

trouble is afoot

this wouldn't be happening if clinton was rightfully elected

haha meme


lol right?


too many liberal tears seeped into the innerworkings

cunt off pj



pajamas? hahaha xD :D

Only reason I'm here for the first time in years

preach it brother :D

i want dubs now




gibs but i never dubs


why is reddit full of fags who cry when someone has a different opinion, it seems like everyone has to bandwagon just to fit in pathetic.

Let's emulate avid redditors who are pouring into the site to avoid facing the harsh realities of their existences.

"OMG look at this thing that was posted one year ago today"

"Ha this pic that was posted last week was funny"

"I'm so nice for helping out this homeless guy, let me take a photo of it so I can get free Internet Points"

"Waaaah, my candidate didn't win, waaaaah"

"Let's give our tax dollars to couch potatoes so that we can fill the void left by a lack of parenting and drive"

"Kittens jumping on dogs"

reddit is back up cya later faggots


now im sad

some of us actually try to make the community more diverse

fuck off Tyrone

Inb4 they ban the_Donald

idk i gave up trying to communicate with those fags , it feels like a popularity contest in that site with a bunch of people who cant handle different opinions without spamming the dislike,



wrong, once trump voters see how bad trump is as president then everyone will be crying for him to impeach but by then we will be in the middle of a war.

while it's true that many usually take differing opinions badly, it forces anyone posting to consider how to present the problem in a way that appeals to everyone. if you write around it well enough I bet you can get an unpopular opinion heard without too many downvotes