As a school treat, all exams have been cancelled

>as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled

why would he do this?

Other urls found in this thread:

he does not care about his students' education

Slytherin house will still have to sit all the exams.

I assume that the 5th and 7th years had already done theirs.
Or he's just being a colossal dick.

He understands that exams simply encourage learning by rote memorisation and do not teach kids to understand.


>yfw you leave Hogwarts with no NEWTS

So no american students shoot up the school if they fail

>"""smart""" underachievier-turned-NEET detected

how do they take exams? literally the only thing they have to do to cast a spell is pronounce the word properly.

That was kind of awesome.

Pretty much if you went to Hogwarts at any time that overlapped with Harry, you were pretty much fucked. Dumbledore knew this and didn't see the point in wasting kids' time when they would inevitably have to deal with so much shit.


Apparently you also have to master the wand movements. Which makes absolutely no sense when they're all fighting. JK had a good idea in her universe but if you look past the surface it falls apart horribly. Like the Quiddich world cup and Krum "Losing on his own terms" Imagine what would happen to a football player if in the world cup final he started scoring own goals iof his team was 3-0 down with 30 minutes left to play. Guy would probably get lynched

>hates slytherin
>doesn't simply dissolve it


rigged bullshit but great video

>just for fun, we're switching grades around, so all A students now receive an F and all F students now receive an A

i never understood this part

>implying it isn't true
kids who went out of (regular) school with ambition and a craving for knowledge and making a difference in the world did it despite the system, not because of it

Well done user, well done
you still have to do your homework.

>Cancels exams
>Still awards Gryffindor the house cup after giving Harry and Ron like 200 points

The guy is a neurotic sociopath


right? like they were only an hour or something into the game and matches were known to last months. he should've kept waiting to let his team catch up, no matter how long it took. the idea that the biggest player on the team would give a vote of total no-confidence and throw the game is bizarre.

I'm a shitty student: the post

But he's not wrong at all.

Neither is the poster you're replying to, probably.

which spells get you blazed?

>he does not care about his students' education
or basic safety
>yr 1 builds a death trap maze in school, to hide something for a friend
>yr 2 somethings going round trying to kill students, dosen't ask for government help
>yr 3 allows for soul sucking monsters to be stationed on school grounds
>yr 4 Triwizard Tournament of Death held

I can't remember the other years but I'm sure he did something criminally negligent in them

>yr 2 somethings going round trying to kill students, dosen't ask for government help
>yr 3 allows for soul sucking monsters to be stationed on school grounds

Not him but I have absolutely not problem with saying I'm a shitty student. Whenever I have a choice between getting an A for doing a normal essay and a C for something avant-garde I always have chosen the Cs
when you just don't care about your grades like that yeah your job prospects are going to suffer but I don't really mind because I'm at least happy with who I am and the work I am producing

I'm an econ/lit major though, your mileage will vary. Luckily my teachers have been forgiving for the most part

I was pretty gud. Scores usually ~30 points above the average, never scored a straight 100 but the lowest I got was 88 in my exams.
That doesn't make the system any less bullshit, and thank fuck I had competent teachers who treated it with equal disdain. There were kids my age who were brilliant in every way except the obligatory fields of knowledge that all schools must teach, so they got low scores, and there were insufferable twats that probably won't amount to anything scoring 100s.

Hogwarts is probably one of those hippy dippy schools where everyone passes and nobody fails. The only consequence is you will probably get a shitty job when you graduate but there are no poor wizards anyway so who cares.


>henever I have a choice between getting an A for doing a normal essay and a C for something avant-garde I always have chosen the Cs
respectable as fuck my man


>people that work the hardest and also display good aptitude are the ones scoring the hundreds
>people that are supposedly brilliant but don't put the work in score low but by all rights if they really are "brilliant" will undoubtedly go on to make something of themselves regardless



Or maybe it's working exactly as intended

except it isn't, because one party, let's call them the brilliants, are going to make something of themselves in the sense that they can unleash their own potential as human beings. The other party, the hard workers, can fit right in with the "brilliant" party if they also received proper education that builds proper, moral character. Which as I said is not what you would get in the school.

Oh really, because everything seems to point to the contrary. Especially the fact that the actually brilliant people are almost always the hardest workers or make up for it just by virtue of being brilliant. The only exceptions are the lazy under-achievers who either learn how to get with the program eventually or never really live up to their full potential.

Then, the other assorted hard workers, almost always do more with their lives than they have any right to because they learned the valuable skill of hard work and dedication. If you haven't noticed, that's what really sets the elite apart from the rest, not some vague notion of "brilliance" that your pretentious liberal meme addled brain came up with

>the elite
I'm not talking about money you autist
success does not necessarily equate to being rich, unless you're some raging capitalist who thinks the quest for money is the quest for happiness

Gryffindor forgot to study for them.

Right on the head right here

After you have 50k a year this becomes actually true though poverty is miserable

>replying with no less than a macfarlane meme
>he just uses his regular voice
christ why do people watch this shit

It's pretty apt in this case desu, I'm going to start quoting that every time I run into a retarded liberal that has no idea what they're talking about.

>I'm going to not use any argument because I don't have one and will quote memes instead
>not even good memes

They teach kids that it requires effort to be successful

>>I'm going to not use any argument because I don't have one

>There were kids my age who were brilliant in every way except the obligatory fields of knowledge that all schools must teach, so they got low scores
No, there weren't.

>>yr 2 somethings going round trying to kill students, dosen't ask for government help
>>yr 3 allows for soul sucking monsters to be stationed on school grounds

Lol dat dere irony.


