What you on tonight /b

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This shit.


What country are you in user

I'll answer for him, the UK

It's not nighttime, but I do .25 grams of powdered heroin a day. The shit I buy comes in a solid rock and has to be crushed up. It's the most legit shit there is besides 100% pure uncut diacetylmorphine. Before I switched to heroin, I was spending 100s of dollars a day on roxy, or 30 mg oxycodone tablets.

Are you talking about me (op) or the weed user

Why do people do drugs anyway? Is it because they feel like they are less empowered and need chemicals to induce happiness? Stop being so weak and just get on with life.

Nope, life is good, just get bored soemtimes

I did/do drugs because I enjoy and crave the change in mental status, especially the change caused by DXM. I do opioids now because I am an addict. But I started doing them because, once again, of the mental status change. I don't do drugs to get fucked up or be cool.

You can be sad and depressed one minute, and then snort a roxy and feel completely fine the next minute.

Pregabalin and Tapentadol

DMX bro.

Lucky bastard! In my area i can find good powder occasionally, but mainly BTH. Now mind you i have had some killer BTH but I have had powder that made me believe in a kind and merciful god. Most of my H comes from the Dark web nowadays so quality is always on point. I was like you with the pills before i found H.
Anyway, today i am on
60mg oxycodone, snorted
30 mg oxymorphone rectally
.25 gram BTH smoked
1 gram BTH waiting to be picked up for the evening.
330 mg oxycodone waiting to be done/sold for H

And I'll add, I do opioids now because the withdrawal consists of nausea, sneezing, watering eyes, snot literally just pouring from your nose and sinuses nonstop, intense and unpleasant spine and body chills at a rate of about 8 chills per minute, diarrhea, leg cramping, severe restless leg syndrome. I was too stupid to stop doing the opioids before it got to that, but now I have to or I will lose my job and life.

weed benzos and hennessy


Does your dealer make you wait ridiculously long amounts of time before he pulls up, let's you come through, etc? My dealer is an ADD nigger who can't remember one minute from the next.


hel yeah. were the dogs at

you gonna get sick, user

which album?

Ima do some xans and shroom powder

Also, I am currently getting that God stuff you were talking about. It comes in a light brown rock with darker areas mixed in, crushes into a light tan powder, and I only have to do about a 16th of the .25 to get off.

Aye, I agree with you mate.

I use to have a script for hydro and oxy, well I still do but I dont get it filled. The pain management appointment on top of the prescriptions are too expensive. Im the guy above doing Poppy tea ^. It's not as euphoric but it gets me through the whole day.

Take care of yourself when/if you can. You and I both know we should probably kick our habits :( . I agree with you so much though.. just pop a few pills and youre content with everything.. it sucks man.

Anyone in the UK?
What kinda drugs could i easily try to get the doc to prescribe me?

Cocaine and alcohol alone in a bathtub i seemed to forget cocaines effect is enviromental so its not really effecting me also i bought two grams and forgot its very hard to save it for later

cough relief

I'm sorry bro. Hang in there as well, we will both find the power to quit one day.

But it makes my muscles die out so i feel heavy thats nice

been drinking hard since monday, handle and a half. fighting shakes and nausea all day waiting to go to work later, fun.
i need to start smoking weed instead

Are you trying to talk about DXM (dextromethorphan)?

Pregabalin and Citalopram.

I'm going to go for a cycle in a bit and get high naturally.


Oh my god, is that picture you?


You are very attractive.

Now the coke mixed with the cold air outside and warm bath makes me feel all sorts of good

Oh jesus christ yes! Every dealer i have ever had, especially the niggers, have no concept of actual people time.Dealer - Yo I'll be there in 15, half hour later he texts, yo im heading your way, be there in 10, then another half hour later the same thing. Only decent one i have/had is a chick and as long as she is good, she is on time and fast

Why are you on pregabalin though?


wtf do you think retard?

