What's wrong with my dick Sup Forums?

What's wrong with my dick Sup Forums?

You've dip it too deep in baby powder?

good job me

you fucked a bag of concrete

it's fueled buy Satan

It isnt deepfried?

looks frostbitten to me

You celebrated Ash Wednesday a little too early. Today is Tuesday. Silly OP.

you forgot to set the oven to 350

Did you fuck medusa cause it turned to stone

youre a nigger

You're becoming a statue i think

I thought he was just fucking some jews...

That is an average nigger dick.

Small concrete dick

I think you have mold


damn u ashy


You have hair on your shaft... wtf?


Looks like you might be dead


>your dick after you fuck a GILF who says she used to be a squirter

You ashy as fuck dude.
Put some lowshun on dat dick stat homie.

you got sucked off by a basilisk, man

Your dick has been knocked in the dirt

That is not how you make cake.

Looks like the AIDS



I'm a nurse, it's gonorea

You put it in the freezer too long.

It's small

I'm a doctor. It's Gonorrhea

A rare complication that happens to circumcised men. The body rejects the penis and it starts to wither. You need to see a doctor immediately.

I'm the chief of medicine, it's gonorrhea

This could have been turned into a really dirty joke.

Child Psychologist here, that's definitely a child vagina

I think it's been holding its breath for too long

looks like the worst case of seborrhoic dermatitis ive ever seen

Stop using shampoo as lube

I'm a child. It's a Rocket pop.

Its dry AF, Get pussy Faggot

its turning into a statue

Have you become circumspect?



It probably needs Jesus

It's covered in asbestos

You've been circumcised, so you're a jew, muslim or an american. This makes your cock look like a white mushroom. #Feelsbadman

Oh my god user! Someones cut your foreskin off!

Rocket Pop here, I do hoodrat shit with my friends

stupid mexican stop stuffing your dick in the concrete mix and start using it to build the wall

Its stuck to an idiot

You fucked a cinderblock.

Guessing you dry yank?

Your dick is oxidizing. Have you been fucking bronze statues? They may have given you an STD.

haha, I laughed out loud.

>stone painis diease

it's covered in dry skin, use some cream or something

The jews chewed quite a bit off.

You left it in the smoker too long. Now it looks like jerky.

Too much talcum powder

Pic related?