What did the Obama presidency get us?

What did the Obama presidency get us?

* More people on welfare than ever before.
* Lowest home ownership in decades.
* Racial tensions the highest that they've been since the 1960s.
* Spent more than ALL presidents before him combined!
* Stagnant economy with less than 1% GDP growth for all 8 of his years.
* SJWs now actually believe that their opinions matter.
* Failed program after failed program: Solinra, Cash for Clunkers, Obamacare....

Holy fuck, what an utter failure. It's good that he's finally leaving office.

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donald trump wont be any better

he'll be to busy crying about liberals who hurt him or mike pence's feelings on social media all day to actually do the job america wanted him to do

>Spent more than all presidents before him combined.
Even if you're not adjusting for inflation that's wrong

Yeah this is some made up circle jerk bullshit. Give sources OP, real ones.

January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. Today it's $19.78 trillion

>no source - mostly bullshit
>implying bush's debt stopped growing the day Obama was sworn in

autism....the post


Obama's America, is best America.

The level of retardation needed to carry on this narrative is truly astounding. Besides exhibiting a level of economic understanding less than that of a newborn, it shows even less knowledge of government spending patterns and why they occur. I take you are a trumpanzee:? Only one who sits at the low end of the gene pool could post this bullshit and think it remotely explains anything at all. God, what happened to make you and the rest of your low gene pool shitlords think you could post drivel like this without retribution and marking yourselves as the village idiots for all time. Do the world a favor. Kill yourself. Improve the gene pool.

So, you're astoundingly retarded?


Exactly the opposite of what you said is the truth.

Stop watching Fox News faggot.

cash for clunkers? that was a government thing? (im canadian but ive heard of it)

Sadly, this is the result of low-IQ mixed with fake news and propaganda.

Let's all funnel our petty blame onto one enemy we can fight.

President Trump will put you in the dump!

Trump is literarily one the worlds most accomplished people to date. The man is going down in history as "leader of the free world" and the richest of them since Washington. I don't like the man but to anyone calling him a loser is simply an emotionally biased retard. Fucking dudes got game. There's no denying that.

>cash for clunkers

Jesus Christ that one hurt us. my family had to move South to find work because our dealership let go even their best Salesmen and Managers. It didn't fucking work.

it took us actual years to recover from it and we lost everything going on in our lives. Lost long time gf, home, business connections and friends.


America: Where being a con man is the same as greatness.

Nixon put a man on the moon

So you are a loser who couldn't adapt and so now you've voted for a total con man as revenge. You didn't learn much, did you.

point of order, the usa didnt put a man on the moon, it was a hoax perpetrated to funnel money to the saudis

Makes sense being that the "American Dream" is the biggest con of them all.

lmao nice meme. we own our own dealership now and our competitor just moved to another state.

>More people on welfare than ever before
Yeah, because no one makes a living wage. Even if you are working, you might be eligible for some kind of social program.

Also, welfare isn't a department. There is no single entity known as 'welfare'.


You could get off your ass and do some actual research.

>Spent more than ALL presidents before him combined!

Are we counting the trillions upon trillion we've spent on Republican wars? How about the trillions we've lost on Republican tax cuts?

you know as well as i do that war is good and whites can do no wrong

now let me tell you about how violent black people are

It not about doing research, it's about sticking to a false and flawed narrative because it fits his flawed worldview. He hasn't the intellect to be otherwise.

Why are conservatives so obsessed with looking into men's underwears to look what's inside or to check out women's one hoping they find a cock?
That's what a real faggot would want to do.

=== How about the trillions we've lost on Republican tax cuts?

It is not the government's money to lose. It is money taken from the private sector to fund government. Big, big difference. The thinking between a capitalist and a socialist.

Anwhere else: where being conned is more noble




Decent propaganda. You know, taking the 2008 crash and pretending it was the normal state of being, so it makes 2016 look good.

Now try all that shit again with an 'over time' graph. Include the national debt, workforce participation, U6 unemployment, police officer murders, riots and civil disturbances, and number of domestic terror attacks.


