Ask a global elite player anythig!

Ask a global elite player anythig!


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How long?

1300 hours. I used to play 1.6


Can you carry me lol

What peripherals do you use

which rank are u?

hmu if you wanna play, I'm only MG2 at the moment, been fighting with bouncing up and down ranks because solo queue middle of night, highest I got was LEM b4 derank patch, what's it like up there?

How often do you toggle, & don´t you realize that you´ve accepted your loss when you toggle & you´re too unintelligent to play clean to win?

Sayong your rank before the derank patch is irrelevant

Yeah thats why I mentioned it after, being it was the highest I got. Was literally 2 days before the patch dropped then derank

Still, it is irrelevant. They are not accurate to skill level any more.

I mean, clearly skill level was fucked. I was only DMG but now i am MGE whereas you were LEM and you are MG2. Idk if the system is better, but the skill gap is evenly distributed now.

you mean toggle-level?

How do I get to dmg :(?

800 hours global here lmao, how are people bad at this game? It really isn't hard...

We're gonna need some proof.

>inb4 Newfags will believe anything a fucken retard says these days.

step aside youngin! my cousin was GE also. I bet he would stick it in your boy pussy like u where a woman and then take u over his shoulder and carry your ass along with S'et! u fuckin d2 only piece of shit! camping in linda jensen/mangeapa or jerry.

fuck u sir!

Google says -10
Bing says... oh wait.
>mfw Bing is still in the 90s while Google can do 3D Graphs when a function is introduced.

Clearly wrong post, just ignore it.

Why do you think that certain individuals give a fuck about your "personal achievements". Do you think that GE is hard to obtain? There you, I've asked things.

Does prime match making actually fix the cluster fuck of hackers? I played before the R8 patch and every other game I got against a super suspect player. Anything above LEM you may as well go play FaceIT/ESEA

I'm not OP but it's not. I was LEM before R8 patch as well and you still retain muscle memory, crosshair placement, smokes, pop flashes, map control, plant spots.. All vital information.

I got placed back as MG1 in my placement game and I've been carrying every match.. so obviously my rank before the patch is obviously still relevant

Highest I ever got before the derank patch was SMFC feelsbadman

Is your cousin that one dude who is a real Zara Larsson look-alike motherfucker?

why you are using cheats, OP?
you faggot.

What's global elite? Is it a Jew thing?

GE - det var den bästa tiden i mitt liv!

How fucking new are you?

jealous for not being ge???

jag har tagit syra och rökt gås!

>>Sup Forums
freaking nerd

du, det har jag också serröö!

don't u talk to me or my son ever again!


Multi global pre and post patch. Semi pro 1.6 player. About 1100 hours into go. Had like 5k hours into 1.6 and earlier versions of CS. I quit GO some months ago but still play for fun on a smurf with friends every once in a while thats gold nova something. Idk. CSGO lost its appeal in early 2016 for me