Why can't atheists define atheism?

Why can't atheists define atheism?

Why do you keep posting this?


This is my Thread now, Post some spideys Guys


Ok, why Not


why cant autists define acoustic ?

Why can't the religious actually follow their doctrines instead of picking and choosing what suits them?
Seriously, follow your book to the letter and then come back.

Y'all niggas need jesus

Why can't chefs define the FSM?




>Why can't atheists define atheism?
cause googling definitions is haaaaard..


disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.




The clue is in the name.

why can't mathematicians define x?


This movie. I fucking h8, m8


the belief that a giant fedora made nothing explode and create everything for no reason





Here we see certified cancer.

I thought this would have died out by now, or at least moved on to a new image.

Good to See that there are some metallovers and brutal people Out there.

See ya soon, i hav to destroy some other gay threads with Murderface

Keep spidey &
Buy my new Album


Because it is more complicated than believing something that someone told you.

Because it's a theory

aethism is the aethistic way of looking at the world in an aethistic way full of aethism


the belief that a giant fedora created a god that made everything happen arbitrarily

but, we can.
It's your dellusions we can't understand.

Christianity: Grown adults believing that two of every animal turned up in the middle east with pleasure cruise tickets because God got a bit angry.

Christianity: Lots of Americans desperately trying to believe that somehow, some way, Jesus was a white man. There were an awful lot of those born in Bethlehem at the time of course.


Christians: Dinosaur bones are a test of faith and any semblance between Jesus and dozens of other gods from all around the world are fucking tricks by that damn dirty troll the devil