I was on a 10 min nreak and this dude removed my jacket from seat and sat here

I was on a 10 min nreak and this dude removed my jacket from seat and sat here.

Dubs decide what to do? Didnz hav time to argue prof camr in already.

Punch in back of head as hard as you can

Slam face into desk until blood

Jerk off on him


Cum on the back of his head.

Rear naked choke

I asked him to move when ai came je just sais he sat here cuz ai wasnt therw but my jacket was there.

He is currently playing with rubik cube.

Lovingly caress his thigh

Stab with pen

So rude taking a chair off the disabled.

Use fist as club and smash side of face as hard as possible. Set up phone to record it.


both of you chucklefucks sound like special ed cases

Stone cold stunner

Elbow drop to head off your desk

I do 1/2/3/4 for 1rm. Bur he is taller than me. Waiting 15 more min for break.

Wasted dubs

Audio record yourself asking to suck his dick

Wait for break, then punch him in the face and run

Suck his cock dry, you've officially been cucked OP.


Fuck him up. Make him bleed








sit down on his lap while calling him puppy

mah dubs...checkum

You retarded?


nah bro im not retarded

You can't check your numbers right, here I'll do it for you