David Fincher's Spider-Man

David Fincher's Spider-Man

>“My impression what Spider-Man could be is very different from what Sam [Raimi] did or what Sam wanted to do. I think the reason he directed that movie was because he wanted to do the Marvel comic superhero. I was never interested in the genesis story. I couldn’t get past a guy getting bit by a red and blue spider. It was just a problem… It was not something that I felt I could do straight-faced. I wanted to start with Gwen Stacy and the Green Goblin, and I wanted to kill Gwen Stacy.”

>“The title sequence of the movie that I was going to do was going to be a ten minute — basically a music video, an opera, which was going to be the one shot that took you through the entire Peter Parker [backstory]. Bit by a radio active spider, the death of Uncle Ben, the loss of Mary Jane, and [then the movie] was going to begin with Peter meeting Gwen Stacy. It was a very different thing, it wasn’t the teenager story. It was much more of the guy who’s settled into being a freak.”

>“I was asked if I might be interested in the first Spider-Man…” “I’m not interested in doing ‘A Superhero’. The thing I liked about Spider-Man was I liked the idea of a teenager, the notion of this moment in time when you’re so vulnerable yet completely invulnerable. But I wasn’t interested in the genesis, I just couldn’t shoot somebody being bitten by a radioactive spider – just couldn’t sleep knowing I’d done that.” … “I went in and told them what I might be interested in doing, and they hated it.”

Could this have been the ultimate kino?

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The "music video" approach sounds nice, the MCU should use it so we don't need to spend time covering old ground again.

It would have been amazing desu family.

Sounds retarded, maybe Fincher should leave writing to the writers

>>Could this have been the ultimate kino?

>James Cameron
So what could have been?

sounds kino as fuck, fincher's my favorite kino(mat)ographer though

Hey faggot, you're a no talent hack. The blood of Hicks, Newt, and Bishop. I hope you literally and figuratively get cancer, you presumed child rapist. You won't get the chance to ruin any more franchises you Zack Snyder predecessor.

Oh? And by the way, Fight Club sucked.

I mean, nobody likes origin stories, but if he literally cannot stomach even the idea of shooting Peter Parker being bitten by a radioactive spider, why does he want to do a Spider-Man movie to begin with?

There seems to be some kind of internalized disgust for the source material. I mean, I understand capeshit is inherently silly, but come on. Not every movie you make has to have Brad Pitt finding a severed head in a box, Dave.

Did you read that fucking script?

It was next level bad. Like, Catwoman bad.

you mean like this? :^)


I thought you wigwams adored Snyder?

I attempted and it had some good ideas which most kept in the 2002 film. It was bad but Jim hasn;t made a bad film he would have done it wonders

>Catwoman bad
You mean he was an ancient Egyptian Spider-God reincarnated and could summon spiders to do his bidding?

Sam Raimi was the right man for the job.

70's Spider-Man forever, and ever for the true geek that hates change, or modernization. YEAH! New shit is for pussies!

>I didn't like [one ridiculous infantile comic book bit], I wanted to do [a different ridiculous infantile comic book bit]
What a fucking twat

He was going to get there, but studios wanted venom.

Link senpai

>… It was not something that I felt I could do straight-faced.

What a pretentious dickwad.

Daily reminder that only Reddit thinks Cameron is a good writer

He's a good director and is very skilled on a technical level but his screenplays are dogshit, he's like a more normie-friendly George Lucas

True, Titanic and Avatar his most well known films both are uninspired and tired stories.

>its a "David Fincher talks about a pretentious retarded idea for something really simple" episode

Fincher and Snyder should team up. The resulting kino would be the end of this world.


i'll stick to based Joss "the cuck" Whedon and his generic flicks thank you very much

Jesus fuck does Fincher sound like an autistic fuck? "I think comic book movies are below me and Raimi is good but too cartoony. But if you paid me lots I'd do Spiderman with my shitty ideas and an obsession of Gwen Stacy's death. Etc etc"