Tell me you can solve this

Tell me you can solve this.

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You can solve this.




no water to middle house


It doesn't touch the houses... It's a bunch of lines that connect each one...


Fuck you

you failed retard

If they're thirsty, they can just ask for a drink from their neighbour.

It's impossible.

A planar bipartite graph on n nodes can have at most 2*n - 4 edges. Here there are 6 nodes, meaning that there can be at most 8 edges. But, the problem requires 9 edges (3 connections for each house). 9 > 8, so there's no solution.

Google "planar bipartite graph" for a proof and an explanation of the terms.

Not actually possible to solve in 2 dimensions, unless you allow "cheats" like having the lines go through houses.

Here you niggers go


Without crossing any lines

This kinda starts to piss me off.

Is it even possible?

Power, gas, and electric lines do not have to be a single line segment, that's why I sell conduit bending equipment and connectors.


Autist detected



No, years ago that riddle made my colleagues nuts and i had the lulz

Your mistake is that you assume each node represents a single in which all point converge. In the diagram listed the points are broad circles, and while the rules say the lines cannot cross each other, nothing prohibits the lines from passing through nodes or other houses.




everyone who replies to the thread is a certified autist


In real life you wouldn't have to worry about them crossing either, but in math problems "themed" as real-life problems, it's not appropriate to introduce real-world facts unless they make the problem harder.


autism means autistic which means retarded and wasting time on a faggot puzzle is retarded. The easy solution is to draw straight lines to all houses but bury the water and gas lines at different depths and over head lines for electric.

Puzzle solved. I'm a genieus.


Assume black people love in one house and therefore doesn't have gas or electricity.

u succ


All of the resources listed can be ran underground.

That being said...

As a father of 2 autistic children, I can assure you that there is a huge difference between autism and retardation. In fact, an autistic child is more likely to solve this since they do not understand societal rules and will willingly throw them out.

Fucking easy


How do the utility thingies provide their respective utility without having any of the other 2 utilities themselves? Like, can the water get pumped through the pipes without any electricity? Although, I guess neither of those really need gas though do they?





not even remotely challenging

Here niggers

Gas is the only one you really need

totally works too since the rules dont state that the lines for these services cannot run through the houses.

I swear this gets a little shittier each time I see it

You fucking dumbass.


>2 fire going to one house

why would you need gas if u have electricity



proof Sup Forums is the most autisimal place on the internet. The few autists here that get a chance to breed only breed autists

This nigga just gonna add a new dimension for the sole purpose of supplying utilities to 2D houses.

there's clearly one going to each


Cheaper heating




Can you do one of these, but make it tits instead of a cock?

Truly a more retarded statement was never spoken.

Houses aren't lines

Top line is the bottom fire line.
Two inner lines on the left side are water, so the top line has to be the bottom fire line.

Good try though. You get an "E" for "Effort."




thank me later.



Sorry, I was trying to be an asshole, but now I feel bad for saying it.

Not sure exactly why, but some apartments including my own seem to use gas either to heat water or to somehow power the AC's temperature changing. Seems like I only really get billed for it in the summer time, any other times I only pay a few cents worth every billing cycle, which leads me to believe it's mostly the AC that uses the gas.

Oh you poor autists, it's only doable in 3D,you need to use a torus

checked and underrated



why the sicc not




Top kek mate

This test works. I can clearly tell who has autism here.

But if you do it like that you'll just burn all your cables and evaporate all the water. Plus your fire will get all wet and not work right.



no houses, no problem


Based on the rules, this works.


no one said anything about them not living next to a utility so..



Still failed, electricity is crossing the heat.

the house of the middle doesnt have water


tho this doesnt work, best idea imo.