Does any one else have a hatred for americans? pic unrelated

Does any one else have a hatred for americans? pic unrelated

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america is cool with me

Nope. Pretty cool bros.

No pic related


Yep. Merica s'cool

ok i lied i hate anything south of NY and Washington they aight but the nah fam people south of that arrogant cunts

Only the trumpanzees.

the ones who just go around screaming USA acting like they won WW2 all by themselves

only 14-year olds and tinfoil-hats who call everybody else sheeple.

Not so much Americans, as people with their head in their ass. (which, is granted, most Americans.)

Only the trampolines

That pic is always related

German Here: I'm a big fan of them, Sure they're loud but most of them are genuinely good people.

Looks like OP's thread isn't going as he hoped, KYS you faggot loser

Of course. It is the most hated country in all of human history.

Amerifats spotted


They're trumpanzees. They're the white trailer trash side of the family that shows up at family gatherings and embarrasses everyone.


Did anyone ever sauce this poc?

Don't forget Her Reptilian Majesty, who has been killing women and children in the Middle East in order to make herself billions of dollars by promoting the Zionist agenda.

@karliebrooks69 and @ScarlettSageX

>Jealously is real.

I grew up in Russia, and I was always told USA was a great evil country. I went to the USA for the first time in 2009 and was blown away by how nice everything was and how you could say what you wanted and do what you wanted. I applied for immigration visa in 2011 and became a citizen in 2012. This country is literally like nothing I've ever experienced. I love it.

I'd blame America too if I had to wipe my ass barehanded.

lmao what dumb ass country are you from? theres a reason we're number 1. get off this american website, dumbass

You must be the one they selected to be the caboose on the gene pool train.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" says the leprous, two-hundred-year-old prostitute.

you know i had to be born here

I'm from the United Snakes, just like you. But I also got to see the rest of the world.

240 year old prostitute buddy

Feel free to leave anytime faggot

You dropped your hat, sir

I got no great love for my own kind

Yeah. Hillary winning the popular vote by around 3,000,000 proves that most americans do have their heads up their ass.

Buddy you got to be more accepting and hate them all humans.

ctr is still paying?
You must be proud of yourself.
Does it pay better than flippin' burgers?

Dude, you have to atleast try to be 1/2 way funny.

wasn't jokin' ,"dude"

Sure, a lot of morons do.

> ctr is still paying
> flipping burger
How much of a faggot loser cuck do you have to be to not even be able to insult someone on Sup Forums? Please for your poor moms sake KYS.

No not Americans specifically. Humans in general. The world would be far better off with only 3 to 5% of it's current population.


Musta been those uber Russian Hackorz

The US is the cancerous heart of capitalism. I hate the American mindset, people satisfied with chasing the American Dream when in reality only 1% only actually achieve it.

So what do you propose as a better alternative use of one's time?

I'm good. Going there in s few weeks in fact.

>Don't forget Her Reptilian Majesty, who has been killing women and children in the Middle East in order to make herself billions of dollars by promoting the Zionist agenda.
>Zionist agenda
Then why was Netanyahu supporting Trump?

Anyone who hates the USA and currently lives there is more than welcome to leave.

Live in the now, stop living in a future that's never going to happen.

You should try N.Korea, I heard Dennis Rodman goes there.

If I lived there, I sure as fuck would.


>>that's right m8, its much better here in Ireland where we sit and talk about how screwed we are and can't do shit about it.

At least you're not living a lie.

fuck you!!! gimme the lie! I'd love s change.

Still having difficulty with the nuances of English?

So, never try to better yourself or create a better world for your children?

"The only truth you will really find is knowing your a faggot"


If you lived here then we wouldn't be having this talk. I'd be more than happy to fix your problem permanently

True, but not for the reason given.


Instead of beeing angry how about we fuck up some stúff like

'My country, right or wrong' is a thing no patriot would ever think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying 'My mother, drunk or sober.'
–G. K. Chesterton

You are profoundly retarded.

You want a better world for your children?
Start a socialist revolution. You are slaves to the elite, they have the power, all the decisions that are made are made in their interest, and you're being manipulated into thinking you want the same. You need healthcare. You need social security. The only people these things would burden are the elite. Take the red pill, faggots

>socialist revolution.
>slaves to the elite

Holy fucking shit. Have you ever studied any history?

Ay, America the most terrorist country of all. Fucking hell, they have no shame. or feelings. Most of the people are brainwashed by the media and are completely stupid lol

No, as a whole there is nothing wrong with them. They are like everyone else. I'm sure if I turned on the TV in your country I would see nothing but duche bags too.

Name one example of a successful socialist system to model.

They are the few, we are the many. You are all living the illusion that if you are unlucky enough to be born with the brains capable of achieving "greatness", that is somehow your own fault.

Start eurochan and gripe there faggot

Not everyone who feels contempt for MuriKKKa is a Yuruppean. Face it, Yankee Doodle, you're hopelessly outnumbered.

Right, cause capitalism is oh so succesful. Such a perk for the majority of the population. You idiots might as well be living in Russia. Only difference is that your government has succesfully manipulated you into believing that all of it is for your own good.

source and or more pics of the thread photo please!! been looking for months!

If you took all the countries that these American haters are from and combined them, you still couldn't fuck with us. You go on t.v and see your countries leaders sucking our presidents dick and your angry. I don't blame you, truley.

It's stupid to hate someone just because of where they live. The vast majority of Americans are only there because they were born there and it's a real bitch to move to another country these days. It makes sense to hate those ignorant patriots who have that undying love for their own country over others and think theirs is the best in the world simply because they were born there. Fuck those people.

So in other words you can't name any?

Only because socialism has never been introduced by non-corrupt governments.

The hard truth is capitalism is the most successful system because, the opportunity to rise above your class to join the elite is what drives innovation. If we all got the sane share there wouldn't be any ambition.

Most Americans are fine. It's this kind of American I hate.

And your out gunned

They're known as trumpanzees. You can tell who they are....they're the stupid ones. the majority?

I find them to be generally stupid.

Yes I do have "a hatred" for Americans.

Not the majority but concentrated in the right areas to create problems.

I'm American and I hate Americans
(pic partially related)

really like really your not going to throw Germany into that mix

All Democrats hate America.

too small scale, hating everyone is easier

No, because i am american

I get it, you don't have a real basis in reality so you just parrot what everyone else says to be relevant. Fuck off and die you degenerate

wrong. i see i triggered you.

america is THE last place in the first world i would ever want to live, just me tho, i don't like talking to retards

But you do like typing like one.

Fuck the world! 'Murica mafuckas!

hehe look mom one hand!

We love you too, German people.

We love you too, Russia born American.

Your just a regular quip machine, aren't you?

I fucking hate Germans tbh, they don't understand sarcasm and conform to the norm hard.