Agreed, he got an enormous pass from being part black. It's kind of hilarious how cucked everyone was, he's literally funding terrorism and saying we need to bow to Islam and scared white people say "well...I can't say anything you'd think I was racist....I better just shut up and let the government fuck me"
btw he handed over the keys to the internet to the UN and they're already censoring "fake news". We're next.

Only Harvard Law Review President to ever, ever, not be published. Ever.

>Taught Constitutional Law

Lies. He was an adjunct who taught one class on one topic; the 14th Amendment. ACTUAL Constitutional Law includes separation of powers, Establishment, Speech, foundations of the federal judiciary, standing, etc.

See also: sfgate.com/news/article/Harvard-s-dirty-little-secret-is-out-grade-2868775.php

Rampant grade inflation at Harvard.


That's the point. Obama saved us from Bush's fuck ups


show us your degree from Harvard


blame republican controlled congress cutting the embassy security budget for that.

>everything bad is Bush's fault
>even the banking laws written by Democrats
>in the Clinton administration

Jesus, you're stupid.



no u



>implying most american politicians aren't con men

you say lies, then go on to say he did teach....

>reduction in overall security budget for the entire motherfucking State Department is what wrecked Benghazi
>ignore the hundreds of requests for help the administration ignored
>ignore that standing American military policy is to move to the sound of the guns and rescue Americans in distress, yet, somehow, no one in the entirety of Africa Command did a fucking thing while Obama went to a fundraiser and Clinton invented lies about a YouTube video

You've got a list of talking points and by God you're sticking to them.

You know Correct the Record isn't writing any more checks, right?

ITT: Milenials complain about their president, fucking hell you little crying babies man up and work to make your fucking contry a better place if ONE fucking person has so much power you might aswell anhero guys.

Americunts are so fucking worthless.

In all fairness, I can take a shit in the girls restroom if the boys restroom is busy now. That's called "progress".

Ignoring the intense butthurt after Obama won in 2008. A large portion of people will bitch very loudly on the internet regardless of result and not actually do shit in the real world.



Yeah but it was before Obama.

Well considering his birth certificate was a fake, they seem kind of vindicated now.

Kek. The stuff after Trump won was far worse than anything with Obama.

Oh yeah those fucking cucks on twitter are intense m8...

>What did the Obama presidency get us?
..... Canadian here and am black so flame away. Your line of reasoning is flawed as it overestimates the power of a President during his term.

>* More people on welfare than ever before.
See: George W Bush II. The ummmmm... Great depression? The fact that there are more individuals on welfare can mean a number of things homie. One of them being the aging baby boomer demographic now relying on the social services they bought into.

>* Lowest home ownership in decades.
See: Housing crisis.. cough Bush administration cough. Home ownership was higher because there were lower barriers to entry in attaining a mortgage for a home. But guess what happened when poor Bubba and broke ass Tyrone couldn't afford the newly adjusted mortgage rates? They defaulted and home values plummeted. So yea you're ignorant if you think that was Obama's fault.

>* Racial tensions the highest that they've been since the 1960s.
You're an idiot if you think people only started being racist when Obama was voted in.

>* Spent more than ALL presidents before him combined!
See: War on Terror...GWB

>* Stagnant economy with less than 1% GDP growth for all 8 of his years.
See: Keynesian economic policy.

>* SJWs now actually believe that their opinions matter.
Ok I agree with you here. Fuck this pity party.

>* Failed program after failed program: Solinra, Cash for Clunkers, Obamacare....

Minority democratic government? You thought the republicans would make it easy?

>Holy fuck, what an utter failure. It's good that he's finally leaving office.
I respectfully disagree. He did better than his predecessor. Few even remember the shit Dubya put the world through.. Those who don't are affectionately referred to as Summerfags here.

You're the one who brought it up, faggot.

Cars burning, cops murdered, sjws spitting on people, blacks dragging random trump voters out of their cars......yeah fuck you. I'm going to psychically punch you in the face right now. Let me know if it works.

Trolling US politics is so last month. When are you going to start trolling homosexuals, LGBTQ, and black people again?

Typical democrat.

>Industries are showing slow recovery from the recession
>This entirely because of Obama, and nothing to do with capitalism, the drive behind the success of american industries

>Industries are not responsible for their own re-orientation in the face of economic downturn, its because obama showed up to every company in the country and showed them how to do their jobs properly

Do you actually believe this?

