Fuck, I didn't get to see the comments

Fuck, I didn't get to see the comments

Did anyone get screenshots of the like/dislike button and the comments before the video got taken down?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm really curious about this as well. If it's doing this badly now it had to be way worse before.

Pic is current vid, not the first upload of it.

care to explain for those of us that don't have 75 Sup Forums tabs open?

>Monday MTV release a video called "2017 New Years Resolutions for White Guys"
>It's racist as hell
>The internet turns on them in an incredible display of trolling
>MTV have fought tooth and nail to curb the negative press
>Even though they uploaded the video three times
>Now it's nowhere

Did nobody screenshot this shit?

>MTV try to appeal to SJWs
>upload racist bullshit video telling white males to stop being terrible and check their privilege
>Trump's America tears it apart
>MTV hastily take the video down
>reupload claiming to have fixed graphics when really it was to hide negative comments

What you are seeing in this video is psychological warfare. During WW1 and WW2 American media would make cartoons depicting the Germans/Japanese as inferior and evil, this is called dehumanizing the enemy. The reason why they dehumanize the enemy is to make them more easy to kill. So this is exactly what you're seeing here, the demonization and dehumanization of whites so whenever they push the button to kill or imprison whites in death camps the non-whites and "Kapos" (White Liberals this time) will happily kill whites with no psychological blocks.


okay, i love a good laugh. let's see where this goes.

What do u mean?

What I dint get about these white genocide theories is that I cant think of any reason why anyone would want to kill all white people in a predminately white country.

Doesnt matter why. The fact is they are doing it.

Not being able to come up with a motive takes out an integral part of forming a valid accusation.

I'm not following you can u please explain?


Even liberal blacks were shitting on it.
MTV is so awful it brought black sjws and white fascists together for a brief moment.


user shut the fuck up and quit smoking synthetics out of your tinfoil hats

Unholy alliance

what about the "kill all police" march and the "kill all da white babies" woman?
people don't have "valid" reason to hate they just have ideas and hate spread though their communities by their friends and families.

but all racism is hilarious, isn't it?

c'mon this is Sup Forums

this is not real life.

misunderstood point of post, thought you were saying the dislike level was psychological warfare, realized my mistake and redacted my comment, post on Sup Forumsro

neither of those are evidence of an organised white genocide. try again.

Sup Forums is real life

How bad is this video? Put it this way...after seeing it, Dylan Roof said, "Damn, I shot up the wrong place!"

see also
>all racism is hilarious, isn't it?
as long as it doesn't lead into mass murder its all good.

it is enough to show that if they fell that it is right they don't need the same level of reason you are looking for.

but we are talking about sjws, they are like what happens when blm and modern feminism fuck and have a cancer-baby.

Their offices are at 26th street in Santa Monica, ca if there are any heros out there

why is this deleted?

bruh, keep up.

If you're blind to the flood of Muslims in Europe and the USA then you're already lost, you're not worth saving.

And the anti-white agenda from black jesus in the white house. If you don't think that BLM is a pro-white genocide organization then you're not paying attention to whats going on. Again, you're a lost cause.

Blacks will NEVER stop screaming racism and playing the victim, its far too profitable for them. They want whites all dead or in a death camp.

Believe me or not, I don't care, liberals like you will get killed off either by us or better yet. By your own fucking pets that you've invaded our country with.

Good luck bleeding heart liberal.

alright man, i'm drunk. tough to keep up the pace.

glad to see others are jumping ahead to conclusions as fast as I am today.
It's good to not be the only fool.

also they are not a "race",

Dont fucking care what they are. I want them dead.

blacks don't want all whites dead just like whites don't want all blacks dead
both sides are overreacting and full of assholes
everyone is a fucking asshole
you are an asshole
I am an asshole
the only good people in this world are newborns
any color
before they're indoctrinated into either side's bullshit


its almost time to take up arms. we as the white man are ALREADY armed to the teeth. the time is near to use those against the tyranny against us


Muslims fucking suck dude


A couple faggots make a retarded video and you're about ready to take up arms? Relax nerd. Go out and get laid.

Settle down cracker

post time stamp pics of ''your arms'' without an excuse or fuck off.

by arms i mean your firearms.

that's not a newborn
that is a 6+ month old baby
no newborn is inherently evil

Thinks he's this guy


Nice to know they are ruined by 6 months

the fuck does that mean? him or you, claimed to be armed to the teeth, i asked to see proof.

pretty simple you fucking dunce.

they aren't ruined you clown
way to jump to conclusions

Last I saw it was 38k views, 28k dislikes, 200 likes. Then minutes later it was made private. Top comments included one guy saying I'm black and this disgusts me. My favorite tho was one saying " BLACK PEOPLE STOP KILLING PEOPLE, ROBBING AND FUCKING SHIT UP" that had 400 likes on that comment lmao

Him faggot




You mad?

i'll pass

I never denied that. I was just saying that religion and race are different things.

good whites don't hate blacks on skin color alone.
good blacks don't hate whites on skin color alone.
good people find reasons to hate.
Not everyone is good, some are bad.
Some of the bad ones can sway the good ones.

This guy is LEA

Don't respond to him

no he just wants to kill assholes. his base statement isn't limited an any way.

Pure gold

you must be the kid that claimed to be armed to the teeth and won't post proof.

Haha typical niggers. Too afraid to fight by themselves. Always have to gang up on one person then talk about how they "beat dey ass"

Nice try FBI

night kid.

That other guy is pathetic though. I could win a fight against them easily.

Why are NigNogs always afraid to fight alone? Is it a tribal thing?

Well seeing that youre Satan I believe it. But you gotta admit you always see videos of multiple blacks fighting one person and being proud of themselves


Ow, that dislike bar is Ghostbusters 2016 bad.

Oh, nice dubs, checked and witnessed

I don't mind a chance to ruin that misplaced pride.

In Twitter people react the same way, I see the outrage in my timeline.
Let me check if I can find some screenshots.

>2017 resolution for blacks and mexicans
stop killing and dealing drugs
>2017 resolution for asians
stop being superior in everything other than girth and dick size

>White guy responds to MTV´s video

At absolute worst one may get arrested or shot and the others will have a chance to run for it, They take pride in their numbers, that is a reflection of cowardice in my eyes.