Femanon here

Femanon here

When a guy tells me he's in love with me and wants me to be his girlfriend I instantly lose respect for him.

I'm cheating on my current boyfriend with 3 different guys, not counting the one night stands. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Other urls found in this thread:


seems legit

You're just a cunt and a whore.

Also, tits and timestamp or GTFO

Simple, you're a cunt.

You sound like a real cunt. Consider ending it all.

You're a cunt and i wish cancer upon you when you decide to settle down and have kids but your kids die of cancer before you so you experience more pain. KYS

I wish you were my girlfriend. I'd love to clean you after your dates.

Fucking cunt you should be burned on the stake

So this is what it's like to feel hatred for someone you don't even know...

Kill yourself

Iunno, you're immature? You have a cuck fetish? This is b8? Could be a lot of things.

Unconditional Love is the force that binds The Universe

fuck off you strange bottom of the barrel gene pool motherfucker. People like you should really kill yourself because you're a push over and will be forever weak.


Are the teeth in Op's image shooped?

Post tits.

Considering the kind of whore you claim to be, you should have no qualms.

Why do you have a pic of Hemoiny Granger?? Post ur self or gtfo


tits + timestamp or gtfo, you fat, ugly loner.

Its Emma Watson, op is fag looking for guy dick

Some people have this as a fetish man, don't judge something that you don't have experience in.

Isn't it the best?

Isn't that the expected behavior of a woman?

>> usspost.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Emma-Watson-Future-294x500.jpg

Op is fag posting emmawatson

No. That's how the teeth of all people who were born in England look like.

Thousands of years of fucking their cousins put a toll on their gene pool.

I once arm wrestled a chimpanzee

>When a guy tells me he's in love with me and wants me to be his girlfriend I instantly lose respect for him.

Honestly, I'm the same way. It's like I've won and the game is over.

why are her teeth so deformed?

But you're a push over and want your future gf or wife to be like that? are you really that mentally ill? she will be abused and shed be riding that cock all day when you're not around so when you do get your chance to put it in that manky wet diseased pussy you wont be touching the sides, She wont love you just love the fact you let her fuck other guys. You are pathetic

Someone pissed in your cheerio's didn't they?

>on Sup Forums

She's English.

>he hasn't seen a single pair of timestamped tits on Sup Forums yet.

"there's nothing wrong with you! you're just special! you're different to the other girls! they don't understand you!

Captain Obvious dot jpeg


tits or gtfo

you're a whore

i consider sex life as part, but not bound to the based relationship.

eating your favorite meal every day of every month of every year, gets you bored of it. even tho it was your favorite fucking thing you could possibly want to eat. i think that a responsable sex life away can do great good to a couple. as long as you can manage to get a decent amount of trust.

>implying you actualy feel love
>implying you actualy want to be in a relationship

otherwise get sex friends, or buy yourself a pile of dildos.

legit what is wrong with you? but also how many one night stands you had and how has 'boyfriend' not found out?

10/10 bait
Guaranteed replies.

Becuase you got what you wanted and their is nothing left to chase.

You probabaly shouldn't date and commit yourself to others for "love" and just enjoy yourself.

TLDR: you need to sit shown and evaluate what you think you should be doing vs what you actually NEED to be doing

this is some big failbait

You're not holding my dick, that's what's wrong with you.

The longer you wait to tell him, the more likely he is to kill you when he finds out. Enjoy!


>43 replies and counting
Can't argue with results.

You asked what's wrong with you?

Maybe the question you should be asking is what is actually right with you in your life?

Ask yourself that first.You'll probably be surprised where it leads.Good Luck slut ! :)

borderline personality disorder is my guess.

Either fucks a lot, or goes on Sup Forums

Can't do both

Nothing is wrong with you other than you are a female.

do you let him know or are you a fake slut cunt

no, I don't let him know. I do it behind his back because it's exhilarating.

If he knew and didn't dump me, I would dump him.

I mean do you show less love. not letting him know that you are cheating on hin

>What the fuck is wrong with me?

Well, for one thing you're just a common, basic bitch...

I get it. I love chasing pussy but once I get a bitch, I just wanna chase a different one. You just need a new challenge.

Instead of finding it exhilarating to fuck around on ur bf, make it ur goal to be a good enough lay that you can tell a guy ur fucking someone else and still have him stay. Then dump him cos he's a fag, but make that ur goal.

Also, stop being a whore. Or at least stop being a deceitful cunt while being a whore