Im an Alabama NIGGER and i wanna be free

Im an Alabama NIGGER and i wanna be free

hell with N double A C P

i like sugar and i like tea

I don't know why people hate me

I hear you my brother. Move to New York --/------/but don't buy the house next to me


Ayo, I grew up in Birmingham.

I'm an Alabama cracker and I was as edgy as you when I was 14. You'll grow out of it with any luck, and get over that redneck rag too.

But I don't like niggers, no-sir-ree

Careful now. Tread lightly, Johnny Reb. Wouldn't want us to march back down there now, would you?

how could this haaaappeenn to meeeeeeeeeee

im white on the bottom of my feet

Boy if i had a nickel

Birmingham fag here. Please don't steal my car.

burn em again, nothing of value would be lost. maybe something of value might actually come from it but im not holding my breath.

move to Huntsville, it's better here
might want to skip the above city if you value rockets and genetic research

Black guy here. Learn the true history of that flag before you spout off. As for OP, why do give a shit if people hate you? I wouldn't give a shit if the entire world hates me.

>Black guy here. Learn the true history of that flag before you spout off

I hang out with a mulatto girl & my polish friend calls me Alabama Nigger Lover

Imagine how good it would feel to watch the backwater hick traitors burn and fly Old Glory in place of their treasonous stars and bars once again! Death to traitors! Death to terrorists! Death to Confederates!

>letting a polack call you anything
smh fam

This, treason shouldn't be tolerated.

Nothing like the smell of burning southerners in the morning!

I guess you've never been here but we fly the American flag. Probably more than other areas of the country, patriotism is pretty closely tied with conservative values and poor education after all.

get back in the barn Tyrone or do I need to fetch the whip again..

>implying this is rustling anyone's jimmies
it was 150+ years ago dude, no one cares

Vestavia High, class of '99, fag.

>types Tyrone joke on Sup Forums
>leaves house
>bumps into black guy on the street
>s-s-sorry mister

Vestavia: It's like Birmingham, but less stabby



A lot less stabby. I lived in Southside for several years in my 20's. Ended up moving back to Vestavia for some peace and quiet. That was officially a "god damn I've gotten old" moment in life. Southside was fun though.

good luck


Whatever you say, gringo. I know you toothless white cowboys all have a boner for bringing back segregation.

You are free. My ancestors fought to free you. Many of them died horrible deaths so your ancestors could either return to Africa, (Liberia), or stay here and be free. BTW, it was your ancestors fellow countrymen who sold them into slavery in the 1st place.

Now, comb your hair, pull up your fucking pants, look me in the eye, and shake my hand cordially. Convince me that hiring you wouldn't be the absolute WORST thing I could do as a small business owner, and by this time next month, you could have your own apartment, and your life can begin.

Quit blaming others for your shortcomings, and OWN your fate. Make it happen like the millions of other black people who pay taxes to support the lazy escapists.

cowboys are western though. and I'm also hoping the confederate flag is retired, so once again you've failed to rustle and jimmies

who are you talking to

Country, western, southern, it's all the same thing...uneducated, white, racist, faggot, pig-fucking traitors.

>west and south are the same
buy yourself a compass

>thinks the wild west and deep south are the same thing
>calls others uneducated
Look man I grew up in the south and didn't like it, but get your shit straight, retard.


Oh, you mean the people who pay for your EBT card? The taxpayers? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Trump's gonna put all you public-teet-suckers back to work. Soon, the day will come when it won't be so easy to rape the taxpayers.

>he doesn't yet realize that Trump's policies are going to rape him too

Unless you're a billionaire. If you're a billionaire I will stand corrected.

fuck yes white power all over this bitch.

All you pigfucking toothless traitors ARE why we have welfare. You think we need EBT in the northeast?

We pay more in rent per bedroom per month than you make in a year selling meth and toast that looks like Jesus on a card table out front of your trailer.

hell with the N double ACP
I don't drink, I don't cuss, I wanna sit on the front of the bus

>You think we need EBT in the northeast?
definitely. maine is as bad as the deep south, new york is NC-tier.


>black guy here
why hello my fellow African-American man, I too am a black guy (that's a term we use in our own private vernacular, for those of you not in the know) who thinks positively of the confederate flag.
In all seriousness though, you're white. And you're making me embarrassed to be white, because I'm ashamed that my race contains such pathetic degeneracy as you.
On the other hand, I have good news for you: Your dreams came true. The entire world does hate you. Never before you (the sniveling white guy) has so much wasted privilege been condensed in one place. You were born one of the luckiest organisms in the history of the universe: White Skin, a Cock between your legs, and all the benefits that modern science, medicine, culture, and government can provide. You have the world on a platter, and all you can think to do is whine and bitch. I'll take your apocryphal "Jerome the Rapist" over your actual "Bradley the Bitter, Lying Wimp" any fucking day. Get out of my race.


Trump is troll of the century
>breaks every single campaign promise
>fills the swamp with more scum than ever before
>begins one of greatest ages of political corruption in american history before he even takes office
>destroys more american companies with every tweet
>gives cash rewards to companies that threaten to move jobs out of country
>laughs at all the suckers who voted for him
>suckers love the feel of his cock slamming deeper up their asses
america truly is the dumbest fucking county on earth. congratulations guys, you get what you deserve.

>you get what you deserve
Yeah that's the thing with democracy. This is generally true. For better or worse.

You see that completely picked cotton crop?
Me neither.
Get back in yo shed...

Well, all empires must fall someday. RIP America.