them anymore


I like them better when they're dead or not living in my country.

Every muslim I've met has stolen from me.
Not even joking or trying to perpetuate negative feeling.
Was at uni and he stole all my pizzas and denied it, would find the pepperoni in the bin under the packaging...
Obviously I've met a bad bunch but jesus fuck I would like to meet a nice one anytime soon

they are all cousins

By far the worst relgion. Disgusting idiots. Honestly religion in general is cancer but islam is just terrible

If you leave you'll be a heretic and behead

Polish men the worst muslims, cuz cannot into space, so they use camions...

its gone too far...


Or I stay and kms

It was a Jew, not a muslim. Calm your tits.

Just take off the religion and were good

I'm a Muslim, but I haven't killed/raped anyone yet. Guess that makes me a shitty Muslim huh.

If singles, this is true

>by the emperor

Dubs chekt
But look at it this way, youre closer to being a human than niggers




Cool racism man


Yeah I was being sarcastic. I don't plan on killing any non believers any time soon. *Allahu Akbars in Allan's snack bar*


These fucks play the victim card all the time and never try to fix the problems in their community.

stormfag is back


praise kek

Thanks for the question Don. I hate them. Look at that stupid photo. Ever been to a Muslim house? That's not it. That picture are Victorian Londoners from the early 1800s who belong to the upper, upper class. They would read books, eat with knives and forks, not shit squatting down like a dog, wear pants, aren't brown stupid and crazy and usually are gay or have only one very sexually disinterested wife. In this picture the man has at least two more wives, beats his children, the other ignores everyone in the family, eats all day and watches cartoons and has the IQ of a three year old German Shepherd. As for the kids "Alhaaa Akbar!!!!"

The same thing they think of apostates, or think apostates deserve

niggers of any kind are better when dead.

thanks for all the (you)'s guys, but check these dubs, for it is actually true

Not even close you flaming faggot

Muslims are not and should not even be considered humans. They are a subspecies of unintelligent, non-sentient parasites that mask themselves to appear human. They speak like humans. They act like humans. However, their lives are not equal in value to a true human.

We have allowed these insects into our borders and they have multiplied within. They're like mission, like a ant to build a colony, is to turn our luscious land into filth.

Biogas, as a source of cheap energy, and fertiliser, to improve crop yields... walking around unused.

Don't care about them as long as they stay away from Europe.

>act like humans

You are giving them to much credit.

kill them all they are evil

Who would take an agnostic ex Muslim useless waive here ?

I wish there was a muslim genocide.

The world should be cleansed of their filth. It's time for a purge and we must steal those lands.



Wife* shit that's how useless I am

>nice one

There are none

Muslims are outbreeding all other races. Predicted to be world majority group in 20 years.

Either a great muslim prophet needs to appear and reform that ancient religion to fit modern society OR im afraid they will face a pretty horrific fate when the west has had enough of enrichment.

Taste a bit smoked, even when not boiled or fried.

Stupid fucking sand niggers.

they are okey aslong as they dont blow something up i guess

Pics? You sound like you want to be dominated


Minerals, not lands. Fuck the lands

Afghanistan has trillions of dollars worth of lithium

That another crusade is in order

But with nukes

No I don't cunt I want a visa


The person I commented on called herself useless and sounds like she's full of self hatred. If I never have to meet her family and isn't ugly I'd consider it

I'm useless as a wife , hate myself due to depression but I'm a fucking dick when I'm not hating myself
6ish/10 and I would like to stay away from my society

Convert or die is a pretty solid reason as of why Islam is in fact not a religion of peace

Why useless as a wife? You sound like you're a dick to the people around you because they're utter cunts.

I've no housekeeping talents and yes they are, I just feel like a shitty person in general .

It was an ethnic polack.

Learning to cook and clean really isn't hard... Where are you from?

The hotspot, Palestine.

Become a Jew and move to Israel then to a decent country. I wish you the best in battling depression in your shitty situation. I'm guessing a social and sexual life is practically impossible too?

Honestly other than clothes and skin color I can't tell the difference between them and Christians. White usually means Christian, darker white/light brown means arab, black means either. Not including Iberia or Albania because they are too mixed.

Honestly the American Bible Belt would look like the Middle-East if they struck oil and rest of the states weren't there. Just give it a decade. Maybe forcefully give land to European Catholics and give them land.

For some reason i feel like the secular communists in palestine fuck a lot

Go with them

>give them land.
Meant "humanitarian aid"

Christians have a Trump card on their side; Mexicans. In his second wacky term in office he's going to arm Central and South America

Only thing as bad as conservative are pretentious vain liberals and their claims

You think Jews are any better, either way I dislike Islam and Muslims but not a full on traitor to the cause, I am in the end humiliated by Israelis on daily basis
Israel and Israelis are shit

I don't get along with people here and certainly wouldn't think of a sexual relationship with any of those cunts even supposing sex wasn't a taboo here

Never been in a situation where I as much as admired anyone and I'm 20 something

People might adore you on here. You sound like an interesting person I'd go out for coffee with but your location is pretty terrible. What's your definition of admired?

They are dirt monkeys

I wish I felt interesting but this apathy is making me blank and lose whatever I have left, or rather what I assume I had
People might claim that my academic and creative conduct proves me intelligent but my inability to think or construct logical relationships anymore is making me doubt it and doubt myself


Meant romantically, honestly guys here have never done so but repel me with their shallow personalities and let no liberal mind fool you at the end of the day you can't take the "Arab" out of them

What do you study? Getting a good degree might help you get yourself out of your shitty situation. Remember that most people fail at relationships and it really doesn't reflect on intelligence. It also sounds like you'd easily integrate in society if the reward is good friends and a good shot at a relationship

I finished my first degree, was going to use MA as an excuse to gtfo but with last period I fucking lost it and I do t know if I should apply anymore , would easily get into a UK university but I feel I've nothing to contribute as a stupid stupid person , a BA in architecture

Might be I do t know I'm very confused and drenched is self disgust to be in the mood to actually get out and socialize, Even so I believe this fuck of a society has no place for me

Moving to the UK could do wonders for your self esteem if you meet the right people. You should look at society and try to realize that almost nobody has something to contribute. If you'd be in the UK for 2 years or so you could try to network and get a work visa. You truly seem like a good person to hang with and drink/smoke weed. Also society doesn't have a place for anyone

I'm on the verge of giving up on everything, I haven't left my house for half a month now haven't left my room to see family or anyone
I feel inferior to everyone in the creative field

You're right about the society. Not fitting but despite trying to believe I'm not lonely I am and I would like to let someone in for once , came days when I've legit thought I was too disgusting a person for anyone

I don't, I hate having shit on my mind.

I don't mind them so long as they are courteous and not blowing things up...


What's your mail? If you want we can talk about it tomorrow. There are a billion online resources for the creative field you can practice without making social contact with your family/outside world.

I do realize but I feel I myself have run out of it, t b h I have an interview with goldsmiths in January but I don't think I'm up for it
Oh wth lyfeofpepe at gmail

I'm off to bed I'll send you an email tomorrow afternoon Europe time. Take care

>be me
>Aunt and female friend convert to the religion of peace

Seriously, exterminate all of them.

Why they are it staying in turkey. They atleast provide them with food and shelter. In euro we donr want these acmeds with their goats. Fuck off to these roaches but they are nit enough for you.