I'm sure the unemployment rate would go down when you have an increase in jobs giving less benefits, less security, and less money, and so suddenly you have the working class saying "i'm gonna hold out for something better" and the working class immigrants flooding this country saying "ci senior".

I'm sure your response will be "thats just tough for the working class, they should do the jobs on which you cannot thrive as a family unit and just shut up, the better mexican workers are doing their jobs for them"

However, it's hilarious how democrats only want a meritocracy when it helps minorities, and only dont want a meritocracy when it harms minorities.

"We should give jobs to mexicans, fuck the indiginous legal population"

"We should give college tuition to black kids with poor grades, fuck the whites and asians who only perform better on tests because of racism".

I'm also sure that mortgage rates will go down when theres an increase in available housing, twinned with the reduced affordability of said housing causing mortgage market competition. When the working class are forced to buy into the extortion that is renting, banks are obviously going to try to make mortgages more affordable to compete with rentals. The important statistic is the homeownership rate by year, which you can see here: assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iDN2zxDSJdZc/v2/-1x-1.png

It's all well and good that the mortgage rates decline, except for the fact that nobody can afford to pay for them, or take that risk.

>More people on welfare than ever before.
Would you rather have that money spent on corporate welfare like Exxon? Spending money back on the people is in no way a bad thing. Especially if they need that to survive.
> Lowest home ownership in decades.
Yeah, remember the housing crisis in 2006-8 where they made more houses than what sold?
> Racial tensions the highest that they've been since the 1960s.
That's more Trumps fault to be honest.
> Spent more than ALL presidents before him combined!
So will the next president and the president after that. Shit cost more with time.
* Stagnant economy with less than 1% GDP growth for all 8 of his years.
It was actually a hair under 3%

He isn't the best president or what the people wanted but hes no where near the worst.

This is what liberals and democrats do, they cherry pick shallow statistics in order to paint the picture of their own success, without accounting for the bigger picture or the truly pervasive effects of those statistics.

If multiple industries closed and, as a result, unemployment rose to 20%, and then Obama lowered minimum wage to $4/h on the basis that anyone who works those jobs will be given citizenship, suddenly every single illegal immigrant in the country would be employed and the rate of unemployment would drop dramatically. In that circumstance, democrats like you would be here saying "look how low the unemployment rate is, Obama is great!" whilst completely ignoring the broader scope of things.

You can talk about the conservative wars all you want, but that just shows your ignorance over the fact that it was Bill Clinton, a democrat, who sacrificed the working class to bulk up his statistics just like Obama, and just like Obama he did it to garner votes and further the agenda of the Democrat party. It was Bill Clinton who allowed a mass increase in sub-prime loans that, in large part, caused the 2008 recession. The only reason democrats are ignorant of this, is the liberal mainstream media quitely buried that fact in order to keep their democrat investors happy. I'm not saying Bill Clinton was the only thing that caused the 2008 recession by the way, but he was definitely it's most prominent cause.

This is why I'm glad I'm about to be debt free. Got land and am building a house myself and almost ready to move in. No debt involved in building it except for a Home Depot credit card with around $3k on it. And when we sell this house we will be able to pay that plus our other debts off and only be paying utilities till it's time to replace my truck. Then my wife can quit her job and I'll support our family. Trump voter in GA btw. Just living life and killing it.

Found the fake economics professor. The rate on a mortgage is tied to the fed and not directly to the supply and demand of houses. For instance, in the last housing crisis the supply of houses increased WITH the increase in the cost of mortgages (aka interest). Why did this happen? When people can't afford the new rates they vacate their homes. The correlation between the two aren't that strong because retail real estate loans are only a subsection of the loan market as a whole...

And no one even said the stuff you started ranting about. No one said let's fuck over the majority in favor of the minority. That's your insecurity speaking and not logic.

In other words sit your dumb ass down when grown folks are talking Billy.

I'm liberal af but this 100%. Both sides are horrid and leaders from each side play a part in both the good and bad that make up the nation. Economic policy takes almost a generation to bear fruit. A presidential term is a fraction of that. If you want to learn why the economy is the way it is look into the Federal reserve leadership... Not the Oval.

