No Japanese Cringe thread? Isn't this the most sad and pathetic thing the Japanese ever came up with?

No Japanese Cringe thread? Isn't this the most sad and pathetic thing the Japanese ever came up with?

trying to take over asia and the pacific. Fucking japs thought they were less shitty than the rest of those squinty eyed motherfuckers. they thought wrong



No they were right. they just don't have the same kind of resources on their island, and in reality, "might makes right" is how the world actually operates, regardless of legitimate morality or birthright.


So you can pretend your "waifu" is rubbing your head

Always wanted Alexa or Siri to be more needy...

That's actually completely fucking awesome, dude. My computer can already do all of that and more, it's just not a holographic anime girl, but that's what consumers need. A face to their technology. Humans are simple animals something like this is more than enough of an illusion.

Is a rolodex sad? Is a phone calendar sad? Is automated internet enabled home appliances and lights sad? No, and neither is putting an anime character as an avatar for your computer that does all that shit.


What is sad is you having no actual life where you have actual human contact

I can understand all of these being items except for the "menstruation smell" Who the fuck wants to smell literal putrified gore?

Ho woah ! His room is at least 8 or even 10 tatamie !

What a healthy and succesful guy here !

No i want to get this

Arguably the one benefit of the age of nuclear weapons. When everyone can ruin the Earth, it prevents any one powerful thug from taking over.

That's not really the issue. It would be fine if it were Pikachu or something like that. The cringe is that it's a wiafu. It's a cartoon that supposed to replace actual human companionship. That's sad as fuck.

The end is what makes it sad. "Someone is home for me." It's not presented as a nice addition to their lives but as a replacement for the human contact they've been lacking.

I want one that has Ric Flair in it

japanese having any concept of morality

Japanese have a breeding problem. No one is interested in relationships; unless you are super-rich, holding on to a stable career, and are in the high-maintenance crowd as they are. The chance of finding a "real girl" is slim to none in most cases. It's estimated that Japan will lose 30% of it's population of the next 50 years because of these social institution they hold closer to dear.
>tl;dr: nobody is fucking, because everyone is so stuck up.

Unfortunately, these "placebos" only serve to help alleviate the symptoms, not an actual cure. Besides, if they want to have a relationship with machines, I'd wait for the official sex robot. Near human looking/acting robot that will submit to your every whim.

> prevents any one powerful thug from taking over.

Arguably is an understatement. It's likely still going to happen. Have you missed the whole new paradigm of fabricating reality for the masses and doing exactly whatever the fuck they want behind the scenes?

The rhetoric of nuclear weapons being simply deterrents is absurd. We're all going to use those weapons eventually. It is only a matter of time and circumstance, and there will be more weapons developed for new battlefields. Such as for the human mind itself, so we're not done with horrifying new weaponry either.

we all stand on the shoulders of giants, and it's good to remember that when they start to get sick and senile.

>japanese population = 0

they're masturbating themselves into oblivion

This isn't even cringe, this is just sad. Their society is so fucked that people are lonely enough to warrant creating artificial cartoon wives so they don't kill themselves.

This genuinely makes me feel bad.

>its still gonna happen

you won't know until you're dead so forget it

Bye bye Japan, nice knowing you.

No, you're wrong. Japan doesn't have a breeding problem. the nigger and Muslim countries overpopulating is the problem. The Earth is already past its sustainable capacity for humans without further reduction in their quality of life. Tens of millions of people live like fucking animals already, crowded into shitty cities like sardines it's fuel for mental illness.

The issue is that people are becoming more discerning, and they should be. Children are a heavy expense and should not be taken lightly.

Honestly, the whole idea of a "breeding problem" is on the level of thinking the earth is flat. The fact is that they are more educated and the more educated you are the longer you wait for children because you aren't an impulsive fool, dragging yourself down with unneeded progeny which is idealized in shitty religious fundamentalist countries like the Muslims in the Middle East or Puritan Cultists in the West.

the fuck

Honestly looks like a pretty fucking useful product until it got into the relationship shit.

