Myth: Humans can terraform mars

>Myth: Humans can terraform mars
Anyone who believes this horseshit is 100% autistic confirmed.
>Covered in iron
>Like no atmosphere
>Fuckin cold
>No one would go
>Never will be enough money to go
>No wifi
Your faith in this sci-fi faggotry is astounding

why talk about Mars in any way whatsoever? What elitist agenda are you bringing Mars up for? Lightworkers are moving energy with the planet not freeing up resources to funnel into Mars type shit

id go... one way trip, fuck it! if i blow up upon entry into mars' atmosphere doesn't matter, went to space


None of those are obstacles except atmosphere. The issue is the lack of a magnetic field.

Rust soil, no air, and feezing isn't a no go. It's not possible

Ah fuck my compass doesn't work! This planet is uninhabitable!

You don't know what you're talking about.

would need to institute massive ion project to force electron migration to higher atmosphere. downside. it would have to be constantly maintained. might just hold particals within planets grav feild though.


Prove to me that shit isn't covered in rusty iron?

>Green Bay Wisconsin was colder last Sunday morning than any point of Mars' surface during that 24 hour period.

Dont be retarded m8

if social was a utopia it would definitely be possible. take your head out your ass.

Well then let#s terraform this little sexy vixxen

>autist on Sup Forums
>actual scientists who have already created documentaries about it

oh yeah that ones a HOT little candidate

it is, but how is that an obstacle?

Nigger the magnetic field protects us fragile humans from radiation

soil, atmosphere, and temperature are unimportant, human colonization will be indoors and/or underground. farming would be hydroponic, the martian polar caps can provide the water, and the plants will generate oxygen in the enclosed space. the only problem would be venting the excess oxygen and if the buildings/rock layer can withsand the radiation. and of course the logistics of transport and setup, that's the biggest problem right now and its having been worked on for decades

this, but i bet in the future we can create one or make a substitute

Wrong premise; Mars was once like Earth, now a dead planet

why? the upper atmosphere is habitable. and the surface is a molten hell hole covered in acid, even if the atmosphere can be regulated, it would take millions of years for the surface to cool enough to set foot on, and it would all be acidic volcanic material.

Until they find oil on another planet, the human race is staying put. Without an enormous economic incentive, it's just scientists and fanboys having a circle jerk.

Yep, it's as if OP has no sense of time and scale and thinks it'd all happen in a month, or a year, or a decade, or even a century. If we ever did successfully colonize Mars it'd be over the course of many hundreds of years, and possibly lots of trial and error, as morbid as that sounds.

mars is what happens when earth's magnetosphere stops, venus is what happens when earth's atmosphere contains too much CO2.

well, anyone who chooses to colonize mars is choosing to die on mars.

According to Velikovsky, Venus was once comet-like

Or succeed and carry on some sort of legacy there, which would be the ultimate goal. The beginning process would be suicide though, for sure. It's about as honorable of a death as you can get, though.

We could, but it'd take hundreds of thousands of years at least, at most somewhere in the 1-1.5 billion year range. Humans would die off or evolve long before that, however. If we ever go to Mars, we'll be underground, and cast iron'll be the next big thing in design.

you do understand that um money has no value rite, WE MAKE IT FUCKER IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING
>> recorces/money hmm two completely different thing that have nothing to do with each other when u think about it money dosent grow on trees therefore your logic is fucked

ill put it to u this way do u think i need money to walk into a store and get me a steak dinner if u answered yes ur retarded FACT: i walk in grab two walk out then have ur mom blow me while u watch and i cook me some mf steak money psssssh GTFO


succeed or fail, you're going to die on mars evetually.

>No one would go
I would. Are you fucking kidding me?

Well same goes for earth too.

I saw something on youtube about a few theories on colonizing mars. The amount of work and size of the equipment you would need to create a livable atmosphere on any planet would make it pretty much impossible. By the time you've designed something and had the equipment you need to build it and put it all together you're gonna be so over budget that suicide seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

>describes why we can't terraform Mars by laying out all of the things that terraforming Mars would fix.
Am I having a stroke or something

Humans CAN terraform Mars.
Its not a quick process like your precious sci-fi, it will take centuries but it can be done.

