Election is OVER! All you Hillary cucks get the fuck out of MY COUNTRY You pussy ass pieces of shit

Election is OVER! All you Hillary cucks get the fuck out of MY COUNTRY You pussy ass pieces of shit.

To the rest of the world that thinks we should continue to protect your pussy asses from the bad guys FUCK YOU and defend yourselves.

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Someone needs a diaper change.

you are the reason why some people dont vote for trump

trump is a great man who does great things, but some people who follow him are complete retards

D-DOG ain't going to shit about ISIS just like B-DOG.
1/10 cus I bit.

>who does great things
troll harder bro

Nice dubs. Can't stump the Trump

>other countries protect yourselves
Whats that? You dont want anymore cheap uranium?


*who will do great things


You know that if we all left, you'd be missing almost the entire population of the US that actually gets shit done, right?

You'd be left with the half of the US that's stupid as fuck, and wouldn't be able to have your precious interwebz.

yeah, sending troops into the middle east is really the best way. thats why you never hear of any trouble coming from iraq - it's the only country america invaded and it's the only stable thing in the middle east right now

dude's 70
what was he waiting for

for his presidency in feb




Then leave and go to the EU where you can hug your refugees and Muslims and leave our country so we can rebuild it they way it should have been before you fucking liberals took over.

Picture is good. Both die.
I am content.

> trump a draft dodger that wears makeup and cries for safe spaces will defeat ISIS


I think you were supposed to write hillary in place of trump

I don't fucking care, refuges don't come to Sweden nor ISIS

Hillary's a woman though, she's supposed to not join the army, wear makeup and cry for safe spaces.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. The 300 guy still died, OP. Are you saying that Trump will take a stand and still lose?


Did you forget about GW already?

Trumpet is just Putin's puppet

Interesting, but isn't 2005 long before the refugee crisis started?

Google "national council, fbi"

Please, FBI not even know investigate e-mails!

This better, loser.


Hillary was under sniper fire....wait.. nope she lied as usual.

This has already been debunked retard. Sweden changed their rape laws so that every single incident of rape is counted separately. i.e. if a husband forces his wife it is rape and every time he did that it counts as a separate charge of rape.

maybe you just can't find your way out of your own ass even with a map and a compass.


I didn't like him either no did I like Obama or Bushes daddy. Hell I haven't like any of them for that last several decades.

>sex with someone by improperly exploiting them while they are unconscious (e.g. due to intoxication or sleep) was included in the definition of rape in 2005


That shop is creepy looking.

Kek, the reason you """protect""" so many countries is because they """agree""" to only trade oil in us dolars. Which is responsible for 80% of your currency's value.

The minute you stop your economy collapses.

note to self: don't fall asleep in sweden.

If that was the case then why isn't there a sharp transition when the new way of counting took effect? Why is there a slow climb? What you are saying would cause an instantaneous change in the data, not a gradual change over years.

>my country

Good. We need a depression to actually fix our fucked up country. God dammed idiots screwed it up when they went off the gold standard and just started printing money like a bunch of counterfeiters.

Well, like them or not, GW and his daddy weren't liberals. Both sides have had their chance and both have been proven to be complete fuckups (except maybe Bill Clinton, the only President in recent history who managed to create a budget surplus).

Should have guessed Australia's exports would be something radioactive and dangerous as uranium. You cunts just can't have nice safe things.

No its not. they're both retarded but trump supporters are on a different level of retard.

Sweden has been promoting immigration from 3rd world shitholes for decades now, long before the "crisis".

It usually takes time until people actually make use of a new law.
Rape is still something that needs to be reported by the victim in most of the cases.


>you'd be missing almost the entire population of the US that actually gets shit done, right?
Implying we can't do without art majors, baristas and feminists.

I'm all for having a full government of independents. Problem is most of the country is retarded and will only vote for a republican or democrat. I normally vote independent. In this election there was to much at stake if Hillary got in is the only reason I voted for Trump.


While i agree that a return to the gold standard is necesary. This wouldn't just cause a depression. This would cause world wide economic caos.
Famine, war, dissolution of nations, including your own, would take over in a matter of days.
The US, even though most americans ignore it, IS a world hegemon. It's a military and economic empire, the biggest one in history.

