Bonjour Sup Forums ;)

bonjour Sup Forums ;)

my boss is awesome and he's offering to send me to France for a year. I have about 4-5 months to learn French as best I can. He also gave me pretty high budget so I can get private tutors and software etc.

What's the best software or site out there these days? I know Rosetta stone was a top contender for a while but it looks like it's fallen by the way-side. Any other suggestions? Remember, budget isn't really an issue.

Dont go to France, it's slowly turning into a third world country.

You'd be better off learning Arabic.

yeah but I'm going to France. I don't have the choice to go to Dubai.

va te faire foutre sale juif les probleme en france c a cause des youpin fdp

Pauvre garçon.

Don't surrender and go to France.
There are much better Muslim countries to go to.


Which part of France will be you be in? All regions are quite different

Paris and Toulouse (we are building HQ in both)

american like you are stupid people who think they're ennemy are black or muslim they are in the same social class as you but the jew are the real issue it's them that control everything they desrve to be burn alive because they want a fight of the christian against muslim wich are true religion yid are satanic religion

they are a lot of jew in paris take care of you

thank you for the care, Sup Forumsrother

Paris is really a shithole, nothing like the pamphlets,
Toulouse on the other hand, the whole south-west region is really beautiful in terms of landscape, you won't understand shit of the accent though

If you want to learn French come to Québec. France is a shithole.

well, I'm getting a stipend of $10,000 USD for living per month, on top of my normal salary. I assume I should be able to afford a non-shithole life in Paris, right?

on va voir si tu sait parler francais amerloque enleve cette bite juive de ta bouche et traduit sa en anglais voir si tu a piger

go to hell jew

Use duolingo, pirated version of Rosetta stone, some textbooks and podcasts.

Bonne chance!
Also, Paris is the best city in the world.

French here.

You're fucked, since France is basically a shithole like the other ones said earlier.

You can try Duolingo

That'll put you in a nice neighbourhood, just be careful of feeling "safe" like in America, it's really not the same thing, things like having your phone out on a table while you're eating is a big no no

Apprend a parler toi en premier sale juif

Ho boy, forget france it's the WORST shithole in europe.. people are fucking dumb, streets are dirty, quality standards are so fucking low it's an absolute disgrace.. but don't lose hope, come to switzerland, the french speaking part is pretty neat! People are nice and everything works!

be sure to learn how to take arab dick in your ass,then you'll fit in with the rest of europoor countrys

man this sucks. I thought France was supposed to be great.

Le plus simple c'est d'y aller à la quenelle

Sinon Sup Forums peut t'apprendre le français, il te faut des pavés, de la conviction et une haine des flics, ça passe crème.

tg sale crevure israelite

It is a really nice country in itself, I'm from there originally but moved to Quebec now. You definitely can't walk alone at night past 11, pickpocketing will happen, just be prepared to lose your wallet at least once, especially if you have an accent.., Except for that, if you're really into arts, music, cinema, it really it a wonderful city. I love Paris and I hate it at the same time, it'll make you dream some days and others not so much

ca sent le marseillais enflamme

This is BS, don't listen to these shitposters (european fag here)

France is a beautiful country with dumb people, look, half of the population is a fucking extremist anti-muslim despot


moi j'aime les flics, ils font chier les racailles et les connards

First of all you have to learn the french memes


j'aime pas les nègres et les bougnouls. réouverture des camps svp

t'es un faf parmi tant d'autres quoi.
Les keufs c'est juste le bras armé gouvernemental, les gars ont pas de conscience, c'est juste des chiens qui protègent les dirigeants et qui empêchent le changement

Don't use software. It's all waste of money.
Learn most common 1000 words
Learn basic grammar and sentence structure
Join interpals and message/ Skype people
Translate texts.
Don't worry that much about the grammar because you will get the hang on it once you move to France.
T. Language teacher

It's too hard, I give up.

je suis au chomdu. les flics emmerdent que ceux qui font de la merde, ils nous protègent.

Don't worry France is a nice place don't listen to those people they are retarded

hop signalgouv petit fdp

Venir en France ?
Oui pourquoi pas, au moins tu pourras constater l'état de déliquescence générale :)

Paris était une poubelle, elle est en train de le redevenir (mais a prix d'or ! )

go in Switzerland we have cookies


hey salut négro

chui pa négro chui homme blanc cis hétéro petit privilégié et je report les tapettes racistes dans ton genre

I used duolingo to learn german. im not fluent by any means, but its a good way to start

Duolingo between 3 days to one week to get started and learn some grammar. It's fun but the vocab isn't much.