No, I don't live in a city, so I'll get to live through the immediate aftermath to watch the world lie about what happened until they find a scapegoat to expunge from reality and move on.

True, also checkem

ikr, i almost started to cry when i watched this

>I'd wait for the official sex robot. Near human looking/acting robot that will submit to your every whim.

That's why you can't understand. You're on a different page The people who would buy these aren't looking for a sex robot, they want a companion, like a dog or a cat, but without the real needs.

You can turn a waifu appliance off and on like the machine it is. You can't do that with real people or even pets.

Was an interesting tech demo, didn't actually cringe until the end when he looks up to see his apartment with the lights on, thinking yey someone is waiting for me.

>the nigger and Muslim countries overpopulating is the problem.
Yes, that's a problem as well. Except my point is that the Japanese are going the opposite direction because of their attitude towards life-goals.

Exactly in the same fashion as the intro scene of Idiocracy. Stupid (re: lesser 'people', 'niggers') people breed faster, than the "smart" ones (re: stuck up, high-maintence, etc).

I don't see the problem. It's like a dog that doesn't need anything and actually does something useful on top of not smelling like shit and being a retard.

It's just an artificial pet girl, ffs. You niggers are reading way too much into it. Maybe some projection on your part.

>masturbating classmate pussy fragrance

It's not even that, they want a wife and someone to love them, but they don't want to deal with actually having to maintain a relationship.

Not to mention, as was said above, Japanese people have issues with dating and forming romantic relationships and they're chronic workaholics.

That's why this is so sad. People are desperately trying to fulfill their basic need for love and affection because their whole society is too broken and dysfunctional to be able to give them what they need.

It's unfortunate. I read a thesis on just that the other day. The theory is that the advent of cities has actually caused evolution to halt in humans since they are not being preyed on like nature intended.

We should be culling the impulsive, mentally inferior, and defective genes naturally, but since that stopped around the time of walled cities, we've got a real problem with literal social parasites since it's unseemly to wipe them out in cursory exterminations now.

Now we ignore the problem and figure someone else will deal with it. It will get worse and worse.

Golden Shower Maniac Lotion

At least they know their target audience

Idiocracy is literally a documentary, brother. That's where we're headed. It's too late to stop it.

You think it will stay a Japanese problem forever? Wait till we start making human looking androids and shit, western society will fall into the same situation as the Japs do.
There's already hints, we're becoming to fucking picky and full of drama creating problems where there aren't so it's obvious it's gonna' end up like that.
I can't say I speak for myself because when you're constantly attacked with problems for trying to fulfill a certain you'll eventually try to look for an easier way.

eh, how about sterilization? It's slightly less ethically dubious.

As a follow up, what criteria would you suggest people would have to meet to be removed? Personally, I think low IQ & high debt are two reasonable ones.

I agree, we should be trying to cultivate a culture of simpler romances.

Sure, dude, I would be all for it. I would support restrictions on reproductive rights when it means the state would have to pay for the upkeep of the children. If people want to make bad decisions, the civil people should not be responsible for those other's mistakes.

I'm all for humans selectively breeding, but they are too busy being fed bullshit that feels good versus what they need to hear to advance their species. I blame parents, teachers, the government. I blame everyone for lying to each other that we're equal when we never were and never will be.

I blame all the lies passed as truths. Until we put aside the whole "blank slate" ideology that erroneously suggests that all people are born equal, then nothing will happen.

We are as much a product of our genetic heritage as our experiences, and ones merits and deficiencies should be observed and studied, not hidden behind a facade like a landmine.

We're just too feral, honestly. Mankind as a whole has too many members that are too feral to participate in that new world order and that's why the next big war is an inevitability.

Oh, I agree entirely. Fuck, I already see escorts because my last few relationships imploded horribly and made me depressed as fuck and I'm tired of the dating scene bullshit.