The thing is, to set policies that reduce the amount of people who RELY on welfare. By preventing job out-sourcing and the undercutting of the american working class by immigrants, both legal and illegal, you improve job security and the availability of jobs, and by improving on that, you decrease national reliance on welfare.

Like i just said to somebody else, you democrats ignore the bigger picture, it seems to be such a severe problem with you personally that you're actually here trying to argue that an increasing amount of people on welfare is a good thing, which is completely ridiculous.

It's Obamas job to increase homeownership, thats one of the main jobs a president has as it's a direct source of increasing living standards, blaming it on a recession caused by Bill Clinton (another democrat) is hardly an argument at all.

Racial tensions have been rising since Obama got into office, and that was before Trump even deciding to announce his candidacy. Again, you have no argument, just a desperate lie.

I'm not even going to comment on you referencing Politifact, THE most biased "fact checker" in the world.

I'm liberal independent and knew/agree with most of what you said. I just don't believe the republicans are any better. Personally I'd say about 80% of the dems are paid off and like 95% of the republicans are as well. I really can't even think something they did in the last 50 years that helped the common people. But at least the dems will throw everyone a bone every once in awhile. Such as how obama increased salary workers overtime pay just recently and is releasing a lot of non violent drug offenders. Just don't get the appeal of republican voters as they always seem to make it harder on the every day person and main strategy is fear and freedom. Then turn around and take people's freedoms away like the patriot act. What part of this is appealing?

>Like i just said to somebody else, you democrats ignore the bigger picture, it seems to be such a severe problem with you personally that you're actually here trying to argue that an increasing amount of people on welfare is a good thing, which is completely ridiculous.
All I'm saying is that its being spent better than it would be otherwise by giving it back to the people. Otherwise what's your suggestion to decrease welfare recepients? Let them starve?

>It's Obamas job to increase homeownership, thats one of the main jobs a president has as it's a direct source of increasing living standards, blaming it on a recession caused by Bill Clinton (another democrat) is hardly an argument at all.
Yeah.. A 10 trillion dollar war didn't cause a recession. Good one... If we are at it, why not blame regean as well for trickle down which also played into this for decades now.

>Racial tensions have been rising since Obama got into office, and that was before Trump even deciding to announce his candidacy. Again, you have no argument, just a desperate lie.
Let's see that source. Last I remember hearing, hate crime has spiked since trump won.

>I'm not even going to comment on you referencing Politifact, THE most biased "fact checker" in the world.
Let's see your source then

Not him but
>helped the common people
The common people shouldn't need help. This country was never supposed to be about handouts and welfare and the liberal socialist utopia. I'd has always been about being free to do whatever you want. Free to succeed and on that exact same note free to fucking fail. Take risks and educate yourself and you very well could become a billionaire. Smoke weed all day and complain that life's not fair as you're free to do but don't expect to get paid for it(tho through the likes of YouTube people are getting paid for just that WHICH IS FUCKING CAPITALISM AT ITS FINEST). See a need? Fill the need and reap the rewards. But don't come to me with your hands out at 30 wondering why your lesbian dance therapy masters didn't net you $250k out of the gate. Personal responsibility is what this country was founded on. Not helping any fucking body. I got mine. Go get yours. The only people deserving of help are the elderly, children, and the truly disabled.

So if the common people shouldn't get help from something that they are forced to pay, why should a company receive it then? Why aren't you hitching about that instead of you see the whole picture? Why is it ok to pay someone 7.25 when 20 bucks worth of groceries gets you a 3rd of what it did 20 years ago when that wage rate hasn't gone up? What are your answers then?

You try to call me out on being wrong, by talking absolute nonsense. Mortgage rates are tied DIRECTLY to the secondary market of investors who buy and sell mortgages from the lenders. The lenders give you a mortgage, then they sell your mortgage to investors at a marginal profit, which allows banks to stay stable by retaining their money and basically being a broker for mortgages, and benefits investors in the long term via the interest rate at which they buy mortgages. If there were no sales of mortgages at 3.500% in the secondary market, then no mortgages would be offered to customers at that rate.