After, get assimil french with audio or a similar thing and read a bit of it everyday (two or three chapters, they're small). You can prob skip grammar all you need to know is words have genders, verbs are conjugated slighly differently, and nouns and adjectives switch. You may find some verb tables useful.

While doing this include in your day-to-day listening and learning vocabulary. Get paralell text books, subscribe to youtube french channels, read french blogs, etc.

OK bougnoule sidaïque

oui pck le parallélisme est la principale religion dans le coin

jviens de te dire ke j'étais blanc tu vas faire quoi fdp
je suis français de souche moi, j'étais là avant que ces enculés de chrétiens nous envahissent, je suis gaulois !

nérgo homo qui suce des queues de gris

why are you saying that about french , when i think about our nation i think about the great autor like leo bloy , celine , brasillac , the charismatic and great political leader like drumont , petain , lavale and soral your country is at is base a country of racist people like kkk and a jewish manipulated like 11/9 and jewish controlled like bush

paris sucks dicks so hard. every one in paris are some kind of gay retard. good luck!

he's right. nearly as fucked up as usa. but switzerland most of the people there are gays and try to rape you

les gris c'est pas les escargots de bourgogne fdp ?

non c'est les bougnoules qui puent et qui mangent pas leurs congénèrent (les porcs)

No need to learn french if you know german or english. French people dont like to use them but they know them well from years of selling wine to german, itallain, american and british soliders

si les camps on ete fait et que se n'etait pas pour y mettre les gens de couleur c'est qu'il y a une raison petit youpin

un pb avec les vegans petit carniste malodorant ?

no french ppl dunno english

not all are retarded but i agree that we are good people the only issue is the jewish gouvernement

tu sens le nègre, faut que t'arrête de sucer des queues de gros négros petit homo

allez hop un autre signalgouv pour racisme

of course they do. they are not americains dumbshit

How is it possible Paris has both Jews and Muslims simultaneously?

Wouldn't have the Muslims allahu ackbared the Jews?

nique ta mere la democratie

c juste un sale raciste abrutit par le media juif qui veut ratonner c'est pas la peine d'essayer de le convaincre c le genre de gros con qui n'a jamais lus de bouquin de sa vis et qui suce zemmour et bhl


j'crois surtout il suce Soral

singalgouv pour homophobie par un homosexuel refoulé

petit identitaire a la con on dit judeocratie pour parler de la france quand on est honnete

basically people in france are not extremists like those american suckers, so we CAN tolerate each other

>speak french

takbir? allahu akbar?

non, c'est un mec bien, qui sais que les petits fdp dans votre genre aiment le goût du sperme.

je sors tous les jours je vois pas tant de juifs que ca tu devrais bouger de chez toi un peu tas de merde

les juifs je les encules

judeo-israelite crevure de youpin si je te verrait irl je crammerait a l'essence sale juif tueur d'innocent partout a travers le monde

allez hop signalgouv pour homophobie sale retard

Sent in France for one year... What have you done ? Can't he just fire you ?

j'avoue ;)

lol l'homophobe, il a rien dit d'homophobe, je crois que t'es toi qui est homosexuel et qui ne veut pas sortir du placard. assume!

c'est toi avec ton FN qui vont tuer des milliers d'innocents


allez hop signalgouv racisme

tu n'as tout simplement rien compris l'injustice est justement la c une infime minirite isrealite qui controle tout les autres

Assimil is very good choice.

mec il a sous-entendu qu'on devrait pas aimer le goût du sperme, je vois pas plus homophobe

signalgouv pour signalgouv.
halala les attardés qui ont pas de propos intéressants pour participer au débat ;D

on a parle des fdp d'arabes de Dubai ?

omelette au fromage

va falloir que t'apprennes la notion de meme toi sale sous-race

non, il a dit que tu aimait le goût du sperme, c'est pas homophobe, ou alors t'as un grave problème avec les homos? viol étant enfant?

dubai c'est des juifs m8

Paris was already a third world zone with the muslim infestation but now with all these muslim migrants it should soon become a war zone. If you have the choice go to Toulouse. A lot of muslim infestations also there (land of Mohammed Merah, who killed little jews kids wearing a gopro camera - he's worshipped among the parasites for that), but there are less of them than in Paris.


je ne suis pas pour le FN et je souhaite justement sauver des milliards d'innocent d'une infime minorite juive agissante

bangjok is way bigger than paris

bah ça fait quoi si j'aime le goût du sperme ? Parce qu'il a sous-entendu que ce serait mal en fait

moi je vote Harambe en 2017, allez tous vous mettre une baguette dans le cul

va falloir que t'arrête de rêver de nègres qui t'enculent la nuit petit bougnoule