It's not quite the same here, though. I think our attitudes towards sex (namely hyping it as the best thing ever, constantly bombarding people with it, and making people who don't get it seem pathetic, yet shaming people who are promiscuous) has created an state on antagonistic inter-gender relations. Men feel like they have to game women to get sex, and women feel like they're being gamed. I also think the prevalence of social media is making people less inclined to socialize in person.

We're all heading to the same place, but the way we're getting there is different.

you only think it was sad because it's a girl which you are afraid of

the birth rate is only in decline in the extremely densely populated areas, that's completely normal

I wish people would wake up to what needs to be done. As it is the people would riot, but Fuck I wish we could do it or would have set that up 60 years ago so we wouldn't have the nigger problem we have today.

It should be based on genetic heritage as equally as it is based on individual action. Some people are intelligent and competent but have serious genetic problems of various kinds.

Is it fair? Fuck no, it's not fair, but neither is the country and the world going to literal shit because Raheem and Tyrone couldn't stop fucking 200 years ago and now the world is full of listless impulsive warlike niggers who don't give a shit about the society they parasite on.

Yea that's a good point but in the end it's going to be the same problem, society doesn't see it as a problem right now but once it hits in full force it will be too late.
But as we always do, we will adapt, there will probably be less humans and more robots.
Call me crazy but I think a lot of humans will want to be inside robotic bodies, if that happens think about the ammount of robotic humans and organics. Eventually we will become all robotic.
It's what I feel like it will happen.

I can't bring myself to judge people who want an AI waifu, but I feel bad for anyone who buys this. Three grand for a Pepper's ghost display shoved in a coffeemaker is insane.

Have you not seen the Amazon echo yet? It's basically the same thing without the hologram

The only place you live is in fantasy land

If we're going by survival of the fittest and you want to erase anyone with genetic problems then you'd be killing 80% of the human population.
What you probably want is something different, plus you can't kill everyone based on how they think and do, there's too many conditions and incognits.
Also if we were to get rid of low IQ people, who would work the shitty jobs?
Honestly I agree we need a purge but it's not as easy as it seems to do it.

If historical evolution is a precendent, what will happen, and what should happen is that the very best: the most competent, most intelligent, most powerful, healthiest, fittest human beings will band together and literally exterminate everyone else.

It's as it should be and you all know it. That's how evolution works and always has worked.

And you say that because you want to believe that "nuclear deterrence" is real? Grow up, dude. You're young enough that you'll see for yourself how wrong you are.

> who would work the shitty jobs?

the only reason there are shitty jobs is because there are people shitty enough to take them.

I'm still against the idea of a purge, I think sterilization is more than enough. And if people still want babies, then they can just adopt.
As far as working shitty jobs, it's probably safe to say that in less than a couple of generations robotics & AI will have fulfilled those roles anyway.

I just think we're all going to get to the point where people just never go outside anymore. You can already do almost anything you might be inclined to do online. You can order anything you need on the Internet, you can pay all your bills online, do your taxes, you can socialize on social media or even places like Sup Forums.

We already see people on their phones all the time outside. Half the dates I've been on recently, the girl had her phone out. I think that sort of behavior will only get more prevalent. I think human to human social interraction is going to become an anachronism.

I'm for reproductive control, as well, but the reason purges and extermination always comes up is that, when you deal with the kind of people that require the most "help", you inevitably reach a point where you see WHY they live like they do. It's because they are different, and they won't understand you and they will fight you and try to exterminate YOU for trying to take their reproductive rights.

Most people don't give a flying fuck about human evolution because they aren't part of the cutting edge. They are just another random animal who doesn't want to be hurt.

Well, sooner or later, automation is going to take most jobs anyway. That's actually another big paradigm shift on the horizon. We will eventually get to the point where 95% of all jobs will be made obsolete by automation, and we can't just have 95% of people not have money. The people on top wouldn't be able to make money if people didn't have money to buy their products.