It's sud but true that the taller they are the harder they fall. Such an economic collapse in the US would probably change history, borders and cultures forever, including those of the USA.

huh, look at that. Since changing the legal defintion of rape, the cases of rape has increased.

Isn't statistics fascinating.

Also nice to see that despite being flooded by mexican rapists, the US rape statistics are on a decline

Really? Still defending this? Even after this?

Hillary supporters are blind and think the office is just a statement. "it time for a female or be in office it's her turn" like they are picking playground teams.

>To the rest of the world that thinks we should continue to protect your pussy asses from the bad guys FUCK YOU and defend yourselves.

This is literally what the world has wanted teh whole time, but Americans were to fat and blind to see

All yall did in your phony war on terror/war on personal freedom is make the world more dangerous

Please become more isolationist

don't worry, noone is going to want to fuck your ugly ass bro

Have you actually seen that movie? "The 300" lost, bro.

The primary reason the Greeks won the war was their navy's shocking total victory at sea, enabling them to blockade Persian supply and relief lines. The Persians then made the tactical decision to retreat as, even though they had achieved VICTORY over the Greeks on land, continueing the campaign was a risk as in the unlikely event they were defeated they were facing total annihilation.


>makes ISIS
>Trains arms funds taliban
>somehow thinks he is defending the world from bad guys

Unfortunately Unity and Prosperity is born out of chaos.

This will be America's downfall. Both sides were so blinded by their hatred for the other side, they failed to see how horrible their own side was. This happens every four years and shows no sign of changing.

They lost the battle to win the war.

The persians were defeated by the greeks.

On the fictianl story, the Leonidas and what was left of the 300 do die. But because of that the rest of the spartan army is thrown into battle, and they supposedly win.

You are correct about the parts of actual history, though.


They may have died but they stood up to defend their country from the Islamic horde while the cowards huddled in the back.



sweden has encouraged immigration for centuries, not decades.

Incidentally, 100 years ago sweden was a 3rd world shithole. This is why noone wanted to live there. In 1909 there lived 4 million people in sweden and 1 million in the US.

In other words, 20% of the swedish population had emigrated because of how shit the country was back then.





"Islamic hordes"? Islam wasn't founded until about a millennium after the Battle of Thermopylae.

>sending troops into the middle east for a terrorist group that america and israel created

good job,donald trump would probably piss his pants at the sight of isis.he couldnt handle a bunch of nig nogs in chicago that shut down his rally,how can he handle a real threat from a foreign country

>Autisming this hard

trump supporters are idiots and I hope they all go to war and die in it. Going to war when there coward vote for president aka trump would never do for you aka coward trump and don't touch my money to support trumps war. work hard than go to war for trump pussies.

Don't disturb his feelings with facts, you may upset him.

>what is a military

You realize that a world leader doesn't need to go someplace and physically do all the fighting with their own hands, right?

"you never hear of any trouble coming from iraq"

I am pretty sure you are being ironic here, but just in case some people don't get that:

The second I in ISIS stands for Iraq, because the group was founded there and in Syria (which incidentally is the second S.)


that's the thing, Trump is the one who DOESN'T want to start a pointless war with russia



'he Swedish establishment disapproved intensely of emigration. Seen as depleting the labor force and as a defiant act among the lower orders, emigration alarmed both the spiritual and the secular authorities. Many emigrant diaries and memoirs feature an emblematic early scene in which the local clergy warns travellers against risking their souls among foreign heretics. The conservative press described emigrants as lacking in patriotism and moral fibre: "No workers are more lazy, immoral and indifferent than those who immigrate to other places."[23] Emigration was denounced as an unreasoning "mania" or "craze", implanted in an ignorant populace by "outside agents". The liberal press retorted that the "lackeys of monarchism" failed to take into account the miserable conditions in the Swedish countryside and the backwardness of Swedish economic and political institutions.[24] "Yes, emigration is indeed a 'mania'", wrote the liberal Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning sarcastically, "The mania of wanting to eat one's fill after one has worked oneself hungry! The craze of wanting to support oneself and one's family in an honest manner!"[25]

The great Famine of 1866–68, and the distrust and discontent concerning the way the establishment distributed the relief help, is estimated to have contributed greatly to the raising Swedish emigration to the United States.[26]'



are you kidding? there was a legit assassination attempt during the campaign by a man armed with a pistol. The Secret Service jumped up to get him down, he just stood there like a stone. Hillary can barely stand under normal circumstances.

