Its 7:30 am and im not even tired, woke up at 5 pm...

Its 7:30 am and im not even tired, woke up at 5 pm. I've tried to go to sleep earlier a million times but after 2-3 days im back to this. How do i fix this?

slowly roll forward. go to sleep an hour or two later and wake up an hour or two later until you're back on track. Your circadian rhythm is out of whack. I do this all the time.

I've tried this too but since i have a job i cant choose to go to sleep at like 11 am.

try slowly rolling back then

But then i fall back into being awake at night and falling asleep/sleeping during the day. Am i just nocturnal?


Do some meth, that will make you sleep :P

I work at McDonalds, i cant afford a meth addiction :p

He was joking, meth would never help you sleep. You can easily be awake for days on meth,

Look up Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder, is it what you experience?

Do you have ADHD?

Dont have ADHD as far as i know, never been tested/diagnosed. DSPD seems to fit me pretty well though.

Sounds like a circadian rhythm disorder.

Common in those with developmental disorders, thus why I asked about ADHD.

But with screens, lights and what not, not too uncommon to have a shifted sleep cycle.

The wall where i have my computer facing is basically a wall of windows but i always have the blinds down as its hard to see the screen when they are down, Maybe i should roll the blinds up ´during the day and see if that helps. Although the sun sets at 4pm here during the winter.

If it is a problem there are some things that can help.

Try installing a red light thing on your phone, there's a good one for android. and computer, red ceiling lights and when you wake up sit in front of a light box for around 30mins.

If not, you can talk to a specialist and get a prescription for melatonin tablets, but I would not recommend.

Go for regular walks during the day too, can help.

I mean its not ruining my life, the biggest downside is when im awakje the whole night and have work the next day so im a bit disoriented and slow. Other than that im fine with being awake at night, its just not convenient relative to the norm

It's cold as fuck here, waiting till summer for that.

Gonna try sleeping now. Thanks for the help everyone!

Yeah having to work shifts can make it hard. Can talk to a doctor, mention you think you may have DSPD or something alike, and get a referral to a sleep clinic.

You should track your sleep cycle, this will help in diagnosing.

I dont think i want to go that far. Its not that big of a problem. Thanks anyway though! Appreciate it!

One last thing.
During the summer, go camping for a while. No electronics. This can really help intrain your circadian rhythm