Sooner or later, I think we'll get to the point where people will just get paid a salary for being a citizen/

i came here for cringe... not to read

Some of you people are living in some ideological bubble.

Humans are literally the most dangerous things you can possibly encounter on earth. It's not unreasonable to be fearful and suspicious of them because by all indications they are far and away the single most neurotic and destructive species to ever scour the Earth.

Don't be surprised more and more people come to this fundamental realization and internalize it and pass that knowledge to their own children. The world of 2000 years ago is over and gone. Things are different.

Anime and manga are both cringy, just a bunch of doodles made by hypocrites with tiny bipity bopity

That's a good observation, it's noted that most humans just follow their natural instinct of survival and reproducing, there aren't many who pursue the path of evolution but this isn't strange, it's rather simple.
We're programmed to follow these rules, we're programmed to think our lives are just that, that we're just supposed to fuck, get kids and survive. In modern times to survive you need a job.
It takes effort to not succumb to these ideas, but as history has proven is that the individuals who dedicate themselves to our evolution are the ones on the cutting edge you speak of.

And we're not even talking about space faring, by that time we'll be colonizing planets. Hopefully, if Mars becomes a prime candidate I won't think twice about applying.
I mean sure they will want profissionals the first few trips, but they need colonists and not everyone has the balls to leave everything behind for another planet.

You can call it sad all you want, but I've been wanting an intelligent, realistic AI OS that sounds like Johansson ever since I saw Her.

BTW, I'm still waiting Japan....

If some random mutation caused some hairless monsters to appear out of nature with such cleverness and ferocity that they wipe out any and all opposition and kill off every other sentient or sapient or even conscious species that could ever resist them from the planet and it was only the monsters left and their food supplies, then would they still be monsters? Or would they only be known as "people"?

Did someone say cringe?

Honestly, my friend, I'm putting my hopes that the elite will develop their own class of space ship in secret and colonize space without the rest of mankind. Forget affirmative action or any semblance of fairness. What we need is for the best to take decisive action and specialize into space elves and just get the fuck out of here and start New Jerusalem somewhere else and maybe one day fly back and clean up the home world and make every corrupt nation bow down.

To be fair, most of the reading in this thread is cringe.

omg you have literally the shallowest knowledge of what you're talking about rn

You just don't get it, do you? You don't sound very bright, "omg"

Do you think humans conquered nature by living like baboons? We did it with force and power. We would have wiped out all the big predators by now easily if it wasn't for all the conservation efforts.

I was meeting your stupidity with the idiolect it deserves. You gave away your point by the time i read the word 'hairless'; a better man would have conveyed your idea in fewer words. But then again, a better man wouldn't have uttered the obvious.

I think you missed the point of both of our statements.

yeah you are right.

You're trying too hard, thanks for playing though. In case you missed it nigger, the audience here isn't exactly the same tier as my moderated med school forum, so fuck your impulsive and purposeless contrarianism while we're just laying it out there.

Didn't Gravity Falls predict this?

>Do you think humans conquered nature by living like baboons?
Yes actually. Baboons with fire.

You haven't even said anything yet, fool.

>tfw you realise it's Tinkerbell in a coffee pot

No, that's way off nigger. The very idea is absurd. We got to where we are by wiping out opposition. Baboons don't form armies composed of multiple tribes to go wipe out one opposing tribe at a time. At best the other apes have family vs family or tribe vs tribe. Humans organize against each other in vast conspiracies in case you missed the entirety of human history

Fire has nothing to do with it. Fire is just another tool.

It just went from sad to rad.

I'm pretty sure the "menstrual scent" spray is a lot more sad and pathetic, but whatever, I guess.

Most people's phones can already do all that shit if their house is wired for it, just without the proprietary anime girl in a jar.


That's just sad

Practice. This is just priming the pump for Jap kids for when they grow up and realize that their lives are worth shit.