How does it feel Britfags?

How does it feel Britfags?

US still no. 1 while you crumpet faggots are in 7th.

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Does anyone actually enjoy living in the UK?

Devon and Cornwall are pretty chill ngl

I'm actually thinking about visiting the UK next year. Any places you'd recommend?

Also what parts of London to avoid getting blown up/killed?

Southall and Luton come to mind

lol faggot

This makes me sick

you act like this wasn't inevitable

nobody gives a shit, brazil, nigeria and all the rest of the once-third-now-second world turdholes are also rapidly climbing the list

that's how it works, nigger

the north of england is worse

first thing you see or hear getting off a train in rochdale, bolton, bradford etc. is a mosque and akbah akbah

Germany is next.

You have no worry of getting blown up or killed in the UK. It's the USA you need to be cautious of they double their schools up as shooting ranges.

Good old German guilt!

Member when the UK kept those carpet riding Cunts in camps and made them work for free? I member.

But compare the size of the UK to India....


Germany's economy is actually getting stronger, thanks to Pakis.

>invite 1m in
>work for pennies
>economic boost

what's a few mass murders, rapes, bombings and changing of your society when you can retain your world economic status

india has 1.2 billion people, uk has 60 billion people faget they should be crushing india

I see you were educated in an American school.

what the fuck is this shit?
You guys need to get your shit together.

makes me want to kms

This is Muslims slowly taking over Britain and they brag about it

Canada is still a nice comfy third place

The U.S comes in second place. China holds #1.

hopefully most of them will blow themselves up when they grow up

i think the real concern is that you didnt post this on

autism is real

Dear UK

give your degenerate refugees and unwanted illegals the boot

Which European country do you guys think will be the first to undergo an islamic revolution?

Either Britain or Germany

We are. The British people fucking hate these immigrant penny pinchers. The leading for behind Brexit was the fact the the british people where sick of taking care of every other countries problems.

>Mfw I live in southall

Germany most likely. The british have their borders locked tighter than a nuns asshole whilst Germany are letting in Arabs willingly.

Rochdale is my favorite British town. A medium sized market town in the rolling Pennine hills, home to 19 mosques, 15 Pound-stores and a Halal Tesco with a big Quranic quote hanging from the ceiling inside. I also love the sheer amount of Halal KFC clones - including Denver Fried Chicken, Dallas Fried Chicken and Arizona fried chicken. All with a zero to one star Food Standards Agency rating.

Call me a dumbass, but I would've guessed India surpassed UK years ago

They were still climbing out of their mud huts a few years ago.

Britain might be 7th, but at least they don't have designated shitting streets

fuck uk i hate living here

Fuck off then. Hail Brittania!

They are getting a nation worth of machanics, doctors, teachers, architects and anyone else that is rich or smart enough to flee. This happened between east and west Germany back in the day and the difference can still be seen today

At least brits poo in the loo.

Not if Merkel loses the election and Germany begins its 4th Reich

dude, it's a bunch of north africans and arabs from the shitty countries that don't provide anything. they will go on welfare and any children they produce will go on welfare

Hardly surprising we have an utterly incompetent government, are incredibly anti-worker legislation, stagnant wages, a health service being deliberately starved of the money it needs and are pretty much the laughing stock of the world at the moment.

Literally embarrassed to be English these days.

For Germany sake I hope Merkel does lose but being a British man I'd hope that Britain would try to reclaim it's once colossal empire.

Even during the british empire there where problems back home. Luckily the problems you have just mentioned only generally effect the poorest parts of Britain. These parts usually contain the laziest and dumbest people the country has to offer in which case is a good thing they're being killed off.

fuck that, can you imagine trying to manage all those pakis who can't stop blowing each other up all fucking day?

seal off their access to the uk and let them deal with their own shit and live in their own fucking dirt in their own country

if anyone wants to poke the shit with a shit stick, let china. at least they share a border.

Britain now a less significant force in the world than a country who refuses - not 'is incapable', but actually just refuses - to use indoor plumbing for their poop.

The trick to the empire is to enslave the Indians again and then the income they produce we spend on ourselves. If we ever captured India again the empire is a great possibility.


i don't care, once france, netherlands, maybe italy leaves the eu will fall apart.


don't be so disgusting and unsanitary

i keep mine in a pile at the bottom of the garden, far away from my house where i store my FOOD and MYSELF

you people with toilets inside are repulsive

>i keep mine
See, that's the problem. You keep it at all.

you're expecting the UK to be upset about yet another successful colony?
what do you think got the US to where was?
learn you some history boyee

>what do you think got the US to where was?