...or using massive hidrogen bombs to restart core's dynamo.

well the atmosphere is 96% CO2 but with similar size and density the planet should have the similar composition to earth's, until we can get a sample of the surface we cant know for certain

Tenitas man. How am I supposed to wear flip flops if I'll cut myself on rusty nails all the time.


Undeniable truth in math my man

any planet really

Anyone who chooses not to is choosing to die on earth, gotta die sometime man

Lol intro to the art of trolling. Excellent technique my man.

you would have to dig to the center and replace the cores fule source.

how bout we take some of the atmosphere from that one and put it on mercury?

>gotta die sometime man
you dont really get a choice in the matter.

>Fuckin cold
Equatorial HIGH temperature of 60°F. That's very fuckin' cold.

If that planet is Venus (I'm on the phone in the street right now)...then is way too difficult to achieve the possibility of habitation. Huge greenhouse effect makes it almost impossible to visit.
This fucker is hotter than Mercury.

>Be world government
>Another planet has oil
>Send spaceship there and back thousands of times over
>Run a small city for a day

By the time we would be able to get oil from other planets we wont need it because of better technology dummy.

In a nutshell, this nigga is right.

>almost impossible to visit.
That would explain the scarcity of surface pictures.

>some shitposter on Sup Forums
>People who have spent years researching this and how to do it

Man, I just can't choose who to believe!

its not like humans are gonna go first well send a massive army of robots to do the grunt work and from there well come when the resorts are set up and the margaritas are flowing. 1000 years from now this is very very easily possible it hasn't even been a hundred since we went to the moon

Stop using capitalism units reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You skip science class a lot, don't you?

I think the problems come after terraforming. So if we can have an atmosphere that is self-sustaining, and assuming global temperatures go up to somewhere a little more livable (like Finland, or even further North), we have to deal with the absorption of iron into all water supplies.

Without filtration, and constant busy work of pulling iron out of the atmosphere, there will be no potable water, or breathable air.

The whole point of terraforming is being able to have a planet that is self-sustaining for life. If suddenly technology disappeared, we could go on.

OP is 100% right, we ain't ever going to terraform shit like Mars.

>another planet
You are the retard here

I'd fucking go.

Indeed. An impossible? task.

>capitalism units
Please elaborate...

Didn't say impossible. Just almost...
Russian probes provided those pics you're talking about. The fact that NASA and/or others are not preparing new expeditions to Venus and we still only count on those old small pics freaks me out.

The methane on Titan could be profitable since its already in liquid form. The atmosphere is around the same density as Earth, so people would just need an oxygen supply and heavy clothing for the cold.
Mining Saturn's H3 would be a fucking gold mine if/when a way to do it easily can be found.

>Guy says people would mine planets for oil if they were found
>I say that is dumb and impractical
>some guy tells me I'm dumb for saying other planets have oil

>Myth: Humans can land on the moon
Anyone who believes this horseshit is 100% autistic confirmed.
>Covered in cheese
>Like no atmosphere
>Fuckin cold
>No one would go
>Never will be enough money to go
>No wifi
Your faith in this sci-fi faggotry is astounding

on an equally crazy technological scale, a polarized charged fabric placed in geosync orbit that can cover an area a third of the size of the planet might do enough to reduce incoming radiation to less harmful levels.

That faggot means degrees Fahrenheit.

Anyway the 60 degrees Fahrenheit is about 15 Celsius for any of you other autismos out there

We only have two abilities on this planet. We can eat most of it, and we can breath. I feel like we've done a good job at doing both artificially.

>other planets have oil
That would mean they had a LOT of plant LIFE in their distant past.

mag field stops radiation, retard

How to speed rotation to regenerate magnetic field?

Would full cloud cover be necessary to reduce insulation to near earth-like levels?

You have no idea what little impact you can muster.

if you could reverse the runaway greenhouse effect, it'd be possible
but it would probably take a century or longer
even then, the land would be toxic from all the sulfur

So? Id rather die taking a chance rather than not knowing. Pull your head out of your ass

finding oil on another planet would be huge. not just proof of life, proof of massive amounts of life for billions of years.