I know the variety well. Had a good hookup for a while who was getting it from Chicago and it was the fire to end all fire...i miss that nig

Wannabe nigger detected

DxM is cool and all but the problem is that it turns you homosexual after the 50 trip "limit". This is a proven fact that even William E. White admitted to in the DXMFAQ. Tread lightly.

Have you never learned the concept of dealer time? If he says a time you multiply of 2-3 5 mins= 10-15 mins if you call him say your 5 mins away when your really 15 mins away

Same here and same brand, fifteen minutes ago I consumed 390mg

Lol here's how it goes for me:

Me: Where you at, can I come get a half?

Nig: yeah, come off blank street

Get there 10 minutes later

Call... "I'm sorry. The person you have called has a voice mail box that has not been set up yet." >God damnit

Call a few more times. No answer.

Finally answers 30 minutes of sitting there, "Where you at?"

"What do you mean where am I at? I'm at blank location you freaking told me to go to."

"AIGHT I'm fitna pull up there."

30 more minutes and calling every 10 minutes.

"AIGHT leave out of there and come to blank."

>My fucking god come on

Lol I've gone far past that "limit", which I never experienced any limit, and I'm very straight.

>takes him seriously

Oh yeah, i stay at home until 3x the quoted time has passed before i even head to the meet spot lol. A few times he showed early and i just said i had to run back home real quick

Even when my guy says "pulling up right now" it still means he won't be there for 20 more minutes.

>Inb4 "DXM" isnt a real drug
take 720 mg and you see what its really made of

For sure i have done that dance more times than i care to remember lol. How the fuck does their phone just mysteriously turn off for half hour or more after they talk to you and in that span of time they forget everything you discussed.

I forgot though i had one dude,he is my best friend now, but at the time i met him he was running shit for someone else. This dude was the most on time every time person i have ever met in my life. He would tell you..."Alright i'll be there in 6 and a half minutes" And this motherfucker showed up in 6 and a half minutes, or a little sooner...never later

closed minded troll, not everyone has issues. I just like the feeling.

it is a real drug... alone, it beats weed. together they beat xanax

Sure you don't like traps yet? It's okay, you can admit the truth here, this is a safe space.

He's clearly a faggot, who doesn't like traps?

I really don't know why they do this. But it fucking sucks sometimes because of all the gas that gets wasted driving and sitting there and chasing him around.

Also, it's a huge gamble to try to go through after 11 PM if me and my girl run out of shit earlier in the day because he will be like "bout to be there" and then will just stop answering for the rest of the night. One time we were withdrawing so bad that we literally called him 97 times in an hour and he just wouldn't answer.

He is our guy for H and roxy, but when we still did just roxy, we had 3 guys for that. So if one was pulling that kind of bullshit, we could just say fuck that and go through one of the others.

These 3 guys are awesome because unlike some morons, they NEVER got or sold any fake pills. After doing roxys for 4 years daily, you learn to spot even the good fakes instantaneously, no matter how "well" they are faked or pressed.

Xanax weed and Adderall. Every day.

I'm going to try Xanax for the first time with my girlfriend tonight.

I have some 0.5 pills. How much should I take and what should i expect?

For a first time, take 1-2 mg, so 2 to 4 of your pills.

they null eachother out last i checked. what dose are you taking? if you do it every day, how often do you steal things? clepto?

You won't remember much, but you will feel light and giggly but then probably just pass out. It is literally a memory eraser drug. Don't do too much.

Hi there

New to drugs?

---How to not Sup Forums retarded---

Sup Forums is a terrible place to ask for drug advice. Why? The opinions on Sup Forums are generally subjective, uneducated and ill-informed. If you’re a newfag to drugs you won’t be able to tell fact from fiction.

Drugs ARE dangerous, incredibly FUN, but dangerous... Here’s some facts: There is no drug on planet Earth without negative side effects. Anything you buy on the street is usually a gamble. Millions of people have died taking drugs and so could you, you’re not special.

Drugs are awesome, so educate yourself so you can enjoy them to the fullest.

For future drug inquiries try:


ALL the information you need will be there.

Or don’t follow my advice... I couldn’t give a fuck if you’re alive or dead tbh… but you probably do.