They're actually only where they are today because the british where fighting two wars simultaneously. One with the the French and one with the Americans. They where to stretched on troops and opted to attack the country closest to their own. History class was cool.

Not the UK or it would be number 1 with its colonies being beneath it. If the colonies are all doing better than you, its because they knew what you were fucking up changed it and overtook you. Eventually youll be overtaken by the refugees you are allowing to flood in, and then years later it will lead to you being bombed into an uninhabitable piece of land. Enjoy life as it is now, as shit as that may be. Its only downhill for you.

Yeah, sonny? I used to personally have 5 Indians looking after me at all times. They were super caring to the british folk as they where afraid of become extinct.

That moment when Britain is only an island and has more nuclear weapons than 95% of the world.

Yeah nice delusion faggotington sir faggotry sir most of our cities have lower violent crime rates than yours. Plus we don't get sent to prison for fighting off shit skins trying to rape rob and kill us.

the fuck is wrong with crumpets?

>6th largest economy

>still shit in the street

India is the second most populated country in the world and probably will be first in a short time. The margin of people compared to other country population is a huge margin. It's probably more embarrassing for India knowing they are not even in the top 5 economies in the world and that it took them so long to get there.

The rising price of dung is how India's economy expanded so much. As soon as the value of dung drops, so will India's value.

india is still a shit hole

Nice delusion faggots none of those statements have any basis in logic or facts but hey at least you can get all the anal rape you want and get that nasty white privilege pounded out of you and your family especially the young boys

Was that even English? What do I expect your country was to lazy to get its own language and instead copied the british and poorly at that. You literally copied a language and still find it difficult to replicate it in a correct fashion. Says a lot about your education.

Luton, yeah maybe if you want to lose your head

>none of those statements have any basis in logic or facts
>logic or facts
>Sup Forums

So you just let them shit in any street?

How many dicks and loads do you take so you are this fucking out of touch with reality

Britain gets attacked by terrorists once with 7/11 and the Americans are like "OMG your country is over until with mudslides!" but New York gets is skyline altered by a fucking jumbo jet and they're like " Yeah 'Murica we sure showed them terrorists alright!".

Let me guess you're American, right? How's that multi trillion dollar debt doing lard ass?

No way, they're legit under India?

India doesn't have plumbing... and they're beating Britain?

fwiw India has a billion people, Britain has just over 60 million

It's a surprise it's taken them THIS long to catch up

Well.... we don't have muslim patrols in the US.

Also our government is not attempting to silence us when we legitimately criticize people for their actions.

Unbelievable! It's like they're a bigger country or something.

nope, leaving for the land of opportunity over the pond as soon as practical.

Mate. Muslims get beaten up in the middle of the streets if they try and silence true blood Britons. In my city I saw a group of 5 kicking the shit out of some Muslim cunt because he tried taking down their flag.

Good luck on your journey! I hope your plane doesn't take an emergency landing into a skyscraper...

When Britain first, at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities shall with commerce shine:
All thine shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to thy happy coast repair;
Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crown'd,
And manly hearts to guard the fair.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."



I love being a patriot to this great nation.

The UK has lost its identity with its immigration problem. Who cares.

Pajeet is probably the one in this thread chatting shit about India becoming a super power.

> Implying that modern american wasn't shaped by British colonists.

They can overtake us economically all they like I'd still rather be a Brit living in a comfy house in a not too bad area than a Pajeet living in an eternally sweaty, cramped country where all of the men are backwards and gang rapes are the norm

Until the UK becomes an islamic country


> Implying modern society wasn't mostly shaped by British colonisation.

There's a pretty fuckin' big difference between the British colonist and the influx of immigrants flooding the UK.

Not surprised when we have tories running the country. Literal inbred retards from posh families who don't know what they are doing but have enough money to pay for Oxbridge and favours for pals and families puts them in office.

If we want a decent country we need to get rid of them. Even Corbyn is better because of mcdonnell's modern economic policies. All the economists agree it will definitely will deliver prosperity to the country.

Tories don't know what they are doing and we are suffering due to it.

must be doing bad if poo in the look is beating you economically.

As long as you're not from London or Birmingham you're safe from the brown hordes

>run on sentence with wrong form of "too" followed by a awkwardly worded sentence attempting to utilized every large word this faggot knows followed by a sentence fragment.

go fuck yourself, you pretentious cunt

What is our land mass and population compared to the top 6?

Nigga you in southall? Want to meet up in southall park, make sure you aren't a Ahmed.

Attacking grammar because you have no other argument.

> Makes a half arsed come back and tries to nitpick my grammar and spelling whilst simultaneously forgetting English basics such as capital letters and full stops.