Rotation doesn't have anything to do with a magnetic field.
You need an active iron core.

The level of autistic Science worship in this post

>Until they find oil on another planet
Are you retarded or something. Theoretically another planet could've had life and theoretically we could mine this. I just said it was dumb. Either you're literally retarded or I'm eating up all the bait.

to maintain a dozens of kilometer radius reaction hundreds of kilometers below the surface? not for our species. any species that could might as well just harvest the entire planet.

>How to speed rotation to regenerate magnetic field?
it isn't so much rotation speed as the fact that the Arean core is almost solid
if we bring a large asteroid into a close orbit of Mars
that will kneed the core in the same way the Moon kneeds Earth's core
then the iron crust rotating at a different speed from the iron core creating an electric dynamo and magnetic field

and the atmosphere and water problems could be overcome in a similar manner
bring comets in and have them graze the Arean atmosphere

Venus has an internal structure similar to earth and rotates every 243 days...retrograde.

youre gonna die someday whatever you do

>Until they find oil on another planet
Venus would be the only other planet in the habitable zone, so there's a possibility it once sustained life to become oil. Too bad its impossible to get to, if its there.

it's 50/50, the core (at least an outter core) has to be fluid, iron rich, and there has to be rotation. magnetic firelds require movement to be generated.

Titan, one of Saturn's moons, has an atmosphere, rivers, lakes, and glaciers all rich in methane aka natural gas

Need large microwave. Build in space, hover over mars. Kick microwave on button.
Get that Mars core molten again for stabe magnetic fields.

Venus, need large vacuum cleaner to suck out poopy atmosphere.
Go from suck to blow. Put in good atmosphere.

2 more planets to crash on.

>joke's on them I was merely pretending


>Be reading the first chapter in a sci-fi book today

>The average lifespan of the average person is 160 years

>Dropped book

Bullshit all you need to do is build some heaters, greenhouse and plant rice and cannibalize any raiders or visitors and then just roof everything to stop radiation.

Probably should build a few solar panels and batterys

If you want to get technical, money does grow on trees.

But for real, we all knew what it meant when he said not enough money. you just managed to take it literal.
Resources cost money. We wouldn't be able to maintain a healthy economy while dumping trillions worth of resources in a project that wont yield any profit any time soon.

Although, once we got settled, we could use the resources of the planet... Thats the hard part, though.

Europa and Enceladus have warm oceans, and possible salt deposits. far more interesting to explore.

the issue is the core is frozen, so there is no magnetic field. disregarding the protection the magnetosphere provides from solar radiation, this means that the atmosphere will also be slowly stripped over time.

tl;dr it's a no go.

Well, pretty much impossible currently. Terraforming isn't exactly the next step. To terraform we need to expand and gather materials from places other than earth and expand the population beyond the limits of earth by far.

The materials necessary to terraform are beyond what you could take from a habitable planet and have it remain habitable, generally.

It's possible to create something along the lines of a biosphere first to expand rather than planet sized engineering projects. From our current standpoint, excessively impossible. Wait a millennia, assuming the acceleration of accumulation of knowledge and the start of expanding of the human race off earth, then we can start theorizing about realistically terraforming.

Basically, I'm saying we need a drastically larger population and access to resources from anywhere not earth before terraforming is even close to feasible. I do think it is within the realm of future possibilities though.

The only reason we couldn't is because there is moon.

No moon= no molten core= no magnetosphere= little to no atmosphere. Solar wind would strip it of any atmosphere we made.

then explain Venus' atmosphere
check mate aethists

when i typed "we", i wasnt referring to myself but rather future generations of scientists

WTF are you talking about

Holy fuck the math behind accomplishing this and the necessary precision is thoroughly mind-boggling. I'm torn between an erection and a deep satisfaction if we ever, as a species, accomplished something like this.

you also have to take in count the distance to the sun venus is compared to mars. It could be enough to keep the core molten.

Also the size of mars has a lot to do with how fast the atmosphere slips away. If mars had a molton core, it still might not be able to keep an atmosphere for long.

Venus has a molten core...
The gravity from the sun does the job that the moon does for earth






Venus does not have a molten core
you can tell bc Venus does not have a magnetic field
try again faggots