You clearly have NO idea what you're talking about. It's hilarious how you expose your own ignorance though by spouting shit you havent even looked up.

Corporate welfare is helping keep the prices down. Paying a barista $15/hr is gonna make your tall java chip cost $10. And as far as them paying in they don't have to. They fill out their W4s themselves. If they're being taxed it's their own damn fault. Anyone making minimum wage doesn't make enough to have to pay any taxes and probably gets every penny back at tax time.

Under the current economic settings, raising overtime pay would only serve to undermine the unemployed population as it increases the amount of hours covered by fewer workers. This helps companies by reducing the amount of workers they have to handle, thus reducing the need for expensive management staff, and it also reduced the amount of cases of people they have to offer benefits to. It directly benefits the employed population, which artificially improves living standards in certain demographics, but further sacrifices the living standards via job availability of the currently unemployed.

Like i said, this is a democrat tactic of garnering votes via shallow acts of "kindness". It's based upon the fact that democrats think the american people are all idiots, and assume that even the unemployed will think it's a good thing because they're too ignorant to understand how it can harm them.

No one here cares

You are posting here Instead of Sup Forums because you don't have an argument or anything intelligent to contribute as you are just spewing recycled CNN party line nonsense and Sup Forums called you on it.

So you come here hoping to have an argument with someone as uninformed and ignorant as you are.

Congrats OP, you are a cancer worse then trap threads

Obama: almost doubled national debt
Doubled deficit

Then, wondered by congress had trouble passing his fucked up over spending budgets that put us further into debt.

GDP growth under obama: Less than 3% per year, for all 8 years.

>Stop watching Fox News faggot.


Pay no attention to fox, because facts are scary and put me out of my safe space.

I already said the alternative is to set policies that increase the success of american industries in order to improve job availability.

As evil as the war was in its intent, i assure you, if america didn't go into a phony war in the middle-east for the oil, americas economy would have been so greatly undermined by the inevitable recession that it would have never recovered. In reality, the recession we had was the best alternative to the recession we could have had.

The success of america for the past 100 years has been based around war profiteering, i guarantee that every politician out there is aware of this. The US government took too long convincing americans that they should join WW2. WW2 is the only reason America didn't collapse.

Even if Bush planned 9/11, i completely understand why he did it. America needed a war to bolster its manufacturing industries, because, like i said, if Americas economic success was based entirely on the industries surrounding housing as a result of the phony America made by Bill Clinton, the recession would have been the final nail in the coffin.

Islam shows it's possible to be intelligent and incredible failure too.

some stupid shit here. Obama, who pulls out of Iraq, creating ISIS , now his followers are blaming Bush, who did according to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 for committing genocide.

88 Nations descended upon Iraq, not just the U.S.

Why aren't you responding? I thought the mortgage rates were directly tied to the fed, why don't you respond to me and explain how that's the case? I know you're still lurking, you're clearly just too embarrassed arent you?

Nothing like the anti-trump protests, not even close - especially since whites put obama into office.

Now, it's the violent fucking retards marching through streets, assaulting people at Trump rallies.

The left is full of violent cry baby retards.

please. politics threads are worse than facebook fap threads

haha jealous poorfag can't get into a real school

>if you don't like fox news you must be a paid CTR shill

>Oh yeah those fucking cucks on twitter are intense m8...

Forget about the anti-trump actual violence and protests, and the hoax trump hate crimes that the left is doing reliably.

This is the racist left acting like they have brains, but failing miserably.

yeah i heard they even have started bombing doctors for giving out lifesaving medical care

these leftist corporatists better watch out, race realists are gonna shutter every business in town

for good!


fucking leftie retards crashing the canada immigration website.. fucking kek!

roleplaying lying faggot detected.

no dealership closed due to cash for clunkers.

you are an imbecile

Troll. Why? Because nobody can be this fucking stupid. Kill yourself faggot.

Oh yes, so bad

He ran a casino into bankruptcy. A fucking casino. There is no other business where people actively accept being conned out of their money and he still managed to fail at running one.

How can you claim this guy is accomplished with that on his record?

wow, maybe the problems faced by this nation are complex and no single pesron is responsible for every issue we face.