Is this a reference to the Goonies guy?

'Mattson's first recruiting visit came immediately after consecutive seasons of crop failure in 1867 and 1868, and he found himself "besieged by people who wished to accompany me back to America." He noted that:

…the laboring and middle classes already at that time had a pretty correct idea of America, and the fate that awaited emigrants there; but the ignorance, prejudice and hatred toward America and everything pertaining to it among the aristocracy, and especially the office holders, was as unpardonable as it was ridiculous. It was claimed by them that all was humbug in America, that it was the paradise of scoundrels, cheats, and rascals, and that nothing good could possibly come out of it.[36]

A more recent American immigrant, Ernst Skarstedt, who visited Sweden in 1885, received the same galling impression of upper-class arrogance and anti-Americanism. The laboring classes, in their turn, appeared to him coarse and degraded, drinking heavily in public, speaking in a stream of curses, making obscene jokes in front of women and children. Skarstedt felt surrounded by "arrogance on one side and obsequiousness on the other, a manifest scorn for menial labor, a desire to appear to be more than one was". This traveller too was incessantly hearing American civilization and culture denigrated from the depths of upper-class Swedish prejudice: "If I, in all modesty, told something about America, it could happen that in reply I was informed that this could not possibly be so or that the matter was better understood in Sweden."[37]'

WTF are you talking about?

Other than being against ISIS, which isn't a sovereign country, Trump was entirely anti-war. The most pro Iraq qar quote that could be pinned on him was during a Howard Stern interview where Trump said "yeah, I guess so" when Stern asked him if he was for the war. Other than that 1 sentence Trump is only on the record being against the war.

Meanwhile Hillary was a Senator and was one of the few people who had a say in if we went to war, and she voted yes.

Hillary was also behind military involvement in Syria, Yemen, and Libya as Secretary of State.

Hillary was for trying to enforce a no fly zone on Russia over Syria, yeah, that would go well.

Face it, Hillary has a history that is 100% pro war while Trump has been relatively anti-war other than his stance on ISIS, which isn't a country, but a terror group.


As leftists say, openly defying your president is Treason.

Yes, but when Trump was of age during the Vietnam war, he claimed a foot injury kept him from being drafted for three straight years.

During the campaign when asked about it, he said he couldn't remember the details or even which foot.

So the injury was so severe it kept him from serving for three years, but not bad enough that his "all-time great memory" could which foot he was limping on.

Donald Trump is more than likely a draft dodger. He wouldn't serve when he had the chance too. He let's other people serve for him.

>he just stood there like a stone
>Not moving when someone just tried to shoot you
how badass.

you should strongly consider suicide as your next line of choice in life you fucking pussy ass faggot piece of shit.

>To the rest of the world that thinks we should continue to protect your pussy asses from the bad guys FUCK YOU and defend yourselves.

With Herr Drumpf in charge, you lot ARE the bad guys, moron.

LoL, a true 100% idiot trump supporter. Fucking ugly, stupid and little dicked. There are more countries than Russia that want to attack the US and Russians are sneaky you stupid little dicked trump supporter they will take over once the guard is down you idiot pathetic shit low worth life pussy please die today.

>from the Islamic horde

You mean Zoroastrian horde, the precursor to christianity

Also, not even that. The persian empire recrutied their troops locally to where the fighting would be so the spartans would mainly have been fighting Ionian greeks.

300 is a great movie and it does a great job showing what the battle of thermopylae became to the greeks, a propaganda story told and embellished by greek orators and performers to strike patriotic fervour into the hearts of men.

Frank Miller did a great job transferring it into such an unsubtle retelling of us-middle eastern relations though. I understand why the movie went with the thongs rather than flapping cocks everywhere but I really think both the comic and the movie are propaganda masterpieces.

"Other than explicitly saying he was for the war one time before it happened, he was always against the war in retrospect."

Clinton also dodged the draft. And Hillary didn't have to fight because she has a vagina, even though she claims women are equal and should have combat roles in the military.

What is your point?

Fuck you're stupid a true trump supporter. Learn your geo and eco moron until than don't speak.

Trump voters voted against hate and anger.

Your post proves which side was biggest perpetrators of that.

Pro Tip: Anything presenting in an infographic from Facebook is fake.