Would you sit with him Sup Forums?

Would you sit with him Sup Forums?

yeah, why not...

yea id totally sit with myself.. wait wutt

I probably would. I've pity sat before.

I would, would probably talk about world of warcraft and debunk flat earth

No, I'd squat with him!

>Would you sit with him Sup Forums?
No. He is sitting under a Murca flag trying to decide when to take the gun outta his bag.

>slav girl
>heels not flat on ground

Fuck of american spy


depends if hes a booger eating faggot or not.

Lol losers

Of course, he's probably got something more interesting to talk about than those noisy faggots on the left. Probably well mannered too.

Just make sure you post it on social media or it never happened.

no, i prefer eating alone myself

I'll fight both of you pussies right now!

I've tried sitting with someone like him. He thinks you're fucking with him if you try to befriend him.

Popularity and infamy are a spectrum in high school clique sociology. I was on that spectrum in the bubble of "losers" and "geeks," which I think allows me to relate to him, and understand why he probably thinks you're "fucking with him."

The more popular kids would play nice to him, not for goodness sake but for some kind of entertainment. The Loser realizes this and would likely to assume anyone else, sincere or not, anyone who is nice/friendly to him is being ironic or up to something suspicious, likely a prank or something along those lines.

I'm sure we've all been through the situation in which a girl is flirting with you, but you're not sure if it's real lr a joke.

Back to my experience, the kid I tried befriending absolutely refused me. This could mean a number of things, but it mostly boils down to his distrust of people and their intentions.

So my answer is yes and no. It's hard to decide. But I know I sure wouldn't want someone to sit with me simply because they felt sorry for me. There's nothing sincere about that.

>flat earth, every other planet we can see is a sphere and youre calling us losers?

Proof you've seen a planet that wasn't a photo you haven't taken yourself.

NASA, our telescopes and all our pioneers have lied to us.

good one dude... ill just stay off the internet now...

You fucking kidding me? Look at that spotlight on him, he's got a quest!

nice blog

The moon for starters is a dead give away.

go die with your overused retarded ''american spy'' comment....holy fucking, get something neeeeeeew you cringey 10yr old retard

What the fuck is the "moon"?

Ever see the dark side of the moon? No?

That's because the moon is also a flat disk, only it's facing angle is different than ours.

No, there is a reason why noone wants to have to do something with people like this most of the time.

>thinks he's actually funny

kill yourself


Butthurt american spy detected

only a true gamer would find it funny. youre just a suit stain

you're like those retards on le 9fag where they copy/paste the shit out of one popular comment



your virginity is safe

The moon is an orb its easy to see and the first planet/body we can easily look at to determine the shape of bodies in space.

Your ADD is inflamed. You're low on your autism naproxen.

Kek. Look at you!

Tl dr loser too


How would you know?surf 9gag much?

Le 9fag spy detected


sure, we'll be the cook kids

To be fair, if popularity is at least a scale, I was higher on the scale than him because my social skills were btter than his. Not much, but noticeably better.

Tldr, you're right.

no, but i can read, people tend to share that cancer on facebook

Yeah cause.hell be the school shooter soon enough betyer not be om the chopping block



The American flag really defines this image.

this is true tbh

Yes. More chance of survival

Fuckin power move. Well put.

fuck off retard