I accidentally plugged my USB cable into a government computer (connected to the network) and charged my external...

I accidentally plugged my USB cable into a government computer (connected to the network) and charged my external battery. I may have even directly plugged in my phone too. How fucked am I? Anybody have an experience like this also what do?

Your phone will get aids.

Probably depends if you're Mil or Contractor. Either way not good

NEVER use a phone for sensitive anything.

throw out the USB and reformat/replace anything you plugged it into

unless of course by government computer you mean a school

I work for the state government, and served 6 years in the military. I am at least familiar with gov networks and their rules.

It really depends on what department you're working in. They'll notice if it's anything remotely sensitive. They keep logs of external connections, downloads, everything.

IT reviews the log. When they see you connected an external storage device (phone), they'll review what you did while it was connected.

They'll see you didn't copy anything, so you'll get some sort of nasty gram from IT saying don't do that again. It could be anything from an email to a sit down with your boss.

Don't do it again or you'll get canned.


Thank you for your service.

Thank you for your trips

Thank you for your trips. (thanks, man)

Also another thing I wasn't logged onto the computer, somebody else was locked out of it. But everybody knows I was sitting behind the desk


PortaPow Fast Charge + Data Block USB Adaptor with SmartCharge Chip

Never charge your phone from an unknown source without one, even a seemingly ordinary USB charger can be used to steal information off of your phone.

This user is correct. How do I know? I experienced everything he stated... including the ass chewing with the boss.

And by without one, I mean it or something like it of course not necessarily that specific brand

Ex-Army/state gov employee again.

Don't deny it. That's how you make things turn in to an investigation.

You didn't realize what you were doing and just wanted to charge your phone. You realize it was a mistake and won't do it again.

Denying it will make this go from a reprimand to something much worse.

Yeah, I use these too... It'll speed up the charging if it is a computer...

Then they'll know you were on the account. No worries, if hillary can get away with it, you can too

Good one. Very true.

You're fine. Don't let these cucks scare you.

Fun fact:

If you bypass the image blocker using images.Google.com on a gov computer, you can search for porn in Spanish and it shows up.

I dont get what this whole thread about. I'm from Europe. Please explain.

>I'm sorry, you must have a decent military to participate in this discussion

I fucking learn something on Sup Forums, thanks user!

I'm only an E-3 and my E-4's know about it. Probably going to get an ass chewing in the morning. They stapled the USB cord to the wall ._.

Good job grunt

>charged my external battery
>directly plugged in my phone

Serves you right.
Honeypot USB drives gather outside sensitive facilities like pigeonshit on a car.
There's always some jackass standing outside eating a snickers when he notices one and decides hey let's take it inside and plug it in, see what's on there.
Then stuxnet happens.

govnment gon getchu

So I used a USB cable to plug in my external battery (it's part of the case I use). But now I don't remember if I took the case off after it was fully charged and started to plug my phone. (If the phone was plugged in then data can transfer)

Basically their paranoid military is going to kill a dude for charging his phone on a government computer.
So long north kor... American scum.

American government spies on their own citizens. Something about freedom and stuff.

It's the same in Europe. Or anywhere really.
Foreign devices being brought into the facility can be planted or contaminated somehow, allowing hostile parties to plant software.
Alternatively they could just be used by a subverted worker to copy data and sneak it out.
At secure facilities they're usually supposed to relinquish all USB devices at checkpoints, OP connected his phone through USB in storage mode, and if they know what they're doing they have monitoring software on the terminal sending a notice to IT right now.
Which makes sense since there's no way to tell if OP is paid to steal shit or picked up a virus on the phone while he was out. Plus I assume so he has internet access on the phone, while the network is deliberately physically isolated.

The good news is the computer I used is connected to NIPR not CIPR, that's good news right?

It's SIPR, you turd monger.

But yes, it's better.