The first two, possibly three, books were just trash for 8-year-olds so nothing had to make sense. Slytherin lose cause they were the baddy house. Harry is the best seeker every despite being 11. They go against school rules, almost get killed and get awarded tons of points for it.

You're not supposed to critically assess this shit.

>peasant tries to convince not only himself but others that he is the one better off

yeah your meme fits pretty well I'd say

you've fallen to my master plan, I knew you'd reply just that

Do wizards have lawsuits? If a student gets killed by one of the monsters at hogwarts can the parents sue the school?

It's ironic criticism, you just don't understand Sup Forumss culture and that's nobody's fault but your own

No lawyers even in full criminal trials

A liberals paradise

And it doesn't matter because it's true

what's the name of the song?

do you live in a big city?

nigga the ministry of magic was a massive part of the series did you even watch it?

Let's be honest, nothing in Harry Potter makes sense. Like how are there poor people when you can just use magic to do literally anything? How are there any problems at all?

>yr 5 allows the government to place a psycho bitch at school, do nothing while she mentaly tortures students
>yr 6 fucking die
>yr 7 leave everything to a 17 year old boy and his bitchy friends

Are we playing 20 questions?


most women don't understand sports and Rowling certainly doesn't

containment house

no we're not


i refuse

just know that i'm right you're wrong and you're also dumb


spells aren't the only subject, in fact they're only a choice few including Charms, transfiguration, and Defense against the Dark Arts. There's also potions, astrology, tessomancy, herbology, and all that other stuff.

They have to learn all that stuff across the course of the year and they are tested appropriately for each subject. I don't see what the confusion is here


how would magic help with being poor? you still have to pay bills and buy shit

conjuring only brings things from one place to another, it doesn't create mass

Who the fuck wouldn't want to play 20 questions with some random guy over the internet? Come on lad, you clearly have nothing better to be doing seeing as your already arguing about a book for actual children on a Uzbekistani crop circle pay to view backdoor

>you can physically change your appearance anytime you want to
>people still choose to be black

I don't even understand this world.

Because Hogwarts wasn't a legitimate school.
It was like DeVry.

And guess whose diplomas will be worth more later.

Can't conjure wealth or real food. Objects conjured from thin air don't last long and transfigured or charmed materials require skill on par with muggle craftsmanship. Magic'd crap also can have weird reactions to all the other magical shit in that universe.

I.e. the Weasleys don't live in a castle because the amount of effort and skill required to make one would be just as infeasible as if they were to do it by hand.

Its not mentioned anywhere but I am pretty sure using large amounts of magic exhausts a person mentally and physically.

november by the guy who did the leftovers soundtrack

why the hell isn't there a time limit for quidditch

You don't even understand humor, wit or creativity.

>this webm
fucking lol

>can change your appearance anytime you want
>everyone isn't a cute loli witch

I don't buy it

no, what doesn't make sense is why poor starving people don't conjure shit up to sell to muggles (since they have an infinite amount of materials) then eat and live just fine. That's what I'd do for damn sure.

>Put all the bad eggs that have 100% been responsible for all the shit Hogwarts ever faced together in one house
Pour quoi?

>exams are cancelled
Well done, Dumbledore, you poof, how am I going to get in Wizard University now?

Because the game already has an instant win condition that can happen at any time

I was actually arguing that there's nothing particularly wrong with the modern school system, at least in the way that he was suggesting, and that it does its job relatively well in preparing young people to be useful members of society. Too bad he was retarded and stuck up on his own individualist memes about how school is evil and teaches you to memorize things instead of think for yourself and that this inherently makes a flawed system, as if that's really at all true in the first place or that it's necessarily even a bad thing if that's really the entire job of a place where you go to fucking learn things.

I'm not going to go farther than the memes lad

>okay Rowling, you have 7 books and thousands of pages to expand and explain all these cool subjects the kids can learn
>how many kinds of potions you got?
there's one that makes you lucky and one that changes how you look and a love potion!
>okay what kind of shit can you learn from herbology?
mandrakes and just shove a bezoar down their throat!
>okay how many spells can we use in a fight?

No wonder so many parents preferred to send their kids to Durmstrang

You can make inanimate objects perform labor for you. The weasleys had self-cleaning pots and shit. Get some farm equipment enchanted and you now have endless food for free.

>people trying to make logical sense of Haryy Potter

look I understand most of it is complete nonsense but I'm pretty sure that's the point. It's supposed to be a surreal world

that is a good point, but a different one than I was talking about

You'd have to obtain the farm equipment first though, and I imagine bewitching muggle farmers so you can steal their stuff is against the law

Who would win Sup Forums?

A group of the most powerful wizards vs a team of elite commando's?

Why can't humans discover an invisible castle? Why don't wizards combine technology with magic?

As I said if you conjure shit it vanishes quickly, it also only fulfills its basically requirement and is rudimentary.

Transfiguring something shitty into something nice to sell to muggles is all well and good, but you have to make sure it wont show signs of being magic'd or else it breaks the statute of secrecy.

If you are outright scamming muggles you will also get in trouble for that, basically muggles have to be kept away from everything to do with magic. Anyway if you were good at anything of the sort you could easily find employment since the wizarding world is so small.

Because Harry Potter was easily one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Is Dumbledore's the reason evil exists in the magic world?

just take muggles' money and then use the spell that makes them forget

this is why Slytherin is rich and everyone else are poorfags

>DUMBledore thought it was a 100% foolproof idea to protect the school from Sirius using Dementors