1 my and to be slightly tired. I take them for panic. Don't go high dose, it's not even fun. 1mg will chill you out. As for what to do, have sex and watch tv.
You're welcome

I would go with like 1.5, give her less. If youre over 200 pounds do 2.5, be a hero. 5mgish is the range where hallucinations, blackouts and hysterical maniacal laughter and behavior begin to set in. air feels really good when you're high on xanax so open a window beforehand


wrong advice. i could double or triple that and go to school and be fine. at 170 pounds.. 1 mg wont do shit, it's not an experience on it's own. minimum 1.5 imo on first time

Thanks guys.

Any interest in sex on Xanax or are you too chill to care?

Don't get anywhere near 5. 1mg for me and I weigh 230 pounds.

Dude. You will like ooze down onto the floor and just sit there and be fine. Im sure you could fuck but it's going to be exhausting. How much do you weigh?

Cool, I appreciate this too. I am not new to drugs, just Xanax in particular. I will definitely do more research other than just Sup Forums.

Genuinely appreciate the thought and the links.

Dude I did like 4.5mg when I was 13, my first time. it wasnt xanax, it was stronger. obviously it'll fuck you up. who the hel just wants to take 1mg and chill? thats boring. go hard

Just take 1mg each with a beer or a shot of liquor. Keep yourself awake though, it's easy to fall asleep on xanax.

I am gigantic (6' 4" and 290 pounds) and she is tiny (5' 2" and 105)

I have reservations for dinner. Should I wait to take it until afterwards?

>stronger than xanax
Nigga, that shit put you into a smal coma in 15 minutes. Stop acting all He-Man and shit.

That's what I do too user. It's nice

Really, erowid?

Fuck that dude, I do all of my drug research in academic journals. Fucking idiot thinking erowid is any better than Sup Forums for drug information.


You should take 2 mg man. I could handle more than that back in highschool.. she should take like 1-1.5 depends on how fucked up you want her to be.. as for waiting, it's up to you. you might find yourself becoming really hazy-eyed and monotoned; if you don't care for others to notice this then yes you should wait. Im not sure how food effects the high, probably just slightly. you don't seem like a pussy so don't take pussy advice. you probably wont be satisfied with less than 2 mg.

what? i was tripping for like 8 hours. only the first couple could I not walk for. the music, man. im not he man i just live differently

If having sex on a new drug EVER gets boring, it's time to break up and go to rehab.

>thinking erowid is any better than Sup Forums for drug information
>Fucking idiot

youre gonna wanna go to sleep after if you do that

strong kratom extract, kava, and some weed soon.

Yeah. Hence 1 mg and tv first. That's a fine end to a night.

Xanax is a lot of fun for me. You can use caffeine to keep yourself from passing out.

whatever. getting buzzed on benzos kind of sucks

I enjoyed Xanax the first time I tried it. Other HAND is, too, to an extent. Nowadays, I won't touch the shit. Just makes me fucking sleepy.

Other benzos*


yea but all im saying is you dont want the anxiety dose, you need stronger effects to enjoy it

No, I gotcha, just sharing my personal experience.

Anger and caffeine. Thats it. If i make it home i'll find the bottom of a bottle of rum.

word. did you ever steal on Xanax?

I am going to start soon, so I will start slow and see how it goes.

Thinking of starting with 1mg and then see if I want to go to 2 after a couple hours.

We are going to be with another couple and the girls are going to be making out, so I don't want to pass out for the show :)

are they hot? good idea btw, never known a problem with split/re dosing benzos. though beware tolerance skyrockets. faster than any drug i know of

Yes, they are hot.

Cool, I am planning on taking them tonight and may not ever take them again for all I know, thanks

Haha, from what I've pieced together and have been told, yes. But I don't count it as stealing... I apparently legitimately thought it was mine. Plus, I gave it back when I became convinced it wasn't mine.

im on 1l booze
feels normal man
praise the lord

Alcohol and codeine? How much of each?

Does sertralin count?
